It feels a little ridiculous to buy these little ones gifts when they will only be a month or two old... (not to mention that they get a crap load of stuff before even being born.
But even so, I have ended up buying a few things because my daughter will think it is weird if the baby gets nothing.
So... baby is getting shoes and clothes in bigger sizes and books. After that I am drawing a blank. But I am thinking this might be enough anyway.
What are you buying for your new additions (if anything)?
Re: Christmas presents for the baby (babies)?
ETA: Oh and the baby's first ornament. We have a tradition of an ornament every year.
Trying for #1 since May 2010 l DX ~ Unexplained Infertility June 2011
IUI #1&2 = BFN; IUI #3 = BFP, m/c @ 6 weeks
November '11 ~ IVF#1 ~ ER 11/18 (29R, 17F) ~ 5dt of one beautiful blast on 11/23 = BFP!!
Beta #1 9dp5dt = 116, P4 = 28 ~ Beta #2 13dp5dt = 700 ~ Beta #3 20dp5dt = 9500, P4 = 26
1st u/s 12/27 - hb of 156!! EDD 8.10.12
Sweet baby boy born 8.18.12
Trying for #2
FET #1 - October '13 - c/p l FET #2 - December '13 - cancelled
l FET #2.2 - 1.30.14 - BFN
~ More testing - hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy & more b/w - all normal / negative~
Surprise BFP while waiting on FET #3 ~ beta #1 500; beta #2 1600; first u/s 4/3 - measuring 5w5d, no hb yet!; 2nd u/s 4/10 - hb 132, measuring 6w6d - EDD 11.29.14
Beautiful baby girl born 11.24.14
Mo 11/4/14
Wait, What?!? - EDD 11/1/19
Edit: I'm team green and noticed that I wrote "his" siblings instead of "his/her" siblings. Maybe subconsciously I think this baby is a boy???
Balls (1-3/4 inches and larger)
Push-pull toys
Busy boxes
Nesting and stacking toys
Simple shape sorters
Pop-up toys
Soft blocks
Bath toys
Teething toys
Large, interlocking rings or keys
Soft dolls
Stuffed animals (with short pile fabric)
Simple musical instruments
Squeeze/squeak toys
TTC since Sept 2011, Unexplained IF
Oct 12 - Jan 14: 3 clomid/TI cycles, 2 hysteroscopies, 2 IUIs, 1 BFP (MMC @ 12w), 2 more IUIs
Feb 14: Gonal-f + IUI #5 = BFP! (EDD 11/4/14)
Baby boy arrived 11/13/14!
Praying unceasingly for a miracle. ALL welcome!
DS1 won't find it odd for DS 2 to get minimal gifts since he will only have four things to open. We are starting the "something you want. Something you need. Something to wear. Something to read" Christmas this year.
So many gifts are given at Christmas that I'm tired of spending to a of money on "filler" gifts.
I'm on the boat that grandparents will likely spoil LO this year so we don't need to. I might get a few things things that I find we need/want and wrap them up just so it looks like we got him some things, but we'll see. Definitely a stocking and a Christmas ornament though, as those are lasting traditions.
Otherwise we're not huge gift people anyway. The kids will all get some traditional things sent to them (nothing like a chocolate letter and some new underoos! to say Merry Happy we lurv you)
ET 9/10 - transferred 1 perfect 5AA blast
7dp5dt BFP ~~ Beta on 9/19 - 77.4 Beta #2 on 9/21 - 357
Low heartbeat on 10/7 86, lower heartbeat on 10/11 76, no heartbeat 10/14/13. D&C 10/15/13
Tests revealed MTHFR c677t mutation, put on Folgard.
FET #1 1/6/14 - 4BB blast - BFN
@budzer Also, I need to steal your.bottles idea!
I love Xmas, because I love giving & making gifts. I already have this year's ornament from Hallmark but that's kinda for me.
I already have a few things -toy key chain rattle and an activity/educational puppy that hangs on the crib. Basically some fun things that he would have gotten for him anyways, just going to give them early from Santa.
I did cheat a little and put the stuff on his Target registry so I could save 15% as a completion discount
Luckly DS is too young to understand her stuff will be much smaller and less expensive than his presents.
Ds isn't really getting too many presents from us either. He has way too many toys as is (95% of which he got from people other than us). We are planning on getting him a Pottery Barn Toddler Lounge Chair as his big gift. Then two personalized puzzles, one with his first name and one with our last name, and some new bigger kids bath toys. That will be it.
Grandparents and Aunts/Uncles will spoil the crap out of both of them even though we tell them no more big crazy toys. (My brother tells me its payback, I might or might not have been known to buy my niece and nephew things like riding rollercoasters when they were little, in my defense I was 18 and clueless about stuff like that when theywere little)
We will do the same for DD this year. (I already ordered it and plan on wrapping it sometime soon)
my happy boy
Me 32 and DH 40
Fur-baby named Bella
1 MC Nov. 2013
DD born Nov. 2, 2014
Little 2 EDD Oct. 1
The one thing I did buy was a little silver frame ornament that says "2014" to put a picture in and baby Santa hats to put them in for the photo. Want to do a photo ornament every yr as tradition
N14 Nov. Siggy: CELEBRATION!
I'll probably get a few little things, but I can't imagine I'll be shopping much since she'll probably come in early December.