September 2013 Moms

Is your LO standing unassisted/walking yet?

I've been thinking about this a lot lately now that A is past the 1 year mark. She's still not even standing unassisted, she doesn't seem to have much desire to. Randomly she'll let go of whatever she's holding onto and stand for 3-4 seconds tops before losing balance but she quickly loses interest and forgets about it completely.

What are some of your LO's newest milestones or discoveries?

Re: Is your LO standing unassisted/walking yet?

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    LO has been standing unassisted for a while now and is now getting more daring and starting to take a few steps. She takes more and more every day. I think walking is a milestone that has such a side range of what's "normal". You didn't say you were worried but if you are, don't be :)
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    DD just started crawling at 11 months and is not pulling up yet. My oldest one didn't pull up until 14 months and walk until over 16 months so my gals just do things late I guess. Try not to worry , every baby develops at their own pace !

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    LO just turned 1 on the 25th and has been walking since 10.5 mo. She only took a few steps at a time at first but we could get her to walk a little further by holding her hands for her to practice. One day she just figured out how to stand up on her own (without pulling up on anything) and she has been unstoppable ever since, it literally happened out of no where. My point is, you never know when they will hit that next milestone. Your LO is still well within the "normal" range and she'll get there! For now enjoy that she's not wanting to walk everywhere because once she is it gets a lot tougher to hold onto them because they just want to get down and explore everywhere.

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    My little guy has been standing unassisted for a couple of months.  He is cruising furniture and will occasionally take 1 step without holding onto something/someone, but he is very unsure of himself.  He tends to learn how to do things when he's around his grandparents.. They cheer for him like crazy and he's very motivated by that.  He seems more interested in impressing people other than mom and dad.  A friend of mine has a baby that wasn't crawling at 12 months and by 13 months was crawling and walking.  

    I think we all have our own little worries.  LO isn't pointing yet and still only responds to his name half the time.
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    DD turned 1 on Friday. She'll stand for about a minute and a half at the most. It's usually just 2 seconds though. I got an email three other day that said normal range for babies to start walking is between 9 and 18 months so we are right in three middle of that right now. And we all know a lot can happen in just a month or even a week with these babies of ours!
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    Af1004 said:

    DD turned 1 on Friday. She'll stand for about a minute and a half at the most. It's usually just 2 seconds though. I got an email three other day that said normal range for babies to start walking is between 9 and 18 months so we are right in three middle of that right now. And we all know a lot can happen in just a month or even a week with these babies of ours!

    Same for us! I am not concerned. She will walk / stand when she is ready to
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    edited September 2014
    Alexis began crawling at 6 months and walking at 9. I attribute a lot of it to the fact that she was trying so hard to keep up with her big sister. She now try's to climb everything. If I walk to the kitchen to get a drink she could easily get onto the couch in 2 secs. Worse part is, she doesn't know how to get down. She falls forward like she's base jumping off of the couch. Luckily, so far, I've been there to catch her. Some days are exhausting! My niece began walking at 17 months. She showed no interest up until then either. My sister said one day, she just got up and walked across the room to get a toy as if she been doing it her whole life. She's now 5 and the fastest girl on her soccer team ;-) just shows how ever baby is different, but will all be fine in the grand scheme of things :-)

    J+E ~ 08/25/2007   DD#1 ~ 05/11/2010   DD#2 ~ 09/25/2013   DD#3 ~ 06/09/2016   Baby #4 Due ~ 01/16/2023

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    My LO started full fledge walking about a month ago.  Before that it was a gradual process.  He turned 1 on September 24.  I would not worry about your baby it is still well within the normal range.
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    DS cruises and can transition between furniture. He has only occasionally let go to stand unassisted. As soon as he realizes he isn't holding on he sits down.
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    LO is 13mo and pulls up on everything, furniture walks, and will sometimes walk holding one hand/finger, but she doesn't stand unassisted or walk. I think the standing is a confidence thing. She'll do it briefly on accident sometimes, then quickly sit down when she realizes she's not holding on to anything.

    Her newest "trick" is that she'll pull out the bottom drawer in the bathroom, climb in it, then pull out two drawers up where all her favorite stuff is (i.e. my stuff) and pull it out.



