June 2015 Moms


edited December 2014 in June 2015 Moms
Good morning ladies!! I'm officially on vacation but DH went to work and of course his alarm woke me up!!
So let's get this started!

How many weeks? Fruit/veggie?

Appointements? U/S? Follow-ups?

What's grinding your gears? (Pregnancy related)

GTKY: what's your favorite part of the gathering of family for Christmas?
And if you're Jewish, do you have Christmukka (sp?)?

Edit: typos and add veggie
Me 29 DH 38
Married 07.01.2011
TTC #1 BFP 09.28.2014 EDD 06.07.2014
imageBabyFetus Ticker


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    How many weeks?/ fruit? 17 wks!!! Onion, not really a fruit but ok!

    Appointements? U/S? Follow-ups? Not until next year ;-) i have my a/s on jan 19th!! Can't wait!

    What's grindibg your gears? (Pregnancy related) I do!'t like my short temper. I wish things didn't get in my nerves so quickly! I'm trying to be patient, but it's not really working... Poor DH! And the hairs in odd places!

    GTKY: what's your favorite part of the gathering of family for Christmas?
    And if you're Jewish, do you have Christmukka (sp?)? I love the time spent as a family, the laughs and the surprise on my niece's face when she opens gifts!
    Me 29 DH 38
    Married 07.01.2011
    TTC #1 BFP 09.28.2014 EDD 06.07.2014
    imageBabyFetus Ticker

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    @mrscampos4life‌ I'm 17 weeks today and have my a/s scheduled jan 19th too!

    How many weeks?/ fruit?
    17 weeks apparently I have an onion inside me!

    Appointements? U/S? Follow-ups?
    No appointments this week.

    What's grindibg your gears? (Pregnancy related)
    These daily headaches. Every day I get home from work and without fail within An hour the throbbing pain hits. Caffeine and Tylenol do nothing for me.

    GTKY: what's your favorite part of the gathering of family for Christmas?
    And if you're Jewish, do you have Christmukka (sp?)?
    I just love catching up with family and singing and dancing and of course all the Food! Being Mexican we always have some homemade tamales and posole! My favorites!
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    tiffbot1985tiffbot1985 member
    edited December 2014
    16 weeks!! I didn't even look yet but I think from reading other ticker changes it's avocado!

    20 week appt/U/S is Jan 19!

    My patience is so much less than it used to be, and I'm generally a very patient person so I find it very frustrating.

    CHRISTMAS!! I love so much about it. The family supper time is pretty awesome, but maybe I'll go with the general we are all hanging out and just chill/playing games. Also last year we started having Christmas morning at our house just the 3 of us and I now very much look forward to that time together!
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    @moz3518‌ i love tamales!!! But my friend is from Guatemala, I guess they might be different! Dh is from Argentina so there is no tamales there, they are so missing out!

    @tiffbot1985‌ maybe I should put fruit/veggie!
    Me 29 DH 38
    Married 07.01.2011
    TTC #1 BFP 09.28.2014 EDD 06.07.2014
    imageBabyFetus Ticker

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    How many weeks?/ fruit? 17 weeks, also in the fruit-not-fruit category with our little onion!

    Appointements? U/S? Follow-ups? A/S on jan 13... Doc called yesterday and said my second set of blood work came back negative for all so that's really exciting as I've been having so serious anxiety lately!

    What's grinding your gears? (Pregnancy related). These damn headaches really grind my gears. Ugh, I think I've figured out the solution to get rid of them but I get so annoyed bc I can't sleep in bc of them

    GTKY: what's your favorite part of the gathering of family for Christmas? It's just me and my husband this year for Xmas since our families are across the country. We are moving home in March so it didn't make sense to make a ton of trips. Excited to spend it with just him though since its out last Xmas as just us!
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    Good morning!!

    How many weeks?/ fruit?
    14 weeks- hello second trimester!!!
    Baby is a lemon! (But a lot sweeter I'm sure)

    Appointments? U/S? Follow-ups?
    I go back the 8th, but my a/s is February 6th. Trying to learn some patience. I want to know what's in there!

    What's grinding your gears? (Pregnancy related) up until this past week I've been fine, but now I've been having some serious meat aversions. STOP IT!

    GTKY: what's your favorite part of the gathering of family for Christmas?
    And if you're Jewish, do you have Christmukka (sp?)?
    Spending time with the people we love is amazing. We live a minimum of 2 hours from any family so we don't see them very often. The whole 4 Christmases thing is very tiring, but I'm thankful for the families we have and the time we get to spend with them.

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays everyone!
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    We are 15 weeks here - an orange (that needs cloves for Christmas).

    Next appointment with midwife is 1/13, and anatomy scan will come soon after. We'll do AFP screen/draw sometime next week, too.

