August 2014 Moms

Whine Time!

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Re: Whine Time!

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    OMG I have had the worst pain in my lady parts the past couple of nights. I know it's just ligaments stretching but goodness!!! Sometimes I grab at my parts like I'm a man when the pain comes on and my husbands says "what the hell is wrong with you?!?" Then we end up laughing..... :)
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    I've been having contractions all night but they aren't picking up or getting closer together, just annoying and accompanied by a backache. I was sure I was going to go early this whole pregnancy but now I'm convinced I'll go over, even though I still have a week left before my due date. As grateful as I am that this little guy has stayed in as long as he has, I would very much like him to come sooner rather than later!
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    I haven't been having any contractions still. Over the past 3 weeks I think I've had 3-4 that could be considered painful. LO is riding this gravy train to the end I guess.
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    I'm to the point where I'm too tired and sore to do the cleaning I need to do, but too uncomfortable to sit still.
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    The hip pain! It was downright right ridiculous last night! I was hobbling like a lil hunched over old lady with arthritis in her hips every time I had to get up to go to the bathroom (6 times). Maybe I overdid it with the cleaning today, but I felt fine until I stopped.
    BFP #1 12/19/13 We lost our Fenix 7/31/14 at 36 weeks due to torn umbilical cord
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    My Chart TTA until Feb 2015
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    I was falling asleep laying on DH's chest last night and baby girl kicked me so hard in the side I accidentally grabbed a fistful of DH's skin and squeezed. So I guess this is more a pain for him lol
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    While nursing DS I started cramping up really bad. Waiting for the pain meds to kick in and it's taking forever!

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    My 3 hour visit to labor and delivery to test my blood pressure and pee cost $1200 and my insurance hasn't been processing any claims since June since my work is in the middle of changing up plans. I'm a little paranoid because they know that I'm resigning my position (as a teachers assistant). Need to call some people Monday. 


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    @SherryBaby2014‌ OMG I'm sorry! My health care plan changed too (def not as bad as your situation) and I'm being charged co-pay for my no stress tests -3 weeks ago it was covered under preventative care and now suddenly it's not. I'll be making some calls as well to see if the L&D amount changed. I'm scrrrd...
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers Teacher 2007 * Wife 2011 * Proud A14 Momma * Seattle, WA
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    My hip and pelvic pain SUCKS.  My hips feel like they're popping out of place all of the time... it's so weird.  Now my knees have decided to join the fun, and every morning when I wake up, they are super achy.  It's probably from spending too much time on the ground assembling shit for the nursery, but still... it blows.

    Also, my husband mocks my "waddle" and the fact that my belly button is getting weird/sticking out at the top.  I want to slap him.
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    I woke up with a pinched nerve in my neck! :'( it hurts like hell and I can't get into the chiropractor until Monday. It's going to be a long, miserable weekend.
                    We're Going to be a Family of 5!

    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

                                   Lilypie - (2q9u)

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    Had contractions all day yesterday that become strong at 5 min apart for over a minute long. Called the hospital as I'm a FTM and didnt want to come in too early. They encouraged me to come but never progressed so we got sent home. Continued having 4-5 min apart contractions until about 3 am when they slowly disappeared and just turned into one huge ache. Feeling stupid and frustrated. It felt like the real thing and when I asked the nurse about when I should come in next time she just said the contractions should feel stronger, cant talk through them, etc. Thats pretty much why we came in! So I guess next time I need to be incapacitated before going in?? I thought I had a high pain tolerance but now I feel like a wimp.
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    Adding to the list of pains (hips, back, crotch, etc) is now my ass. Yep. Don't know if sitting at the movies last night did it or what but holy hell it hurts. Every time I try to sit my tailbone digs in and a pain shoots through my crack and left butt cheek. For gods sake I thought the other pains were enough, why did this feel the need to plague me as well?! :(

    After 6 losses, we are so happy to have our rainbow baby!

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    I have a really painful sore throat and have been coughing so hard my body hurts. To top it off last night after taking my prenatal vitamins I threw up, which also hurt.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Still trying to power through my cold. I've had to take quite a bit of Tylenol which annoys me but the aches and pains got worse due to this bitch of a cold and so I've had no choice. :((

    First BFP: 12/16/13
    EDD: 08/23/14
    Baby BOY born: 08/29/14
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    I am tired of being sick.  I've been sick for almost 2 weeks now with a cold that turned into a sinus infection.  I've been on 2 different antibiotics and Friday night I started with a fever.  I ended up spending 5+ hours in triage yesterday because I was dehydrated and my pulse was high.  1.5 bags of fluid later and I was doing a bit better, but my muscles are still sore to the point that I can't move and I am sleeping literally all day.  This is not working with a full time job and a very active 18 month old.  
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Lightening crotch- omfg sometimes I have to go sit down and get her the hell off my cervix so I have a little releif.
    IAmPregnant Ticker}
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    jenniferursjenniferurs member
    edited July 2014
    I'm tired of vomiting, which I've been doing consistently for 8 months now. I'm tired of being worthless, as any time I try to get anything accomplished, I start sweating profusely and get so lightheaded and dizzy that I'm forced to sit down. And I'm tired of being tired.

    This newfound rectal pain is super fun too.
    I'm being featured in a new pregnancy/motherhood blog during the month of October, so if you ever wanted to know more about my pregnancy, birth, and motherhood experiences than anyone ever should, check out my posts in the link below! :)

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    I have crazy gingivitis again! I'm brushing and flossing twice a day and I have been this entire pregnancy, but for the last week my gums have been super swollen and sore and bloody all the time. Blegh!
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    Diarrhea. Ugh






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    MC03MC03 member
    Stop it with the contractions already!!! I am scheduled for a c section Friday!! I am not supposed to have to deal with this shit! That was the deal!
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    cdsenocdseno member
    The constant false labor, period-like cramps, backache, diarrhea, hemorrhoids.....I need a margarita!!!!
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    I hurt.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker} Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I already whined but I'm going to whine some more. I am just miserable today! I can't seem to get comfortable at all, I am so tired (aren't we supposed to get a boost of energy toward the end?!) And for the last few hours I have been a little nauseous. Just don't feel on my game today (at least my normal pregnancy game anyway). Can this please be over!
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    RacllaRaclla member
    Work tomorrow is going to suck.
    Married April 12
    DD June 13
    #2 EDD 8/8/14 - DS July 14
    2 Furry Kids - 
    Rosco: The most awesome pug ever.
    Pumpkin: The most non-catlike cat ever.  
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    Dear Allergies, I understand it's that time of year but it really hurts to sneeze like a-lot .

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    Hahaha! I was like wtf?? Good reminder.
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     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    This makes me wish I had jumped on the board during my actual pregnancy!
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    Hah, thanks for the reality check @lappyfoinker‌. I wasn't participating then but this brought back memories of pregnancy!
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    I was here then but I didn't comment. Probably because my swollen, fat fingers had a hard time typing.
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I really wish I had participated during my pregnancy but I was scared to! Don't know why.
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