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    LO turned one a little over a week ago and has been walking for about 3 weeks, she gets going really fast now she also is climbing up on the couch.
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    @iamjojo‌ LO has been walking for about 2 weeks now and is pretty unsteady on her feet as well. she often plops onto her bum because she loses her balance. I was wondering the same thing... She's been pulling up and standing unassisted for awhile.

    BFP: 1/17/13 EDD: 9/20/13 Dalenna Rose Born: 40 wks 4 days 9/24/13
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    Whitney is officially walking and has been for a week or two.  She has been taking steps for about a month but now her preference is walking as opposed to crawling.  She still is not 100% confident walking and has to be carried.  My guess is it will be another month or two before she is actually walking around in a store or outside but in the house she crusies...walks and tries to run :)
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    He started walking at 10 months.  Is she more advanced in another milestone area?  I mentioned to the pedi that he only has a few words and she said that he's been so busy on gross motor skills that he'll probably start talking more now because they can only really focus on one thing at a time.  I did see some other babies that really were benefiting from one of those toys that you can stand and walk with this weekend.
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    iamjojo said:
    DS started taking steps a few days before his first bday. A month later he walks all over the place but still falls a lot. Not sure when they start getting more stable on their feet. I was actually coming here to ask that question so I'll hijack the thread and ask. Anyone with early walkers or btdt know when they are able to walk without falling all the time? DS' new thing is being able to climb onto his ride on by himself and scoot all over the house on that.
    He started getting more stable about a month after he started walking.  I found he was still really good at catching himself not to fall on his face.  The biggest thing we had an issue with is him not paying attention to what is on the floor.  So he'd trip on his toys or not notice that there was a little height difference in the floors going from one room to another with different flooring.  But has gotten a lot better now that hes been walking about 3 months.
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    michelle7482. Zo started crawling just around 11-11.5 months and is now just starting to pull up occasionally. A couple of steps of cruising but just that. She hasn't fully figured out how to move her legs for full on steps. I think we're probably months away from standing unassisted and walking. She's almost 13 months now and hope by 15-16 months she'll be there. No words apart from daddy and mamma and i'm pretty sure she says water (ATA), but I'm also speaking to her in 2 languages which the OT said can sometimes delay speech for a little bit upfront. No one's worried yet so I'm not either. 
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    Our little man turned 1 on Sept 18th and has been walking for about a month now. He is now trying to run through the house...definitely more boo boos! :P
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    This thread is kind of depressing now..

    And @AbbyMMM‌, I cannot stand it when people ask if she's walking yet. They ask all.the.time, then give their suggestions/opinions about why she's not and what to do about it. It's the worst from complete strangers! Ugh.



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    I didn't realize how many early walkers we had! Which is really exciting, but it's hard to feel confident in my own teaching/parenting sometimes, especially with the endless "why isn't she doing xyz" comments.



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    @VitaLuna‌ I know it's easier said than done to not compare, but try not to! All of our babes are so different and doing and learning all new things at different times.

    I kept trying to get D to walk while holding her hands and she'd lift her legs up in the air when I would try to stand her to make her walk. She flat out refused to walk with me and was content crawling. One day she stood up from sitting, which she had been doing, and just took off. She likes to do things when SHE is ready, not anyone else. Your LO will be on the go before you know it!

    BFP: 1/17/13 EDD: 9/20/13 Dalenna Rose Born: 40 wks 4 days 9/24/13
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    FTM to my sweetpea Miss D.

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    I've mentioned before DD1 walked and talked late but at 2.5 she's all caught up. In the long run it really doesn't matter because they eventually all catch up. DD2 is slow with gross motor but her vocabulary has developed really early. She has about 6 words that she uses on her own and repeats many more. DD1 didn't have that many words until 18 months! All babies develop differently try not to be depressed or worry unless the doctor gives you reason to worry.

