Cloth Diapering

Intro and Stash Critique Please

Hi Ladies!

I have been a long time lurker on this board so I want to introduce myself, hopefully get your expert opinions on my newborn stash and start participating in convos.

Baby #4 is due in Feb. My older kids are 10, 7, and 5 and I never considered CDs before but they make so much sense environmentally and financially!! I'm super excited to get started :-)

After a ton of research I am hoping my newborn stash makes sense. I have purchased some items and hoping to buy the rest shortly. Any opinions or advice greatly appreciated! My plan is to do laundry minimum of every 2 days.

6 GMD orange workhorses
6 GMD orange prefolds
6 Osocozy size 1 prefolds
6 Imagine Birdseye flats
1 Imagine bamboo fitted
1 Imagine AIO
3 Blueberry Simplex
2 GroVia AIO
4 RaR Little Joeys

3 Blueberry mini coveralls
2 RaR newborn covers
2 Bummis size small covers

4 Thirsties hemp inserts
4 Nicki's bamboo inserts

2 pail liners
2 wet bags
66 cloth wipes
3 Snappi
4 diaper pins
2 CJ's Butt Butter sticks (one large and a smaller one for the diaper bag)

Sorry this is so long. Happy Sunday! TIA :-)

Re: Intro and Stash Critique Please

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    That's exactly why I only plan on starting with a few of each. Once I have a better idea of what works best for us I'll order more and resell what doesn't.

    Good call on the laundry! I hadn't thought of that. Thanks!
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    Random input, but I love the Nicki's bamboo doublers. I had the issue where my 3 week old started needing extra absorbency but everything I added was so bulky. I got one in a size small and it was perfect. I may get larges now but need to do some measuring as I need them to fit in his diapers now not later. I put it towards the front anyway so either size helps add absorbency without bulk.
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    Brandiewine11Brandiewine11 member
    edited November 2014
    Looks pretty good. Just FYI the little joeys are really tiny and lasted us about 3 weeks. I didn't have a big baby. He came home around 7lbs. You may want to only get 2 of those? The simplex will last MUCH longer (we used for 12 weeks). Also the joeys took forever to dry.

    Eta; you also might want something besides cjs for rashes. It's a great barrier but not so great when there is already a rash. We use grandma el's.
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    Thanks ladies! I don't know anyone who uses cloth diapers IRL so your input has been extremely helpful!

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