October 2014 Moms

Anxious about Thanksgiving?

is anyone else feeling anxious about LO being around so many people for Thanksgiving? My family decided to just do my immediate family and DH's immediate family tomorrow to keep it low-key but we're doing "Thanks Again" on Friday with all of my aunts, uncles and cousins - kind of defeated the purpose of Thursday! LO is the first baby, so I'm worried they'll want to pass her around even though I'm not comfortable with it. I feel so selfish! Anyone else?
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Re: Anxious about Thanksgiving?

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    My LO has literally been getting passed around since day one. At first it bothered me but at this point It's kind of nice to get a break. As long as no one is sick and everyone washes their hands it should be ok. But if you're not comfortable with it you're well within your rights to keep LO to yourself. Its not selfish, you're just being protective.

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    I'm not nervous--actually I feel bad for everybody else because WE are the outbreak monkeys... all four of my family has a bad cold, baby included. We have been on self-quarantine since last weekend and I can't wait to get out of this house.

    Babywearing is your friend, as other posters have mentioned! Good luck!
    Me: 31  ~  Copilot: 37  ~  Our son: 3/25/11 ~ Our daughter: 10/5/14
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    Another vote for babywearing!! ;)
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    No. My DD is such a germ factory that LO can't be exposed to anything worse than he gets from his sister. Yuck.
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    If you don't want someone to hold her just say no. I never understood why this was a problem. Maybe my family is more relaxed but I don't mind when they hold the baby and they are always good about me saying no.
    Lilypie - (JrNi)

    Lilypie - (y35Q)

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    Thanks everyone. I do think I probably just need to chill out and know that my family will be respectful if I decide I don't want everyone holding her. Throwing my boba wrap in my diaper bag too!
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    Cantisa said:

    Emerald27 said:

    If you don't want someone to hold her just say no. I never understood why this was a problem. Maybe my family is more relaxed but I don't mind when they hold the baby and they are always good about me saying no.

    I have been learning how to do this slowly. It's rough because when DS fusses, my mom or MIL reaches out her arms to take him and try to soothe him. But I know that'll just make him cry more, and I can't stand not snuggling him when he's crying. I started saying, "that's alright. I'll handle it. I can't bear not to hold him when he cries.", and I assert myself when I need to.
    Why do people do this? "Let me try" like no ! I'm her mother? Plus my dd really only cries when she's hungry and I am bf.
    MIL was doing this the other day. She insisted that LO was crying because she was cold and not hungry because she "just ate". But really it had been about an hour and a half and she was going through her 6 week growth spurt. I'm her mom, I know when she's hungry, just let her eat!

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    Survived Thanksgiving #1. Only had to leave the room once when MIL grabbed LO and the bottle out of my hand just as I was about to feed her. I went upstairs and pumped. When I came back 15 minutes later she said "she must have been hungry- she gulped they down fast!" even though I had JUST explained to her how to do paced bottle feeding. Oh well.
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