Cloth Diapering


I have a bread machine recipe that I love. How hard would it be to make it into rolls? Could I use a muffin tin to make them a little more uniform?



Re: Rolls

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    You should just be able to use the dough setting on your bread machine. If your dough rises twice, let it go through one rise setting in the machine, then take it out, punch it down, and shape into rolls. Place them in the pan, then let rise again, then bake.

    You don't need to use a muffin tin. Just grease a 9x13 pan and place the dough balls in that. They will bake together and you can pull them apart. 
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    How big should I make them? How do I get them to be even?


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    I was really hoping this thread would be full of awesome gifs like the ham thread. I really loved that thread.

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    How big should I make them? How do I get them to be even?
    Divide your dough in half. then each piece in half again. Then each of those (quarters) into 3 balls.
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    @SuperTinkerham‌ I wanted to post a pic of L's rolls but I've been too busy watching my need to be productive duke it out with my incredible distractibility. And I just noticed your SN ends in ham, so now I'm hungry.


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    =)) SAK! and bonus points bc that baby is weaRing cloth lol

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