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    Caleb's been walking for about a month and a half now (since 11 months). He's starting to get really fast, it's pretty cute.
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    DD has been cruising, climbing, crawling etc for 3 months now. She turned 1 on 9/7 and the PED said she just needs to get brave to take steps, she can do it. So hearing I need to help DD get brave was a little frustrating with no plan of how to do that but he wasn't worried about it developmentally. She will stand unassisted when we trick her into it by clapping. Then she will let go of the couch/table clap with us and then realize she let go and either fall on her butt or grab back on to the couch/table.

    It is frustrating seeing her younger friends walking and DD with no interest or bravery to get her moving.

    @AbbyMMM you speak the truth! I hate getting those comments. Redonculous
    Lily Michaella       ~BFP 12-31-13      ~EDD 9-7-13       ~Lily was born 9-7-13 
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    Ds started walking unassisted at 9 months, now he nearly runs. Still only has two teeth though..
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    I'm glad to see so many responses! I'm not letting the fact that she's not walking make me feel down about my parenting but at the same time I've been wondering if there's more I could be doing to help her.

    A doesn't have much of a vocabulary at all, she says dada when she sees her dad but sometimes she'll point at me and say dada. (Seriously kid) the only time she says mama is when she's crying, that's about as much as she can say. Although I swear she says "what's that" when she points but I could be wrong.

    She understands A LOT though, I can ask her to do things and she will do it. I can ask her where her toes are and she'll show me, or her hair.

    Her newest milestone is waving hi/bye.
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    VitaLuna said:

    This thread is kind of depressing now..

    And @AbbyMMM‌, I cannot stand it when people ask if she's walking yet. They ask all.the.time, then give their suggestions/opinions about why she's not and what to do about it. It's the worst from complete strangers! Ugh.

    Please don't let it depress you, our babies will get there :)

    It's interesting to see where all our September babies are at in milestones!
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    Someone recently told me that you know what, milestones seem really important right now, esp for new parents but at the end of the day, most likely they won't be crawling to college nor will they will be pointing and saying mamma dadda (i mean that would be funny too). So I try to keep things in perspective and let it all come at its own time. I know we feel more pressure now because time seems to move slow between each milestone and we can't wait to have them do more/be more like a person, but at least for me this whole being a mom thing is teaching me that patience (never my strong point), is one of the best things we can have with our kids. 

    Very well said!
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    @VitaLuna  My first didn't walk until just before 16 months.  I thought holy Sh*T Im going to have the only toddler in the toddler room at DC who is not walking!  WTH and then just before he started in the toddler room he walked.  Since then he has always been on the later end of normal development wise.....course he's almost  2.5 and now hes full steam ahead.  :)
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    LO started army crawling at 7 months, real crawling and cruising at 11 months. He doesn't stand on his own, but he can take about 4 panicked steps by himself before toppling over. He'll be 13 months on 9/6.
    EDD 9/3/13
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    LO has been crawling since 8 months and pulling up since a couple weeks after learning to crawl. But since that time nothing new. She refuses to stand unassisted at all. She took a step by accident the other night and face planted into grass. She will push her shopping cart all over the living room but refuses to let go and if she does it is to sit down/crawl. LO will cruise on anything but will not let go.
    Lily Michaella       ~BFP 12-31-13      ~EDD 9-7-13       ~Lily was born 9-7-13 
    Baby #2                ~BFP 8-13-17        ~EDD 4-22-18    ~Can't wait to meet you

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    Leo takes 3-4 steps then sits. Stands holding stuff. Climbs like a pro. Found him on top of the piano the other day... This is the preclimb

    The Mob Boss 
    Birth: 10lbs 11oz, 21.5 inches <> 1 mo: 14lbs 7oz, 23.5 inches
    2mo: 18lbs 15oz, 25.5 inches <> 4mo: 26lbs 8oz, 27.5 inches6mo: 29lbs 8oz, 30 inches <> 9mo: 32lbs, 32 inches12 mo: 37lbs, 34.5 inches <> 15 mo: 38lbs 6 oz, 36 inches. 20.5 inch noggin18 mo: 43lbs, 37.75 inches 21 inch head2yr: 47 lbs, 42 inches. 21.5 inch head. Woah.  

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    E took his first couple steps the day before his birthday and is walking well now. My older son didn't take his first steps until three days before he turned 17 months, so there was a big difference between the two of them.
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