    What's grinding my gears is that we are STILL waiting on Harmony screening results from 12/11. They had to use my second vial of blood too, and I'm terrified it will come back inconclusive :( Waiting is bad, but even worse over the holidays. Also, morning sickness redux at 14 weeks? No thank you!!

    GTKY: My favorite thing is sitting at the table after dinner, just catching up and talking, spending time with some of the people I love most. This year, also looking forward to Santa tracking with my nieces!

    Wishing you all happy holidays filled with love and lots of little miracles!!
    Crazy Bird ~ Can't wait to meet this egg!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Dx PCOS September 2014
    Medicated + monitored cycle: Clomid/Ovidrel trigger (9/22)
    BFP 10/9/14!!

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    14th week/lemon.

    No appointments until January.

    Grinding my gears: insomnia and being starving all the time... This is not a good time of year to be starving all the time. I think I'm gaining weight based purely on cookies.

    Christmas x3! My family, his family, extended family! Very excited, b/c we will be announcing at each one!
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    How many weeks? Fruit/veggie? I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow!!! Baby will be the size of a lemon and the second trimester will officially start. So excited!

    Appointements? U/S? Follow-ups? I had my 12 week checkup last week and we heard a beautiful heartbeat at 158 bpm.

    What's grinding your gears? Having to pee in the middle of the night. I'm just not used to it and I'm a sissy in the winter. Hate being cold! (Pregnancy related)

    GTKY: what's your favorite part of the gathering of family for Christmas? I love my family but my husband's family Christmas is so fun and relaxing. His mom always makes a traditional Mediterranean feast. Look forward to it every year!!
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    How many weeks? Fruit/veggie? 16 weeks Avocado!

    Appointments?I had mine on Monday my uterus is huge even the midwife as surprised. Next appointment/ultrasound are 4 weeks from today.

    What's grinding your gears? Our insurance just decided to drop maternity care for out of network providers. Which means if we stick with the birth center, that we have become so comfortable with, we have to pay it all ourselves. So now we are waiting to see if there is any chance that they can get approved for in network by our insurance it's a difference of $6,000 out of pocket and $1,000. Which is also $6,000 Is what our out of pocket would be if we switched to the hospital with and OBGYN. Stupid insurance!!!

    GTKY: favorite part of the gathering of family for Christmas? We all play our guitars and sing music! It is such a blast!
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    How many weeks?  Fruit/Veggie?  16 weeks - Avocado

    Appointments?  I had an appointment on Monday and everything looks good.  I didn't like the midwife I saw this week (but I wasn't too fond of her when I was pregnant with DD either).

    US?  I won't have an US until I'm 22 weeks :(  I thought I would get my anatomy scan at my next appointment but apparently my office doesn't do them until 22 weeks.  Boo!

    Grind my gears?  See above about not getting my next US for another 6 weeks.  I'm also annoyed that I'm already waddling.  I didn't have the waddle this early with DD.  I thought had at least a couple more months of "normal walking."

    GTKY - Favorite part of Christmas gathering is just hanging out with my family.  We all get along great and there is never any drama (unlike with the in-laws).  I really enjoy the relaxing time!
    #1 BPF 4/10/2011 Born 12/9/2011
    #2 BFP 9/25/2014 EDD 6/10/2015


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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    14 weeks and a lemon today!

    Next appt is Jan 6th. No u/s until 18-20 weeks.

    Nothing in particular is grinding my gears right now. I'm so happy to be on break from school!

    Gtky- I love giving gifts to other people so I can't wait to have them open presents later! H and I were supposed to be in Disney right now, but we cancelled to be responsible. I'm a little bummed over it but it'll be nice to just lay on my couch and do nothing!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    16 weeks/avocado today

    Had an appointment on Monday, just updated my medical history with stuff I didn't know, and got to hear the heart beat again.
    Next appointment is Jan. 26th, I'm ready to see the baby again!

    Don't know if it's pregnancy/normal road rage/or just since it's Christmas Eve, but the slow people were everywhere today. On a good note, I'm planning on telling Facebook after I'm done typing this post.

    Holidays aren't as fun as they use to be. We had a family we always did Thanksgiving & Christmas with, they moved a few years ago so now it's just my parents & me. Looking forward to the next few years of hopefully getting to combine holidays with my family & the boyfriend's family.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    14 Weeks - Lemon

    No appointments until after the new year.  But I did get my Harmony results - low risk :)

    How about the subconjunctival hemorrhage (ruptured vessel) in my eye from vomiting so much!  Just in time for holiday and announcement photos.

    Having family all in one place is pretty special.  

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    Oh no @Lexibizzel‌ that's horrible! I hope it clears up soon, and that the nausea goes away fast!! Hopefully the second tri is better!
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    Ah thanks @rachelleck.  Luckily it isn't painful and everyone 'claims' it isn't noticeable.
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