December 2014 Moms

Clicky: Are you doing kick counts?

megbmegmegbmeg member
edited October 2014 in December 2014 Moms
Yesterday, I saw a different OB than I usually do and she was very vague about keeping track of LO's movement. She didn't advise doing actual kick counts, but said if I didn't feel something every hour or so, to lie down or have a snack and see if she perks up. I'm going to ask for clarification next time when I see my regular OB, but it got me wondering - are you doing kick counts?
Baby GIRL born 12/11/14!!
MC @ 8 wks 7/6/13 - ectopic @ 6 wks 12/28/13

 In loving memory of sweet baby HP, and all our angel babies. Forever in our hearts.image 

Clicky: Are you doing kick counts? 332 votes

I do a kick count once or twice a day
8% 29 votes
I do some kind of counting, but not in a set routine
18% 63 votes
I don't do any kind of kick counting
68% 227 votes
3% 13 votes

Re: Clicky: Are you doing kick counts?

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    I don't do them.  My OB hasn't asked me to.  And, honestly, it would make me paranoid.  I feel happy that I am feeling her a lot and I know her typical schedule and active times.  That's what I clue in to.
    Lilypie - (vGZN)

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    BFP2: 10/27/13(edd 7/10/14) "Speck" ~ M/C 12/5/13
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    I don't do them.  My OB hasn't asked me to.  And, honestly, it would make me paranoid.  I feel happy that I am feeling her a lot and I know her typical schedule and active times.  That's what I clue in to.
    This is what I was doing until the OB said her slightly alarming "every hour" bit yesterday. I just had a general sense that she moves quite a bit, and has a couple of active times per day. I wasn't worried at all, but her comment is making me kind of paranoid - as if I might miss a vital change if I'm not tracking...
    Baby GIRL born 12/11/14!!
    MC @ 8 wks 7/6/13 - ectopic @ 6 wks 12/28/13

     In loving memory of sweet baby HP, and all our angel babies. Forever in our hearts.image 

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    I'm not sure how to answer. I don't count at all but I'm aware of her movements and pay enough attention that I know when to expect them.
    This makes sense. I should've put an option like that! :)
    Baby GIRL born 12/11/14!!
    MC @ 8 wks 7/6/13 - ectopic @ 6 wks 12/28/13

     In loving memory of sweet baby HP, and all our angel babies. Forever in our hearts.image 

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    I haven't done any counting, but I definitely notice when he's moving and will do counts if I haven't felt him for a period of time that doesn't seem normal. My OB advised that if I'm feeling less movement, to have a cup of juice and see if he perks up.
    BabyFetus Ticker


    Married DH May 2011
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    megbmeg said:
    I don't do them.  My OB hasn't asked me to.  And, honestly, it would make me paranoid.  I feel happy that I am feeling her a lot and I know her typical schedule and active times.  That's what I clue in to.
    This is what I was doing until the OB said her slightly alarming "every hour" bit yesterday. I just had a general sense that she moves quite a bit, and has a couple of active times per day. I wasn't worried at all, but her comment is making me kind of paranoid - as if I might miss a vital change if I'm not tracking...
    Ah!  Nothing like a random comment to make you feel totally paranoid.  I get it.  I'm glad my OB hasn't set me off.
    Lilypie - (vGZN)

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    BFP2: 10/27/13(edd 7/10/14) "Speck" ~ M/C 12/5/13
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    NandaB said:
    Nope. There's a post about this fairly recently. Its not necessary. If you notice a drastic decrease in movement then recording movements for a set amount of time is sometimes recommended. This is my 3rd child and my OB asks if I am feeling movement. That's it.
    Hmm...I did a search before and only saw results for the trimester boards and some of the older BMBs. I'm never too impressed with the bump search function. 
    Baby GIRL born 12/11/14!!
    MC @ 8 wks 7/6/13 - ectopic @ 6 wks 12/28/13

     In loving memory of sweet baby HP, and all our angel babies. Forever in our hearts.image 

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    I just feel some sort of jabs or movements, but if I didn't feel any, I'd lay down and do some sort of probing. With my first, I never did any kick counting.
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    I don't.  I asked the OB that I saw at my 28 week appt and she didn't feel they were necessary.  She said if you haven't noticed baby's movement in the last few hours to try to focus in and pay more attention (I get so used to kicking during my work day that it's entirely likely I just stop noticing it), eat something, lay on left side, etc.  She said that will likely spur a little movement.
    BFP on 4.3.2014
    EDD 12.10.2014
    DS #1 born 12.16.2014 - He's perfect!

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    I was never told to count by my OB. Some days in so busy at work that I can't remember if she kicked/moved or not. Then I feel her when I'm relaxing at home and i know she's fine. Her most active time is 4am, so I'd rather not have to wake up and count.


    BabyFruit Ticker TTC since 11/2011 Me: Hypothyroid & PCOS DH: 0% morphology IVF #1 - transfer on 4/2/14 BFP 4/11/14 beta 161 EDD: 12/19/14 It's a GIRL! AnaSophia (Sophie; Soph the Loaf) Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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    My ob mentioned it to start around 28 week which is next week. I feel him more but not regular yet. I am not going to worry unless ob mentions it again. She wasn't concerned with my lack of movement at my last appt. Do you even feel movement every hour. I guess I am not there yet.


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    I'd only do them when I sense her normal pattern or routine is off. I haven't had to yet, but I'm definitely aware of her movements and active periods.
    G 12.04 | E 11.06 | D 11.08  | H 12.09 | R 11.14 | Expecting #6 2.16.18.

