October 2014 Moms

# of diapers per day? Diaper rash tips?

Hey mammas

How many diapers does your newborn go through in 24 hrs? My lo is 2 weeks old and I change him at minimum before feeding, after, and when needed in between. I feel like I'm using 20 diapers a day! Is this typical? WOW that's a lot of diapers!

My little guy went through a period at about 5 days old where he pooped almost every diaper and got diaper rash.

Re: # of diapers per day? Diaper rash tips?

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    It didn't post the rest of my question! Does anyone have good diaper rash tips? Was told to use Boudreaux paste, toilet paper and water, no wipes, and air dry him without a diaper. Any thing else I can do??
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    Yeah I'd say we go through a lot too. Probably 15 or so. No advice for diaper rash as that hasn't happened for our lo (yet?).

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    We use cloth diapers and change her when she eats or is particularly fussy. Probably 12 diapers a day on average.

    Luckily, no diaper rash yet.

    Married 10/06

    Baby Girl "C" arrived on 10/07/14 (39 weeks, 6 days)


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    When my LO was a newborn, he is now 7 weeks old due to being very early, we went through about 15-20 diapers a day as well. LO also got a nasty diaper rash because every diaper would have poop in it. I tried basically every diaper rash cream. The only thing that worked was A&D Diaper Rash Ointment. Since it's an ointment and not a paste it stays on LO's bottom better. Also, I use pampers sensitive wipes and no more diaper rashes since the first really bad one.
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    I change DD before every feeding and whenever she poops which is typically like once or twice a day. So about 6-8 times a day. She's sleeping between 6-9 hours a night now so that's definitely cut down on how many diapers we go through.

    When she's looking red we've been using Burt's Bees Diaper Cream and it works really well.


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    My kids all have sensitive skin, so diaper rash was inevitable around here. I use sensitive wipes, but if you don't want to use those, then I'd try paper towel dampened with water. The best cream I've ever used is Zincofax, it's light and protects really well.
    If the rash is blistering, then your doc can prescribe a cream which we've also had to use twice daily with Zincofax in between.
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    Our baby got diaper rash in his first few days. The pedi suggested the A&D ointment and it worked great so that's what we use now. I also dried his butt after each diaper change before putting the ointment on.
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    We used A&D ointment when I start to notice and redness and I try to make sure her bottom is really really dry before attaching a new diaper. Also, I'm finding that my kids only get rashes/have gotten rashes when I use a wipe other than Huggies Natural Care. This just occurred to me last night.
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    LO gets changed once with every feeding, and occasionally twice. If he stays up from one feeding to the next he gets changed an extra time.

    He is a really loud pooper and does it once or twice a day. We change him about 20min after we hear the grunting because he's also a long pooper.

    Soooo.. 12ish diapers a day?
    Loss Blog (finally updated)


    5 cycles of "TTC" - 3 intentional, 2 not so intentional.  5 BFPs.  My rainbow arrived 10/15/14.
    TFMC 08.02.13 at 19+ weeks. Everyday I grieve for my little Olive.

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    We average about 10 diapers a day and most have both pee and poo. She's 2 weeks. Her bum gets reddish sometimes so have been using a peri bottle to rinse her off and the Kleenex to blot dry and some air time, then Desatyin before the new diaper goes on. Also want to try angel baby bottom balm as we tried at the LC's office and it seemed to semel great and was calming and gets lots of reviews in amazon that are positive .
    photo 98826c1d-49e9-4f18-a2a8-311206877833_zps1c1ec21a.jpg
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    We're using around 10 diapers a day. They almost always have both poop and pee.

    No experience with diaper rash yet.
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    Change before feeding, with audible poops, and as needed.

    Sensitive wipes and aquaphor on the bum. I've been slacking on the aquaphor, but I try to make sure it's on before her long stretch of sleep at night.
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    DD had terrible problems with diaper rash due to being on antibiotics a ton her first year and then having cow's milk intolerance when she weaned. It was exhausting. I tried a ton of creams and Triple Paste probably worked the best but we also used Butt Paste, Dr Smiths and Calmoseptine along with antifungals at times and topical steroids. It really, really sucked and I hope not to go through that with DS. My tip is to apply cream with every change even if the bottom doesn't look that red. I also use only unscented wipes. We used Target diapers; I don't think that mattered because she had rashes with all different brands. She has sensitive skin and eczema so it doesn't take much for her to have issues.
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    Jennyc00 said:

    It didn't post the rest of my question! Does anyone have good diaper rash tips? Was told to use Boudreaux paste, toilet paper and water, no wipes, and air dry him without a diaper. Any thing else I can do??

    We are doing cloth and he goes through my entire stash of 32 diapers in a little over two days.

    for rash I would do grandma El's cream let him air dry as much as possible and don't use wipes use wash cloth with water

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    We change his diaper after each feeding (every 2-4 hours) and if I hear a poopslusion. So at least 8-12 diapers a day at a minimum.

    We use Boudreaux Butt Paste every other diaper change as a preventative measure. I also have A&D in the event he gets a rash.
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    We are going through 10-12.

    This is going to sound crazy, but when my 1st LO had a bad rash that nothing was helping, someone told me to use crisco shortening as a rash cream. It worked really well, so I always keep a small tupperware of it by my changing table. Bonus: you can use it with CDs.

         DD - 4/9/08      DS1 - 7/26/12     DS2 - 10/7/14

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    We only go through about 8-10 diapers a day, but we don't change DS as often as you do. I change him before each feeding and always after he poops - unless of course he just fell asleep ;-). 

    As far as preventative, we use Burt's bees vaseline for his bum to avoid a rash, but when he started to get kind of red we used Destitin and it worked fine. Mind you it was not a full blown rash. 

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    Thanks everyone!
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    I have found aquafor works best as a diaper rash cream and it's water based
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