1st Trimester

What does a positive pregnancy test really look like??


Re: What does a positive pregnancy test really look like??

  • I used a dollar store brand my first time, then confirmed it with a first response early test! 10dpo
  • I used two from the dollar store, four from Walmart, first signal I believe.
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  • I used dollar store, worked within 60 seconds! 2 lines instantly. Pregnant! We are due in May with baby #2! :)
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  • I used dollar store tests, an Equate brand test, and a Clear Blue digi. The Equate was my first (2 days before AF was due) and the line showed up after 20 mins. I tested with the dollar store tests one day before and day of AF being due, and all had lines after the time window, too. Day after AF was due, I got a digi and confirmed BFP! Blood test the following day said my beta was 74, so it's no wonder it wasn't readily apparent. :)

    Mama of three (DS Jan 4 2003, DD July 13 2006, DS Aug 7 2012) and expecting #4 May 2015!

    West Coast crunchy former chef turned student feminist therapist/mental health worker. Intrepid DIYer, car-free solar-powered pedestrian, straight A student. Macrobiotic package-free eater, extended breastfeeder, cloth diaperer, natural birther. 

  • I literally could not believe it. Had to keep taking them to stay sane!
  • I took 1 on Sept. 28th before bed. and pretty much threw it away immediately. Thought I was being silly.  There's no way I could be pregnant!! Then Yesterday at 5:30 I took one and got a super faint positive. Equate.  Came home and took 1 first response, and 1 CVS brand. I got two more Faint Positives.  Then this morning I took another first response and got another Fain positive.  I will try to upload the photo!!! Let me know what you think!!!!!!!!! :)
  • NEENT10 said:

    I took 1 on Sept. 28th before bed. and pretty much threw it away immediately. Thought I was being silly.  There's no way I could be pregnant!! Then Yesterday at 5:30 I took one and got a super faint positive. Equate.  Came home and took 1 first response, and 1 CVS brand. I got two more Faint Positives.  Then this morning I took another first response and got another Fain positive.  I will try to upload the photo!!! Let me know what you think!!!!!!!!! :)

    The one on the left is last night. The one on the right is this a.m. :)
  • I'm sharing my pics now, the one above was taken on 9/29 dpo17 the bottom one was taken tonight
  • I have taken quite a few pregnancy tests in my day and have only gotten a faint line three times...the three times I was pregnant. :) I've learned that a line is a line and it really does not show up at all if you're not pregnant.  So if you think you see a line then you are pregnant!!!
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  • The top one is from Dollar General. A friend bought it almost as a joke as I was only 1 day late. The other 2 are the CVS early detection, one taken that night, the last taken the next morning. 3 days later, I think I'm still in shock!
  • C6091C6091 member
    edited October 2014
    I used a cheapo one tonight. 21dpo. I'm a week late for period. This is mines. Do you think it's accurate. It's pink dye. I'm calling doc tomorrow. good luck everyone
    Our Anniversary:- 06.02.2014
    Our LOs ED: - 06.04.2015

    romantic movie couple for February:- Damon & Elena

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  • I wasn't yet late on my period (I was 12 dpo) but throughout the night randomly got a really stuffy nose. I woke up and decided to test with the dollar store tests, then tested again with the internet cheapies. All positive! The next day I tested with a target up and up grand digital test.... Positive! Been feeling crampy, nauseous , having foot cramps, and my boobs have been hurting (boobs always hurt tom, so I never counted that symptom. Woohoo!'
  • This is my first post so sorry if I do it wrong. Currently 12th day dpo, tested this am with the target up and up early test and saw the light blue line then wondofo purple this afternoon. Does it look positive?

    Married 2008, fur baby #1 2009, fur baby #2 2012, first baby due June 23, 2015
  • Hi everyone!
    This morning I got up and saved my FMU in a sealed container and put it under my sink. I wanted to take a test when I got back from the store this morning with HPT.
    After about an hour and a half, I dipped the FRG (first response gold) into the urine. The results said YES.
    Could this be accurate since I used FMU that was saved? Any current moms, what is the next step to find out if these results are truly accurate?

