November 2014 Moms

Christmas presents for the baby (babies)?

moroccojademoroccojade member
edited October 2014 in November 2014 Moms
It feels a little ridiculous to buy these little ones gifts when they will only be a month or two old...   (not to mention that they get a crap load of stuff before even being born.  ;)   

But even so, I have ended up buying a few things because my daughter will think it is weird if the baby gets nothing.

So...  baby is getting shoes and clothes in bigger sizes and books.  After that I am drawing a blank.  But I am thinking this might be enough anyway.

What are you buying for your new additions (if anything)?
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Lilypie - (C6hS)

Re: Christmas presents for the baby (babies)?

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  • We'll probably get a few books and then some clothes in larger sizes. Just so DD see's them get gifts too. 

  • We're not getting a lot of things for her, but have the following list for family (besides the practical stuff). I know they're going to buy her presents regardless.

    • Balls (1-3/4 inches and larger)

    • Push-pull toys

    • Busy boxes

    • Nesting and stacking toys

    • Simple shape sorters

    • Pop-up toys

    • Soft blocks

    • Bath toys

    • Teething toys

    • Large, interlocking rings or keys

    • Soft dolls

    • Stuffed animals (with short pile fabric)

    • Simple musical instruments

    • Rattles

    • Squeeze/squeak toys

    • Cloth and cardboard picture books

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm planning on some books and maybe a few socks or such.  I'm sure the grandparents will be crazy seeing as they both already have started the Christmas boxes.  FIL really wants to buy her a Cozy Coup.
  • Maybe something sentimental, although I can't think of what, just for pictures and the memory of baby's first Christmas gift. And maybe some boy or girl clothes since we have all gender neutral. I know the grandparents will go nuts though for their first grandbaby's first Christmas.

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    TTC since Sept 2011, Unexplained IF
    Oct 12 - Jan 14: 3 clomid/TI cycles, 2 hysteroscopies, 2 IUIs, 1 BFP (MMC @ 12w), 2 more IUIs
    Feb 14: Gonal-f + IUI #5 = BFP! (EDD 11/4/14)
    Baby boy arrived 11/13/14!

  • We're going to do a few gifts, but all things we would get anyway. It will likely be a few soft books, a winter hat, a teether (early, I know), a 3-6 month outfit I love, and another changing table pad (since it's backordered). We also already got her a stocking so that's sort of a gift.
    It's a girl! Due November 22, 2014
  • We bought a couple of 3+ outfits on sale at Kohls that we put up for Christmas and we have very few toys, so maybe a couple of those.

    TTC #1 since 12/2010 DH: MFI, cancer survivor Me: Resected septate uterus, lap treated mild endo, tubes open, ovulate on own, autoimmune disease 3 Failed IUI's (2/2012, 4/2012, 6/2012) 
    IVF #1 August 2012. BFP! Beta #1 56.7 Beta #2 150 One baby, one heartbeat on 9/20/12! no h/b @7w6d. dandc @8w0d
    FET #1 December 2012, BFN
    FET #2 February 2013, no embies survived thaw
    IVF #2, BFP #2, Loss #2 March 2013, Scar tissue discovered, RPL testing,
    IVF #3, BFP #3, Loss #3 (twins) September 2013
    Hostile ute, moving onto Gestational Carrier!

    GC/FET #1 of 1 5AA blast and 1 compacted blast, February 2014, BFP #4 on 3/1/2014!
    6w u/s 1 bean with h/b of 145 bpm, 8w u/s 187 bpm
    EDD 11/7/14. Please, please, please stick little one!

    Praying unceasingly for a miracle. ALL welcome!


  • I don't plan on buying a Christmas gift for the baby. If I do, it will be something like a Christmas ornament for us to put up from Baby's First Christmas...

    Oh I really like this idea!

    I'm on the boat that grandparents will likely spoil LO this year so we don't need to. I might get a few things things that I find we need/want and wrap them up just so it looks like we got him some things, but we'll see. Definitely a stocking and a Christmas ornament though, as those are lasting traditions.
  • I'll probably get a few stocking stuffers...pacifiers, books, a rattle, a teddy bear, etc. That's about it though. The rest of our family can spoil him if they want, but I think it will be nice to focus on DD for a change since everything will mostly be about the baby and things for him between now and then. She will be two on NYE, so I think this will be the first time she might actually start to get the fun of opening presents.
  • I plan on starting the tradition of "something you want, something you need, something you wear, something to read". 2 of those gifts will be covered by Xmas traditions we will start/carry on (Xmas pjs and an Xmas story book). I will prob buy some more socks for the "need", and I'm struggling with something he'll "want" for obvious reasons lol.
  • kikimeemeekikimeemee member
    edited October 2014
    I have no plans at this point but probably bc we are team green and I have no idea if baby will be 6 lbs or 9 lbs so I can't even buy things like necessitates yet (clothes). I'll decide after birth.
  • My Aunt is going to get the baby a stocking monogrammed with it's name (as soon as we know what that is - team green) from Disney. So, I'm sure a few things will go in there. I like the idea of the First Christmas ornament.

    Otherwise we're not huge gift people anyway. The kids will all get some traditional things sent to them (nothing like a chocolate letter and some new underoos! to say Merry Happy we lurv you)

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • This is baby #2 for us, we don't need any more crap laying around the house, LOL. I did get her a lovey blanket and a musical butterfly toy (our kiddo #1 is a boy, so I figured I'd get a couple pink things for this baby) but that will be about all.

