September 2014 Moms

How long to adjust to new sleeping schedule?

I've been feeling like a zombie for the past two plus weeks because I'm adjusting to not having a full eight hours of uninterrupted sleep and I'm always tired. LO has been colicky so DH watches him from about 9ish to 12ish so I can sleep, then he seems to be up until 3am/4am (or later depending on how cranky he is). Then I wake up when he does, anywhere from 9-11am. For STMs+, how long did it take for your body not to feel like you wanted to fall asleep all the time? I know as soon as I really am okay with this new routine, it will be time to go back to work :/
TTC #1: September 2013, BFP 01/01/14, DS 09/14
TTC #2: October 2018, BFP 02/02/19, EDD 10/14/19

Re: How long to adjust to new sleeping schedule?

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    5 weeks later and I'm still trying to figure that out.
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    Maybe because I had something close to insomnia when I was younger, but u can function (1 month in), just not extremely well. I am used to sleeping 10+ hours though, so that's probably why I am so tired all the time. I will say having that soda or coffee each day has helped tremendously. Also, don't look at the clock and try to figure out how much sleep you're going to get from stretch A to stretch B, it will only make you anxious about not getting uninterrupted sleep.
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    Almost six weeks in, I'm still tired. I try to nap when LO naps even when she's on my chest. She did start sleeping 4 hours at night about 3.5 to 4 weeks in. Here's to hoping you'll get longer stretches soon. Otherwise, hang in there!

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    I have adjusted a little at 5 weeks in. I'm still exhausted most of the time but I'm functioning. Luckily my DH is working Monday-Thursday right now so I get some help Friday-Sunday. I'm going to be crazy whenever his schedule changes again.
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    It's probably different for everyone but for me, my body started adjusting about 3 weeks in. That's not to say that I'm not still tired some days but at least I'm not falling asleep while nursing anymore.

    Same for me. About 3 weeks in. I'm a functioning zombie. But most motn feeds I'm not nodding off anymore. Also I try to DVR funny shit to watch motn.
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    I'm still not 100% but it started getting better for me when LO started giving us four hours in between feedings at night. It doesn't happen all the time, but it helps me suvive during the day. I still fall into such a deep sleep super fast, that when I wake up I feel like a total zombie. 
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    It has started getting a little better. And some days I feel more rested than others. I would say around 3 weeks is when I started getting more used to a lot less sleep. But I'm always tired, I've just become more functional.
    BFP #1 7/23/12: EDD 4/1/13.  MMC discovered on 9/4/12 @ 10w1d
    BFP# 2 3/9/13:  EDD 11/12/13 m/c 3/15/13 @ 5w3d
    RPL testing shows one copy of MTHFR gene mutation. 
     BFP#3 12/24/13: EDD 9/5/14 Beta #1 13 DPO 168! Beta #2 16 DPO 895!
     First US 1/9/14 @ 5w6d Strong HB!
    2nd US 1/23/14 @ 7w6d baby is still doing great! 3rd US 1/31/14  9w0d: Beautiful wiggly baby! Keep growing baby!
    3/17/14 US @ 15w3d:Its a BOY!


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    I am five weeks in and almost fell asleep driving yesterday, so no help there. But is your lo sleeping during the day? I ask because it may be that he has his days/nights mixed. If he sleeps during the day try being loud, keeping him in a sunny area. Then make night time special by creating a routine; bath, nurse/bottle and swaddle in his crib/wherever he sleeps. Sleeping for 5 hours is a really good chunk of time, you just need to get that time earlier. He may be fussy/colicky because he is trying to cluster feed to give you that 5 hour chunk. My DD is really fussy from 6-9pm but then sleeps until 10-3. She is fussy because she falls asleep then wakes and wants another 1oz, then sleeps for a half hour and wakes for another small feed. But I will take this if it means I get 4ish hours of sleep.

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    Definitely harder with the 2nd than the first. I am exhausted. My little one is coming up on 6 weeks and I am finally starting to adjust.
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    Interesting that you posted this because I actually googled this yesterday. What I read was that it varies from 8-16 weeks depending on the person and the baby. I go back to work when DS is 10 weeks old so I am hoping at that point we will have adjusted.
    Me 29 DH 30 Unexplained IF TTC since wedding May 2012. IUI #1 11/5/13-BFN.  IUI #2 12/5/13-BFN. IUI #3-12/30/14. All three with Femara CD 3-7 and Ovidrel trigger. +HPT 1/13/14 First +ever!!! Beta #1 195 Beta #2 1/15-533. Ultrasound on 2/4 showed one bean. EDD 9/22/14. Team Green turned Team Blue-Baby Conner arrived on 9/19/14.

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    I am still not adjusted. I feel more tired this time than I did with DS at this point. DH claims DS was sleeping just as poorly as DD at this point, but I am not sure...apparently I blocked that part out ;). I thought I was adjusting, but like you, as soon as I get used to something, she changes what she is doing again.
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    I'm still really tired all the time, and unfortunately I'm still handling the night time feeds (because DH always ended up needing to wake me up in the MON because there would be some issue, so I just told him...don't worry...I'll take back over).  However, since going back to work (a week ago today) I feel a big more energized every day.  Not to the point where I could go run a few miles or do anything crazy productive, but being at work all day, away from the babe and husband, has actually been really good for all of us.  I feel more ready to tackle the long night ahead of me when I go home at 5pm than I did when I was doing it round the clock.

    As far as worrying about getting back into a routine right when you go back to work, I just wouldn't even think about it.  I've sort of thrown routines to the wind, because as soon as we get one for 2 days that makes everyone happy, something about LO changes and we have to adjust accordingly.  Best of luck, and I hope you are able to catch up on sleep! :)
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    I'm 3 weeks in and it's definitely harder this time even though it's only 1 and I'm only up half the of time during each motn waking. But DS is up every 2 hours at night so I'm getting less than 2 hours of sleep between feedings :( so I am a zombie. I also have 2 toddlers to get up with so I can't sleep longer if I want like I could the first time. @suitern‌ maybe that's the difference. Just like pregnancy was harder this time too.


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    Pretty much right away.  I didn't sleep much during third tri and think that helped to prepare my body.  After delivery, DH and I literally did not get more than an hour of sleep for the first four days. Now, I am averaging maybe 4 hours in a 24 hour period.  I think I've gotten to take exactly two naps since DS was born.  I feel tired, but it's nothing I can't handle.  DH on the other hand is STRUGGLING!

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    Pretty much right away.  I didn't sleep much during third tri and think that helped to prepare my body.  After delivery, DH and I literally did not get more than an hour of sleep for the first four days. Now, I am averaging maybe 4 hours in a 24 hour period.  I think I've gotten to take exactly two naps since DS was born.  I feel tired, but it's nothing I can't handle.  DH on the other hand is STRUGGLING!

    This sounds like the amount of sleep I get - baby does this thing where he absolutely must wake to pee - which he does like every 1-2 hours. Then when I get up to change him he's wide awake and I spend like an hour nursing him and trying to get him to sleep again. So yeah, no way am I getting more than four hours.
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