June 2015 Moms


Anyone experiencing very, very intermittent brown spotting? (and usually only when I wipe) I know it's not red or clotting and shouldn't be scary but it's my first and today marks 6 weeks. I just wanted some reassurance from a person not conflicting views on the Internet. :-S

Re: Spotting

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    Yup had brown spotting around 6 weeks. Lasted for a few days and now its gone. Doctor til me its normal. I wouldn't worry unless it because heavy or bright red.
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    I had some pinkish brown spotting yesterday.  It's so hard not to worry, but it's probably nothing.  Like PP said, it's usually only a concern if it's red or enough to warrant wearing a pad.
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    Thank you so much. I'm going to go broke buying pregnancy tests because I want to make sure everyday LOL. They didn't schedule me for my first US until 8 weeks. That wait is agonizing.
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    Ive been spotting red(after sex), pink, and brown all week. My nurse said as long as its not getting heavier and Im not having horrible cramping its normal. I am assuming its just an irritable cervix.

    .Became a mama to my sweet little boy after 3 years of waiting and praying in October '12. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Miscarried twins from our first IUI cycle. D&C on August 14th, 2014
    Second IUI cycle: BFP
    Beta #1 (13dpiui): 74 Beta #2 (16dpiui): 505 Beta #3 (18dpiui): 1205
    First Ultrasound- 6w2d 110BPM! Our baby has a heartbeat!!
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    I had a gush of blood yesterday, dark red (about 1/4 cup) and headed to the ER.  Hormones looked good, cervix was closed, and ultrasound showed little bean measuring 6wk 2days and heart rate at 114.  So scary!!  Going to the OB on Thurs to have hormones checked again to make sure all is well.  I'm really hoping I don't loose my little bean!  No bleeding today, praying everything yesterday was a fluke...
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    cmcards83cmcards83 member
    edited October 2014
    @MegaNagle This is my first rodeo and on Saturday night I experienced what felt like discharge. When I went to the restroom, upon wiping I experienced pinkish red blood, so much so that it was also in the toilet. My heart sank! Since Saturday it's been brownish discharge occurring only intermittently (no more red) and I was notified by my doctor that it's common in the first trimester. As long as it's not accompanied with cramps and doesn't get any heavier or more frequent. I've rested and taken it pretty easy this week and have kept my mind busy. My doctor didn't seem concerned so I won't either. Stressing myself out won't do me any favors and I'm leaving it all in God's hands. :-) Just want you to know you're not alone. 
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    Phew! It's so sad to see all the ladies leaving the group. My EDD is June 24. I'll be 35 in Feb so I was getting nervous. I'm going to relax. A massage is in order for sure. THANKS!
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    I also went to the Dr. today after noticing light brown discharge. I have lost my last two pregnancies in early (6 weeks and 8 weeks) miscarriages. Because of my history, my Dr. performed an US. Baby was measuring on target (8w3d) and everything looked fine (HB 133). My Dr. said it could just be a fluke and too take it easy for a few days (I work in a Cardiac Cath Lab, which is very physically demanding) and hopefully everything will be fine. Good luck to you!!!
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    I had some red bleeding today (8 weeks tomorrow). I'm hoping it's just that weird missed period thing, especially because I didn't have a period after my IUD was taken out and before I got pregnant. No cramping, pain, anything else. Anyway, fingers crossed.

    A friend of mine has a sister who is an er doc. Said that at least once a shift a lady in the first tri comes in bleeding and 9 times out of 10, baby is ok. So there's that!

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    lauralou2210lauralou2210 member
    edited October 2014
    This happened to me just this week. On Monday I had light brown spotting when wiping. I also had some faint cramping. I laid down after work and haven't had anymore spotting yesterday or today. It's definitely nerve wracking, but I felt better once it did stop. I don't see how I won't worry about every little thing with the first pregnancy though. And you're right, the internet is completely conflicted and it makes you often feel worse than better after reading online.
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    One day at a time. I got this.
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    I spotted brown a few times as well. The first time it happened my whole day went into a tailspin. I had no idea how to stop worrying about it because yes, sometimes it is normal, but sometimes it's not. Honestly, the only thing that worked was asking God to give me peace. I sought after peace about the situation no matter the outcome. We are really never out of the clear once we conceive. Even when there's a heartbeat, even when we reach the second trimester, even when that sweet baby comes out and cries for the first time and is perfect in every way. We are all moms now and no matter what the outcome, we have babies to worry about now. So much is out of our control so we have to keep our heads up and trust and seek after peace. I pray this for all of you!!
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    I just woke up this morning and had some brown spotting, after reading all your posts I feel a lot better!! :) so thankful to have this Bump app and be able to talk to other women going through the same things I am!
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    Thank you everyone!! I had light spotting after sex this week and very light pink discharge today. I think it's just what's left after Thursday. But it's nice to know I'm not alone! I don't have my dating ultrasound until Dec. 3 (everywhere was SO busy!) so I just have to hope that everything is ok. It very light and no cramping so I don't think it warrants a trip to the ER. I plan to see the doctor at 10 weeks (I'm 8 now) so I'll just bring it up then.

    Basically you all make me feel more normal about all of this. I didn't have any of this in my 1st pregnancy...
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    I wish this post had started yesterday! I was so busy at work and I had mild cramping all morning (which felt different to normal) and then all of a sudden I felt a gush. I was immediately sent home from work and I spent the rest of the day panicking/crying. It was brownish pink but it was the amount that scared me. The spotting stopped but at 4am having not slept I realised that my boobs weren't as painful as usual and I had stopped felling sick. We went to a 24hr Gynae emergency ward and was seen by a doctor who said my cervix was closed and she took blood & a urine sample. I have to go back tomorrow morning for more bloods and a scan. I have had no spotting or cramping today and I'm feeling positive.... Fingers crossed! Love the fact we are all in this together. Good luck everyone x
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    Ultrasound showed a strong healthy heartbeat and it's measuring 8 weeks 4 days - phew!!! And breathe! Apparently it was just implant bleeding - so relieved x x x
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