August 2015 Moms

Skincare Recs while PREGGO?

I am 30 with baby #1 and over the moon excited! I love to take great care of my skin! It is acne prone. I know there are a lot of No No's with skincare products while pregnant. Anyone have any must have products to use on your face will pregnant, from moisturizers, serums, under eye creams, or masks?

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Re: Skincare Recs while PREGGO?

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    benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid you cannot use during pregnancy, which majority of skincare products contain.
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    The antibacterial cetaphil soap bar is literally the ONLY things that helps me.   I use their regular lotion as well when needed.  I also have a facial brush (not a fancy clarisonic or even electric, though I really want one!) and I use it everyday.  It exfoliates without drying my skin out.
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    Thanks for posting this. I am breaking out like crazy!
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    Awesome thanks for posting! Put the Clarisonic on your Xmas list!! It's worth every dollar. My skin would be a mess without it!
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    I will have to check Aveda skincare products out! Was only aware of hair product line. Thanks!!
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    I use basis and cetaphyl restoraderm.
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    Don't take accutane. Other than that, your face cream isn't going to hurt baby. I used clean and clear all over my body per my derms reccomendations when I was pregnant with my son. He's perfect :)
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    Some doctors will say it is no problem to use benzoyle peroxide and salicylic acid while pregnant and some will say you shouldn't. They are both Category C (Risk cannot be ruled out) drugs. I asked my dermatologist and he suggested Azelaic acid cream which is a Category B (No evidence of risk in humans). I don't think the amount you put on your face will really have any kind of detrimental affect to your baby, but if you are concerned, there are things you can use.
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    kcoffman14kcoffman14 member
    edited December 2014
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    I like belli skincare. They actually thought about scents which aren't supposed to make nausea worse. 
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    My previous skincare products contained retinols and salicylic acid which are apparently off limits. The biggest thing that made me switch though is that they all of a sudden started smelling like I was putting Comet on my face. I'm now using Andalou products and they are really great. They make my skin feel fantastic and they smell amazing. I tried them on the advice of the skin care consultant in Whole Foods. I've only been using them for two weeks but I've already had a number of people commenting on how great my skin looks.
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    With my DS, I put coconut oil on my belly in the morning and at night, I also added lavender oil at night. It really helped later in the pregnancy to calm my DS to down at night so I could get some sleep. (Not as much rib punching then)

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    Finacea is an anti-inflammatory and will help to reduce breakouts and Mirvaso will reduce the redness in acne pimples for 12 hours. Both are Rx and category dermatologist gave me samples. As for cetaphil, their website says they have a baby line now. Hooray!
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