February 2014 Moms

Mevaroo & Etsy

MissDemeanorMissDemeanor member
edited November 2014 in February 2014 Moms
Who thinks Mevaroo is amazing, and should open her own Etsy store?
F14 Siggy Challenge

Mevaroo & Etsy 78 votes

I think she's totally amazing and talented, and should have her own store
37% 29 votes
Yes! She's awesome. And then she could sew and have alone time and it would be "work"
30% 24 votes
I can't WAIT to buy stuff from her store
20% 16 votes
Maybe this could be Mevaroo's new years resolution?
6% 5 votes
SSPA (super special poll answer)
5% 4 votes

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