Attachment Parenting

Bed sharing and bed time questions

My daughter is almost two. For the majority of her life, we've shared a bed. I had her in a crib in her own room, but then a vacation and hot summer weather altered our sleeping arrangement. I want to get her back in her own room, but the only method that worked in the past was CIO and I'm not sure right now is the right time to try that again.

My main questions are:
How does your nighttime routine work? What is your bed time, for LO and yourself?

I feel like DD is awake all night. I recently read that the actual time (like she should be sleeping by 8 pm) she sleeps is as important as how many hours of sleep she's actually getting. I'm a night owl, awake till at least midnight every night and sometimes I work as late as 11:30 pm. She doesn't/can't fall asleep at night without me. I'd like to change that.

I'm going through a divorce, and she doesn't stay with her dad overnight. We are currently living with my parents, but we each could have our own rooms.
Thanks for any suggestions! 

Re: Bed sharing and bed time questions

  • TBH, my first thought was that you might want to just continue cosleeping since there are other changes going on in your LO's life-- maybe it's better if you don't change up her familiar routine too much right now.

    i have a night-owl 2-year-old as well. he also will not go to sleep without DH or myself in bed with him (and sometimes he wants both of us there). generally he goes to sleep around 10 or 10:30. he still nurses, but won't nurse to sleep anymore. me and/or DH get in bed with him around 9:30 or 10. at this point we basically tell him it's time for bed, then lie there with him with the lights off until he stops squirming and goes to sleep. sometimes we get back up, but usually we both go to sleep shortly after. DS takes a long nap at daycare (2 hours) and generally sleeps 8 hours a night. he had never been a big sleeper, and he has adjusted himself to be on our later-to-bed-later-to-rise type of schedule-- which is okay with us.

    you could try putting a crib or twin mattress on the floor in your bedroom next to your bed, then help her fall asleep on it, and get up afterwards. then you could gradually move it further away from from your bed until you've transitioned her into her own room. the dr. karp "twinkle interuptus" technique has always sounded promising to me- you put your LO in her bed, then say "i just have to go brush my teeth (or whatever), i'll be right back." so you go away and come back in 1 minute. then you keep stretching the amount of time that you're away until they basically get so bored they fall asleep on their own. ;)

    there are some good, general tips in this article:

    there are lots of old threads on toddler sleep if you go back a few pages.

    my DS is so willful that we've given up getting him out of our bed for now. ;) he has his own toddler bed in our room, and we're hoping someday we'll get him to sleep in it. but we both work F/T and are pretty spent by the end of the day, so this is the path of least resistance for us.

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