May 2015 Moms

Changing your mind about finding out the sex?

Hello everybody. I have been team green since day 1 because I honestly don't care about the sex, I just want a healthy baby. I had an ultrasound yesterday at 18 weeks due to my past history of bleeding and although I mentioned that I didn't want to know, I may have gotten a peek.

I would be fine with still not finding out for sure, but I made the mistake of mentioning it to my husband that I think we are having a girl. I am now thinking about finding out next week at our AS if the baby cooperates because I don't want my husband to fall in love with the idea of a daughter if it will be a son.

Wwyd? I know that it ends up being a matter of personal opinion and that it honestly doesn't matter, but for some reason I feel like if I find out after deciding not to that i failed somehow. Silly, I know but it had been weighing on me since yesterday. My husband says he doesn't care, but he is now callling the baby a girl.

Thanks for reading!
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Changing your mind about finding out the sex?

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    At least in my last BMB, a lot of team greeners bailed at the last minute and wanted to find out. It definitely doesn't make you a failure. At your a/s you can always have the tech write the sex on a piece of paper and give it to you afterwards. Then you can continue to decide together if you want to find out or not. Although, I must say that would be the end all for me because there's no way I'd be able to hold on to a piece of paper. :)


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    I'm really not interested in finding out, but my husband is.  I think in your case, it might be better to find out.  You said it might be a girl, you wouldn't want to go through your whole pregnancy thinking girl only to have a boy, would you?  I imagine thinking one thing and seeing another would be a little disappointing, even if you just want a healthy baby.  

    That came off a lot meaner than I meant it to sound.  I wasn't aiming to sound nasty, but I can't seem to word things right today.

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    I get what you all are saying and that is how I think I feel inside. I would hate to be let down, i guess. Well, thanks a bunch for the input! My husband and I have a decision to make!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I initially wanted to be team green. Hubby said he wanted to know (AS 12.16.14) but now he says if baby is shy, we can just wait till delivery. Gah! I justified wanting to find out before because it's our first and I like to "prepare", plus all our family lives 500 miles away, so it's a consideration for them so they can buy gifts, but then again, I don't want everyone to give us a ton of hand me down clothes if they kno the sex and cheap out on the "big" necessary confused!!!

    PS: Everyone is convinced it's a boy for no particular reason, myself included
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