May 2015 Moms

Put me in limbo...UPDATE

dancegurl1118dancegurl1118 member
edited October 2014 in May 2015 Moms
Woke up this morning and suspiciously all my pregnancy symptoms disappeared. Felt myself bleeding at 530 (of course 30 min after OB office closes). Definitely more than spotting, definitely not hemorrhaging. Dr said to wait until my appt in 2 weeks, only go to the ER if hemorrhaging (I'm a labor nurse so don't worry, she wasn't just giving crap instructions to a non medical person)..been cramping and bleeding ever since. I know the inevitable but hoping for somethig else. All thoughts and prayers are welcome...15 excruciating days in limbo to go while praying for a miracle. Update: after the wonderful work of the OG of the practice I go to demanding I been seen first thing this morning, I saw a beautiful heartbeat. He had really counted it out and I was just incredibly overwhelmed. I dated 5w6d which is 9 days slow, which would've normally freaked me out, but I expected it because I usually ovulate day 19-20-21 of my 30-34 day cycle so it would only really measure me 2-3 days behind. HR of 104, beautifully strong and steady. I grilled the tech with a million questions and she was so lovely and answered each one and said "nope this is perfect and makes perfect sense if you ovulate then". No sign of the bleed, she said sometimes the SCH end and wall themselves off. But I did get to see a massive cyst on my R ovary (the random pain makes sense now) Back in 2 weeks for my regular appt, only downside is i will probably be leaving you ladies to head to the June 2015 group (not til it's official though!!!) Thank you thank you THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all your T&P's.
TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.

Re: Put me in limbo...UPDATE

  • FX for you.


    BabyFruit Ticker

    Siggy challenge:



  • Prayers for you and your baby. I had a similar scare a couple of weeks ago and it was torture waiting for my next US. Think positive and, as much as possible, de-stress (it will help baby more if you can get the anxiety lowered- and I know it's so much easier said than done). Mine turned out well and FX yours will too!! It could be that you have a SCH which is super common and causes spotting, and the best remedy is rest and hydrating. Hang in there mama!
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  • Can you get an ultrasound to help determine what is going on? I had a mc with my first pregnancy and waited until it just happened (no us or blood work or d&c). I vowed I would never go through that again. I know they can't do anything with the info if it is bad news but at least you would truly know what is going on. 2 weeks is too long to be left up in the air.
  • So sorry two weeks waiting is tough hope it results in positive news. I think I personally would try and get in a little doo we to ease my mind.
    Pregnancy Ticker


  • I'm sorry you are going through this. Sucks that you have to wait 2 weeks to get out of limbo, I hope the time passes quickly.
    Fucking bump!!!!
  • Fx crossed for you , I hope this 2 weeks also flies by for you
    TTC starting 8/2014 :)
    BFP 8/27/14  EDD 5/9/2015 9/25/2014 ITS TWINS!!! <3<3 
    12/25/14 twin boys <3

    BabyFetus Ticker

  • Fx for you, I hope time passes quickly and you hear good news!
    May '15 Bitter Snatch
  • I am so sorry to hear you are going through this.  FX that everything turns out to be ok and you get good news at your next appointment.  If I were you, I would try to get in for an earlier appointment.
    Newest blog post 4/23/15
  • I am sorry you are going through this. FX that everything is ok. 
  • Praying for you!
  • Wishing you and baby the best! Try to get into the ER ... I agree 2 weeks is way to long to not know what is happening ... Fx too you!
  • I'm so sorry you are going through this. Can your OB at least run your hcg levels to see if they are rising or falling? Waiting 2 weeks sounds awful. ::hugs::
    BFP #1: 5-14-2010, DD born 1-22-2011
    BFP #2: 4-20-2012, Natural MC 5-1-2012
    BFP #3: 7-19-2012, DS born 3-27-2013
    BFP #4: 9-13-2014, MMC discovered 10-27-14 at 10w, d&c on 11-6-14 

  • That's a long time to wait! I'm so sorry. FX everything is okay!
  • Hugs and prayers to you.
  • Ridiculous idea of having to wait! Go to the ER if you want! You are scared and nervous, and the only thing that can confirm one way or the other is to get an ultrasound.
    Fight for yourself! And if baby is indeed fine, maybe you should find out why you are bleeding. Also, baby doesn't know anything is wrong, so having to wait with worry and stress isn't good for baby.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    BFP 3/13/15, Due Date 11/25/15
    BFP 9/05/14, Due Date 5/14/15, Miscarriage 12/16/14
    TTC since June 2013
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Oh no! I'm with you--that's forever to wait! I'd fight for sooner. :(

  • Thanks for all the encouragement -- I appreciate it. I'm 6+5 so not too far along, so I don't even know if id push for an US right now because if it's too early got a heartbeat id be more upset. Hopefully I'll see the doctor I spoke to from my practice at work this weekend and ask her if something else can be done. 2 weeks is so long...still bleeding, still cramping. Neither severe though.
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • Spoke with one of the head dr's of the practice at work tonight. Told me it doesn't sound good, it's not my fault if I'm miscarrying (bless his heart), but he scheduled me immediately (at 3am no less) for an US Monday morning. Much better than the 2 week limbo but definitely not good news...
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • FX for you. Thoughts are with you and anyone going through this sort of trouble.
  • Sending prayers your way!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Hello I'm also bleeding for almost two weeks, I did 3 blood draw to check my hcg and is going up, 2 ultrasound and baby looks fine. My progesterone level were low so they put in progesterone 200 mg. a day and also they found irritation on my cervix, so the doctor use silver nitraten to stop that but after that the bleeding got worse, is like a light period. I'm in pelvic rest and not doing anything in the house. I'm very weak for all the blood, so now I'm taking iron too.
    Try to see the doctor before 2 weeks, I was going almost everyday, and a help me so much to see the baby.
    Now the blood is a lot less, praying to don't have it anymore. This is my 3 rd. Pregnancy I never had this with my other 2.
    Hope this help, praying for you!
  • Thanks for all your support, I appreciate it.
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • Our update made me so excited. I am in limbo right now but if it works out I may have to jump to the June forum too lol
  • Congrats on the good update.
    Fucking bump!!!!
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