Trying to Get Pregnant

Newbie Intro

Hello Ladies! I'm Ashley. I'm 26. Hubby and I have been trying to conceive our first since February 2014, so I'm just starting my 8th cycle TTC. Last cycle, I got a couple BFP's and was pretty excited about it. But, AF started 2 days late, so I guess it was a chemical pregnancy. I was upset, but I also know how common they are, so I'm actually pretty thankful it happened early rather than later on. I'm hopeful for this cycle….it seems that a lot of ladies conceive the cycle after a CP. I still do OPK's, but I don't temp anymore. I've gotten pretty regular, and I'm confident in my abilities to be able to pin down my O date every month. Plus, ovulation charts stress me out. I'm trying really hard not to be as psychotic about all this as I was in the beginning. 
…I'm not exactly sure what else to say. I'm trying to get my bearings on this board, and not wanting to fumble around too much. Good luck everyone on their TTGP journey!
Me + DH [26]--- Married [4/2012] 
TTC#1 since 2/2014
CP - 10/14 
Current Cycle #8

Re: Newbie Intro

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    My suggestion: go back to temping. It's the only way to truly know you are O'ing. Many of us can say we are "regular" but each month can change slightly. It's going to make you much more accurate. :) 

    Good luck and I hope your stay is short!
    Me: 33
    DH: 30
    TTC #2 Since April 2017
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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    Son: Jackson, 11/02/06, stillborn due to PPROM and IUGR. Over the next ten years we had 9 miscarriages from 8-14 weeks. On May 18, 2016 my daughter, Ridley, was born. We're OADNBC.
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    Welcome and GL!


    We love our fur babies Luna (2013) and Dozer(2014)!

    photo 10494646_10201461739185673_5476363044243444294_n2_zpse4247710.jpg

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    Welcome and good luck!
    TTC April 2013
    M/C 1/15 @ 6 weeks
    RE 8/16
    Monitored Clomid 11/15
    M/C 12/16 @ 6 weeks
    Clomid & Ovidrel Shot
    M/C 2/16 @ 8 weeks
    *Currently on Clomid (monitored) and waiting on tissue results.
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    welcome!! I'm really sorry about the CP. Big hugs.

    M/MC at 9w4d 5/23/12.

    DS1- 8/2013

    DS2- 11/2015 (Second round IUI)

    DD- 9/2017

    Baby #4 Due 5/10/20 TEAM GREEN

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    Welcome and good luck to you. I am very sorry about your CP.


                 Visit The Nest!image Visit The Nest!

      "It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." - Eleanor Roosevelt


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    Welcome. I am sorry about your cp. I can relate to finding charting stressful. I am finding it less stressful overtime.
    DH:34 Me:25
    Married July 2013 
    TTC #1 since May 2014 
    CP June 2014

    Pic Monkey Collage 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Welcome! I'm sorry to hear about your CP - good luck.
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    Sorry to hear of your CP. Welcome.

    DH & I are both 28    Together: 12 years    Married: 09/24/2011

    BFP#1: January '12 - DD1 09/16/2012

    Preterm labor 31 weeks. Monitored for Hellp and diagnosed with oligohydramnios July '12

    BFP #2: 06/25 - EDD 03/05/15 MMC confirmed 8/1 - D&E 8/4 retained tissue discovered 8/20

    BFP #3 11/24 - 12/15 Heartbeat detected - DD2 07/29/15

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    Welcome and best wishes to you!
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    Welcome!  I'm so sorry for your loss.  Best wishes
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