2nd Trimester

19 weeks. 20 week scan Wednesday

So this is my first post,first baby and im now 19weeks still havent felt flutters or movement unless i havent been aware so far. Saw my midwife last week who told me my sample looked a bit concetrated as im guessing accorrding to my books it means drink more water, she followed on by saying there was nothing to worry about when i asked if there should be anything i should be concerned about and said i should feel the baby move in a couple of weeks. I didnt get to hear my banya heart beat and she said she wont start listening it until January which didnt really give me any piece of mind so i purchased a Angel Sounds Heart Monitor and tested it against me and my partners heart beat first then found a really fast one and what could only be described as something swimming in my tummy possible having a party, i have heard you could pick other sounds up could this be my baby?? Or could i have a dancing stomach as it sounds like i swallowed a fish thats having a ball. There was no signs of anything wrong at my first scan and he or shes heart was beating away which he or she put up there hand as to say go away im busy cheeky monkey. Im a bit nervous about my 20 weeks scan any advice on how to stay carm on wednesday would be great even if its to say snap out of it dummy you'll be fine i suffer from aniexty you see and i guess having your first baby is a bit scary. Xxx

Re: 19 weeks. 20 week scan Wednesday

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    I did read about this and thought it could be the case as it did make me wonder if i can hear the heart beat and things, well if it is the heart beat and the little one dancing around then how on earth can i not feel it with it being so active in that tummy of mine, im sure if i have one of those they will tell my Wednesday at my scan is it posdible i can request to hear the heart beat just to put what im hearing on my doppler to what they pick up on thier scan just for a bit of peace of mind?? I know with pregnancy being patient is one thing you must do but i feel as tho January is a bit of a wait away to hear the little one when i cant feel him or her. Xx
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    I don't think it's abnormal to have not felt movement at 19 weeks with your first. Even if you don't have anterior placenta it's still early. I didn't feel movement till after 20 weeks with my first. Your LO is still pretty small so I really wouldn't worry about that.

    I have no experience with the Doppler as I've never used one myself. I figured I would freak myself out not knowing how to use it properly. I would ask her to use the Doppler at your next appt. I can't imagine why they'd say no to that.
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    I find it a bit odd your MW hasn't listened to your baby's heartbeat at an appointment yet, mine has been checking since 12 weeks. It sounds like a galloping horse to me. I didn't hear my LO's heartbeat at my 20 week anatomy scan but could see the heart pumping away (my tech was very good about pointing out what she was looking at as she went) and the tech told my what the heart rate was when she pulled it up on the screen. You'll be just fine at your ultrasound.


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    The doppler you have will never detect a fetal heartbeat that early. You need to order a better one. I have the sonoline b fetal doppler. I have an anterior placenta and have been able to hear my sons heartbeat since 14 weeks. Its pretty much exactly what the dr. uses at the office. A perk too....you dont have to purchase one. You can rent it as well.
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