    Thank you guys so much!
  • Congrats!!
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  • Congrats!!
    Thank you. Although, I am not getting my hopes up yet...... I'm freaking out!
  • BFP from Kroger Brand test $4.99 Funny I know someone who has received accurate results from the dollar tree pregnancy tests.
    ~~Nelly Baby's 1st~~

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  • Kburns0925Kburns0925 member
    edited October 2014
    How do I upload a picture...when I click attach file or choose file nothing happens...
  • I honestly still can't believe it. Im going to take another test tomorrow and the next day too.

    I scheduled an appointment with the doctor, but it's not for another month (10 weeks).

    I feel like I need some kind of confirmation, I JUST CANT BELIEVE IT!!!!
  • Alina789 congratulations! I don't think anyone is having trouble reading the one line or two lines. I think everyone on here just needed some confirmation and someone to share it with.
  • I tested in the morning a few days before my expected period with an early response test. It was negative. HOWEVER, before I went to bed that night I dug the test out of the trash (because really, who honestly hasn't done it) and there was a very faint double line. That had never happened before so I made myself wait until the day I should have started my period. I took my temp that morning, which was still high from ovulation, and jumped out of bed immediately. I took a digital test this time (longest 3 mins of my life!) and it finally said "yes!".
  • KylaGirl777 Congratulations!!!
  • Congrats your going to be a mommy
  • I used First Response Early Result. I tested positive at 15DPO.


    We love our fur babies Luna (2013) and Dozer(2014)!

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  • These were my first 3 they were the dollar store brand! Then I took 2 clear blue digital with week estimation just to be sure and both of those said 2-3 weeks!!
  • I used a FRER and a ClearBlue digital test. Both popped up very obviously pregnant.

    Jacob Charles born 06/12/15 at 2:44 PM
    6 lbs, 10 oz, 20 inches
    Our miracle baby <3
  • I always uses FRER.  This time the store I stopped at did not have them.  All they had was 'answer'. My cycle was only 2 days late and I still had two positive tests with Answer. Because this was an oops pregnancy, I could not believe my eyes and did buy FRERs which were also all positive.  I never use digitals. 
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  • FRER and Clearblue taken at the same time

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  • I got my faint BFP today. AF was due yesterday. Friday night I had light pink spotting once before bed then yesterday I had light pink/brown mucus discharge a few times and it completely stopped. Tested this morning with FMU and sure enough there it was. My husband even looked at the test right after I took it and saw it. I'm going to the dr tomorrow for a blood test to confirm.
  • Clearblue makes it easy! I had a super stressful month so I just figured being a week late was a normal explanation due to the stress. Had some left over tests so I tried one to rule out pregnancy butttttttttt----Clearly I'm pregnant--let's hope you all get the same results!
  • Dollar tree test... After TTC for over a year I didn't think I was pregnant... Surprise to me :)
  • These were taking 5 days before my expected period. It has now been 5 days since my missed period :)
  • Both of these tests were taken 10 dpo with FMU. First is the dollar store test. Top picture about 3 minutes into processing. Bottom picture after it's dried a bit. Very faint positive.
    The digital was taken later on that day.
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  • I took mine 6 days before my missed period because I thought I was pregnant. :) 

    Got the result in 3 minutes.  It's very faint 
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  • 12 DPO first signal brand. Another faint positive.
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  • I took a First Response (pink test) the day after my period should have shown up, got an immediate 2nd line! This was on November 2nd. Just today, November 5th, I took the ClearBlue test because apparently my breasts feeling like they are tearing away from my body wasn't enough to make me believe we're actually expecting :)

  • csquid361csquid361 member
    edited November 2014
    Here are the 2 I took a few weeks ago. The one on the left was 1022 (11 DPO) and the ones on the right were 10/23 (12DPO).

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  • The first line (to the far right) will show up first and will be dark, the second line to the right will start fading in slowly...to the point your not sure if it's supposed to be there, I did some research, and it doesn't matter how long it takes to show up (1 min or 3, etc) if it's there your pregnant. Hope this helps :)
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