Baby Names


I've always loved the name Avery, but I hate naming my kids anything on the top 20 list. I know they SAY Avery is a really popular name, but I've never actually met any. Is it really all that popular? Does anyone here know a ton of Avery's?

Re: Avery?

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    I know one Avery that I went to school with.
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    Definitely thinking of it for a girl. I don't mind it for a boy, but he may still be one of many Averys... only all the others will be girls. Poor kid!
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    MrsC0409MrsC0409 member
    edited October 2014
    No I agree. I have to admit I'm getting a little sick of all the boy names becoming girl names. But I WOULD hate for him to be the one boy Avery with 5 other girl Averys around.

    Despite not loving the boy names turned girl names... this is one that always sounded feminine to me UNTIL I learned that it was actually originally a boy name.
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    @mermomo5 Do you meet a lot of other Avery's?
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    I know of three- one is maybe 8, one is 4.5 and one is maybe 2.  All are girls.


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    Lilypie - (TUWi)


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    I know one girl Avery under 5.
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    Both of my daughters have an Avery in their preschool class. My oldest also took a swimming class with an Avery. I know there is at least one other Avery at our daycare center. All of them are girls.
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    This name is awesome for a boy! I just recently met an 8 year old boy named Avery and was ecstatic to see such a refreshing name as I am used to meeting Jaydens and Cadens these days. Strongly dislike it on a girl.
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    I'm a preschool teacher and know lots of Avery's. I only knew one that was a boy. I personally wouldn't use it because I want people to know without a shadow of a doubt that my child is male or female when they see their first name. Every time I see Avery on my new class list, I don't assume either way because it could be either.


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    Do people just not read Charlotte's Web anymore?

    I actually don't know any Averys except for one 18-year-old guy.  But it is not nearly as popular where I am as it is nationally.  I love Avery as a boy name and I hope this generation of girl Averys doesn't kill it off for boys.  That would be very sad.
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
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    I know two baby girl Avery's.

    It often seems names used in prime time TV sitcoms are tells of what are becoming trendy names for babies. For example, from a couple years ago: Avery, Jack's baby momma, on 30 Rock. Not sure if the baby names are following the shows or vice versa.
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    I know just one, a boy about 12ish.
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    I know none IRL. I may have heard it once or twice out and about.
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    I know four Avery's age 4 and under.  3 girls, 1 boy.  
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    I know one Avery, and he's 2.5. I love it on a boy, but I'm not a fan of it on girls.
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    I love Avery for a girl. To me the name sounds and looks feminine; similar to Ava. I don't know any one named Avery although I have seen a few discussions in this forum about this name.
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    Friends of mine just named their daughter Avery.  I wouldn't use it at all because of the trendiness of the name right now.


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    One of my closest friends has a 4 month old daughter named Avery, and I think it's very cute on her. My friend and her husband may or may not have gotten their inspiration from the brewery. Oh hipsters. Avery has already been to Avery Brewing while wearing an Avery onsie. 
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    bromios said:
    MrsC0409 said:
    Despite not loving the boy names turned girl names... this is one that always sounded feminine to me UNTIL I learned that it was actually originally a boy name.
    At which point you realized the error of your ways, hopefully...
    I guess I'm not sure what you mean? To me it still sounds feminine. Maybe because the person that inspired the name for me was female. Not any character on TV or celebrity's child. It was actually my grandmother's older neighbor. Her full name was actually Avery Rose. She was named after the street her parent's lived on in their first house. I've always associated the name with girls.
    If my answers seem a little wishy washy, it's because I'm trying very carefully not to offend people. Although I guess I should throw that out the window. My question wasn't if people LIKED it. It was if they knew a lot of them. I can't believe some people would post that it's hideous especially after so many people posted that they named their children that. Would you say that to their face?!
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    MrsC0409 said:
    If my answers seem a little wishy washy, it's because I'm trying very carefully not to offend people. Although I guess I should throw that out the window. My question wasn't if people LIKED it. It was if they knew a lot of them. I can't believe some people would post that it's hideous especially after so many people posted that they named their children that. Would you say that to their face?!
    You should see some of the things regs have said about my son's name when other people post about it.

    I think you have to realize that Avery and other boy names that have become popular for girls provoke strong reactions because it is so damn hard to name a boy something that you know won't turn into a girl name in a decade (and I actually don't have so much of a problem with that, but from your response to the idea of Avery on a boy, obviously you do).  I mean, if you just look at the SSA rankings, Avery came out of nowhere as a girl name.  It wasn't even in the top 1000 until 1989 - which is well within my memory; that's why I automatically think of it as a boy name - and now it's like #12.  How was anyone who named a boy Avery in the '80s or early '90s supposed to see that coming?  DS's name has already been used on a girl by at least one celebrity since he was born, so for all I know the same thing will happen to his name.  And like I said, so what if his name turns into a girl name, but when the same people who freely use boy names for girls are horrified at the idea of a girl name on a boy, as the mother of a boy I'm like WTF. 

    I get that knowing one person with a name can shape your conception of it - that's why my seven-year-old DD, who only knows one Avery, still thinks of it as a boy name in an age of girl Averys.  But imagine you wanted to name a boy a name that will always be unambiguously masculine, since our society still expects boys to have unambiguously masculine names, and maybe you can see why we respond this way.
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
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    mjreilly2 said:
    Oh FFS. Many of us are regulars here. Our children's names get discussed often—not always good comments. We know that. We know how some people feel. Most of us know that the comments people bring up are not direct insults to our children (unless someone says it as such, which is just rude). If we never mentioned the names posters have used on this board, there would be a lot less discussion. Everyone has an opinion—that is the point of the board.
    I understand that and I'm not offended. I haven't even named my child that yet. I probably still will despite the answers I've gotten, although hearing the mom of an Avery say she wishes she used it as a middle does make me think. It's just a little *annoying* for lack of a better word. My question was on the popularity of the name. Not people's opinion of it (unless they have an Avery) or even the gender association. If I didn't love the name already I wouldn't have asked about it. It's okay for people to have different opinions, but I wasn't asking for them.
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    edited October 2014
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    I know one Avery, a teenage boy.
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    Avery is nice for a boy.

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    I'm a teacher and I've seen mainly girl Avery's. Although I have met two under the age of 8. In 2011 there were still more male Avery's born than Everett's (my DS). It's gone down since then.

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    I know one little girl named Avery and one little boy named Avery. I don't like it for either gender.
    P - 9/2008
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    I know 2 girl Avery's. I personally love the name and its on my girl list!
    Me - 26 
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    It's a GIRL!!
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    I don't know any Averys of either sex...however I prefer it as a girl name.

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    Jonothan Jackson's character on Nashville is named Avery. I think it's much better suited for a boy, despite how popular it is for girls.
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    MrsC0409MrsC0409 member
    edited October 2014
    Ok so it's like it's going to be the "Jennifer" of the 2010's! Still my top name. Thanks everyone!
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    I always thought the popularity of the name Avery came from the show Grey's Anatomy. Similar to the popularity of Addison and the upswing regarding Callie and Amelia.

    That said, Avery is a nice name. I'd prefer it on a boy as I'm old fashioned like that but I wouldn't gasp over seeing it on a girl.

    Regardless, I don't much care what people name their kids. I sometimes feel bad for the really odd ones, but I've seen some odd names pulled off with style and grace over the years, so no biggie. That said, I'm naming my boy a traditionally masculine boy's name with the most accepted spelling. I don't want my kid to "have to" develop style and grace, although I still hope they do!

    People here have been helpful in me deciding to stick with tradition.
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