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  • I'm thinking we will kist get LO an ornament and a special book. Oh, we will have to pick out a stocking so we will consider that as part of his Christmas gift. I have a feeling our families will be buying him plenty of stuff. We will just stick with starting our traditions. I can't wait!!
  • We will definitely have to get DD something from Santa, because DS is 6 & will expect it. We will probably get a couple toys & books, & some little things for the stocking. We already have SO many clothes & toys & I know she will get stuff from family for Christmas too, so I don't want to do much! :)
  • We will get her a few small soft toys and some teethers probably(all under $10) just so DS sees her get presents from Santa too. They will both get a pair of Christmas pj's and a Christmas book to share on Christmas Eve.

    Luckly DS is too young to understand her stuff will be much smaller and less expensive than his presents.

    Ds isn't really getting too many presents from us either. He has way too many toys as is (95% of which he got from people other than us). We are planning on getting him a Pottery Barn Toddler Lounge Chair as his big gift. Then two personalized puzzles, one with his first name and one with our last name, and some new bigger kids bath toys. That will be it.

    Grandparents and Aunts/Uncles will spoil the crap out of both of them even though we tell them no more big crazy toys. (My brother tells me its payback, I might or might not have been known to buy my niece and nephew things like riding rollercoasters when they were little, in my defense I was 18 and clueless about stuff like that when theywere little)

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  • I hadn't thought about this! DS didn't get Christmas gifts from us his first year (he was 9 months old) because he got so much from the grandparents. I hadn't really planned on anything for the newbie this year, but it's a good point that DS will find it strange. Hmmm. Probably just a teether toy and and some Christmas jammies.
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  • For DS's 1st Christmas we got him an Anywhere Chair from PB. He was 8 months old and had no clue.

    We will do the same for DD this year. (I already ordered it and plan on wrapping it sometime soon)
    married 7.18.12   DS1 4.29.13   EDD 11.23.14


    my happy boy

  • I'll probably get her some Christmas Eve Jammie's and a Christmas Day outfit. But probably not much beyond that. MIL and my mother have both voiced their plans on buying gifts. Seeing how she will be so tiny and everything is new anyways, she's good :)

    Me 32 and DH 40

    Fur-baby named Bella

    1 MC Nov. 2013

    DD born Nov. 2, 2014

    Little 2 EDD Oct. 1 

  • We'll do a sophie the giraffe set (squeaky and soft) like we did for DD's first Christmas. We'll probably get a few other small things to give the baby that we need to replace anyway bath toys, toy rings etc...We don't need any more toys laying around other thab replacing those. If this LO is a boy he will be getting clothes.
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  • We will raid the stuff we got at the shower and put a cute stuffed animal in the top of the stocking for photo. If we buy anything it'll be soft blocks.

    The one thing I did buy was a little silver frame ornament that says "2014" to put a picture in and baby Santa hats to put them in for the photo. Want to do a photo ornament every yr as tradition
  • We ended up buying a few things because, like you mentioned, DD would find it weird if baby didn't get gifts too. We let DD pick out a toy to give baby girl (from her)...a little stuffed rattle...a bath toy for when she's older... Just little things. It's really for DD1 & pictures vs anything else
  • I got a wooden teething ring with her name on it. She will be so spoiled from both grandparents we won't be doing anything else for her.
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  • We don't plan on doing lots & lots of gifts for my son (2 1/2). He has 1 big present, and will probably have 2-3 small ones (like one I already got him is a Thomas the Train hat & mittens). So, we'll probably let the baby have the same number of gifts as him. And it's totally possible the baby's gifts will include "Oh look a box of diapers!" LOL. He won't notice the baby's gifts aren't as fun. Regardless of whether or not this baby is a girl, baby is going to need some clothes, as the seasons are complete opposites, so likely, baby's gifts will be clothes & necessities. I do want DS to pick out a gift for Baby #2, and I'll have a gift to him from the baby. A tradition I hope to keep going! Perhaps 1 from sibling, 1-2 from Santa, 1-2 from mom & dad.

    The kids will get plenty of crap from grandparents, aunts & uncles, and I don't want to overdo the gifts.
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  • I think I will probably get the baby an a+a dream blanket or some other really nice keepsake blanket off of etsy. DD has a dream blanket and its awesome. Christmas is a great time to justify the expense.
    Audrey is going to be a big sister!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • We also do ornaments every year so he will get his ornament.  The only other thing that I have bought is some books.  I actually ordered books for all of my nieces and nephews for Christmas so I won't have to worry about shopping for any of them once LO is here.  

    We have so much crap in our house already that I don't really feel the need to add anything else.  
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • We will get her a few small soft toys and some teethers probably(all under $10) just so DS sees her get presents from Santa too. They will both get a pair of Christmas pj's and a Christmas book to share on Christmas Eve.

    Luckly DS is too young to understand her stuff will be much smaller and less expensive than his presents.

    Ds isn't really getting too many presents from us either. He has way too many toys as is (95% of which he got from people other than us). We are planning on getting him a Pottery Barn Toddler Lounge Chair as his big gift. Then two personalized puzzles, one with his first name and one with our last name, and some new bigger kids bath toys. That will be it.

    Grandparents and Aunts/Uncles will spoil the crap out of both of them even though we tell them no more big crazy toys. (My brother tells me its payback, I might or might not have been known to buy my niece and nephew things like riding rollercoasters when they were little, in my defense I was 18 and clueless about stuff like that when theywere little)

  • This is our third child so we need new baby toys like I need a hole in my head, but my 7 and 4 year will absolutely expect Santa to bring him stuff and will want to give him gifts too.  Lots of good ideas in this thread, but I think I'll also have Santa bring him some toy cars or something that DS4 can play with until George is old enough for them.  That will make DS feel closer to the baby I think.
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