December 2014 Moms

Had my ultrasound to check about her small head

After weeks of worry since her head was in the lower 2 percent and hoping for no brain development problems here are the results.

Well, her head is still small, but doctor said she isn't very worried now since:

She is showing growth so she hasn't stopped (still behind on head by several weeks, but everything else is on schedule)
Brain, umbilical cord, and other organs look good
Fluid level looks good 
She is moving well and practicing breathing

So- she said we can just assume she is going to have a small head b/c of genetics

Schedule for 35 wk ultrasound but not b/c they are worried of growth, but to make sure she stays head down for hopeful vbac...maybe now I will sleep more. 

Sending out positive vibes that everyone keeps their babies inside and cooking! 

Lots of thoughts and prayers for ladies who are high risk, having PTL problems, on bed rest or other worries/issues. 

Also, I noticed we have one who has had her baby and lots of hopes for good progress while in NICU and baby keeping good health. Many prayers for the parents going through that stressful experience- know that we are all hoping that sweet baby grows well out of belly. 

Re: Had my ultrasound to check about her small head

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