Two Under 2

A third child after having 2U2?

My DH and I are wresting with the idea of TTC a third. We had 2U2 and they are now almost three and 20 mos and are the best of friends. My question is for those who have had 2U2 already and then had a third child. My worry is that the third will feel like the odd man out since the first two are so close. I also am concerned about upsetting this sweet balance my two have if a third were to join the mix. Clearly, I am on the fence about having a third. My clock is SCREAMING (over 40) so time is running out to TTC. Thanks!
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Re: A third child after having 2U2?

  • I am in the same boat.  DD is 3.5 and DS just turned 2 and I very much want another.  We just started trying this month actually.   I am definitely concerned that #3 won't fit in as well since my first two are so close to each other. 

    But I am the third child and have two older brothers.  They are 2 yrs apart and I am 3 and 5 years younger than them.  And I don't really remember being left out even though I was younger and the only girl.  And I'm equally close to them now.  I figure if I can't remember it being an issue (I'm sure it was occasionally) then it shouldn't be an issue for ours.  
  • ME!  My two boys are 17 months apart.  Almost 3 and 1 1/2 right now.  We haven't practiced any birth control since we started ttc ds 1.  Just letting nature takes its course.  DS 2 is still nursing and I only got my period back 2 months ago so I'm not surprised 3 hasn't been conceived yet.  Now I'm nervous as all get out because it was ROUGH when ds 2 was born and life is so easy right now, but we want a big family and close in age.  I'm just really kind of hoping deep down ds 2 self weans and I don't have to wean him and I hope we conceive 3 around ds turning 2 next spring.  AND I kind of hope #3 is a boy, I'd love a girl, but somehow I just feel that would throw our balance off.  My boys are best pals and I just imagine another boy in the mix being tons of fun and I wouldn't have to buy a thing. 

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  • My first 2 are 17 months apart and I was hoping for 2u2 again but more spaced out like 22-23 months apart but we haven't gotten pregnant yet. I want 4 total so I am hoping 3&4 are really close in age.

    TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!!  Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui) 
    #1 born December 2011
    TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
    #2 born May 2013
    TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
    #3 born August 2015 
    #4!!!!!!! due June 2017 
  • I worry since the first three are girls that even though DD#3 and DS are closest in age that DS will be lonely since he's the only boy... It even made DH and I contemplate having a 5th LO!

    I think no matter what you'll worry (part of being a parent...specifically a momma!) In the end you might always wish for another...but you'll never say "Gee, I really wish we wouldn't have decided to have LO"

    HTH...and makes sense LOL
    Me - J.R. - 05/1986
    DH - J.I. - 08/1986
    Married - 09/22/2006
    DD#1 - A.E. - 12/15/2009
    DD#2 - N.R. - 11/07/2011
    DD#3 - S.R. - 05/20/2013
      DS - R.E. - 10/03/2014

    Absolutely in love with our 'big' family!

    I'm also a proud Auntie to a crazy little girl, her brand new baby sister, a little man on his way in the next month, and a sweet little mister we will miss forever!!!
  • I have the three in reverse. DD1 is significantly older than my other two and I often worry that she is getting the short stick.
                    We're Going to be a Family of 5!

    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

                                   Lilypie - (2q9u)

  • Not at all. I think they will each have their own special bond and connection.GL!
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  • This is kind of late...but my boys were 11 months apart, and then DD came when Ds2 was a little over two.

    I LOVE the spacing. The boys are pretty independent now at 5 and 4, and DD is 2.  I find that because life was so stressful when the boys were little, that it almost seems more fun now with just one toddler. They all play differently, but well together most of the time.

    If you can't definitively say that you don't want three, I'd go for it.

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