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    You should start counting the kicks at the beginning of your third trimester. It just takes an hour, or less, each day to count 10 kicks. This is extremely important and I'm kind of shocked to hear that OBs aren't mentioning it to you ladies at your visits. It can save your babies life! Check out to learn more
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    I somewhat do. I've noticed that the baby is very active at certain times of the day so I usually wait till those times to monitor movement. She is typically dancing around like a crazy person so I don't even get 5 minutes in before I have 10 kicks.

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    Like PP's, I don't count in any form but if I notice I have gone for a certain period and don't remember feeling a kick/punch/movement, I will stop and see how long it takes to feel one or lay down to see if I feel one.  Usually happens with in a few minutes, I may have just got busy and didn't pay attention or remember; my OB hasn't said anything about counting, just if I am feeling constant movements.
    D14 - Free For All
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    I'm with the others in that I would notice if I don't feel anything for a while, but I have not done any official "kick counting".  
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    Umm what? I've been concerned this week because she has become lazy (in my mind). I called OB yesterday & they too suggested drinking juice & laying on left side. And it did get her kicking. But I do not feel her every hour! I'm shocked to hear your OB says you should count & feel movement every hour. Hmm..think I'll be calling them again tomorrow to see what their opnion is.
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    I was given a sheet and told to count whenever he is most active and call if I don't feel 10 movements in two hours. I honestly don't count though because when he is really active, I get to 10 kicks in about 2 minutes. I'm getting a good feel for his sleepy/active times and if I felt it was really different, I would start counting. But for now, it doesn't seem necessary to keep a chart or anything.
    In memory of the baby Hufflepuff and all the angel babies of D14 <3

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    My OB said to only do them if I am worried. He said as the baby gets bigger and the amniotic fluid decreases the movement change and people freak out. He also said you will only feel the baby 5 times in an hour and to go someplace quite where you can concentrate. I don't plan on doing them unless I haven't felt her in a long time.
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    Kick counting isn't necessary. Honestly, it will just make you crazy. Ain't nobody got time for that..especially when you're 30 weeks pregnant and your hormones are on steroids.

    In all seriousness, my OB said counting isn't needed. As long as you feel baby moving on and off throughout the day, you're fine. There is no magical number. If you realize it's been a long time since you've felt baby (this actually happened to me today), trying drinking a glass of ice cold water and laying on your side. A little nudge or two might help as well.

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    SerunatuSerunatu member
    edited October 2014

    I'm not sure how to answer. I don't count at all but I'm aware of her movements and pay enough attention that I know when to expect them.


    ETA: @danisgossipgirl‌ , I just realized your name after I quoted you-SO funny!!
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    megbmegmegbmeg member
    edited October 2014
    path75 said:
    My ob mentioned it to start around 28 week which is next week. I feel him more but not regular yet. I am not going to worry unless ob mentions it again. She wasn't concerned with my lack of movement at my last appt. Do you even feel movement every hour. I guess I am not there yet.
    That was my reaction when the OB mentioned it. I'm not sure, honestly. I started paying attention to see and if I am paying attention I think I do feel something every hour, but when I'm busy working it's hard to notice. That's why her comment made me a bit antsy. 

    ETA: added bold
    Baby GIRL born 12/11/14!!
    MC @ 8 wks 7/6/13 - ectopic @ 6 wks 12/28/13

     In loving memory of sweet baby HP, and all our angel babies. Forever in our hearts.image 

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    Momtobe85 said:
    I asked my Ob about this recently. She said kick counts were not necessary as Long as I was feeling what she called good movement - I asked what that meant and she said if I felt baby 5 different times during the day or so, she would be happy, but no need to count. She said to only do a formal kick count if I realized that half of a day or most of a day or a very long period of time had passed without feeling him. Then if I was alarmed to lie down and see how long it took to get 6 movements - ideally 6 in an hour. Luckily my guy is usually pretty active so I've never gotten to the point where I felt like I had to start counting.
    This sounds more reasonable to me than what the OB said to me. I've never gone a half day or several hours without feeling her, but when she said to do the lying down if I didn't notice movement for an hour, I was confused. Honestly, I don't have a lot of confidence in this OB. She's new to the practice, and I'm not too impressed so far. 
    Baby GIRL born 12/11/14!!
    MC @ 8 wks 7/6/13 - ectopic @ 6 wks 12/28/13

     In loving memory of sweet baby HP, and all our angel babies. Forever in our hearts.image 

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    I only do them if she seems less active.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Baby girl due 12-13-14!


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    Also aware and paying attention but have not done any counts. If I get paranoid I usually just poke at her and she moves around ;)
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    kwikwi8181kwikwi8181 member
    edited October 2014
    My OB has never mentioned doing a kick count, but I have done it from time to time since I have an app for that. LoL. My little one has been fairly active and I consistently have felt her since week 20. She has quiet times of day but she also has crazy active times of day-everyday. Until yesterday....when I did not feel her all day. By about 2pm I was worried. I had tried sugary drinks, resting, and poking at her ( all which had worked before if I wanted to get some activity out of her). But yesterday....nothing. So I called the doc around 2:30 and they asked me to come in for peace of mind. Long story short....after some drama from the office manager at my OB....Baby is great. Heart rate, placenta....everything looked great. But she was very quiet no matter how much the sono tech jiggled her. Apparently she has located her foot and is quite content to lay around bein lazy and suck her foot all day long. The only time she moved was when her foot fell out of her mouth and she turned her head-and grabbed it again. LoL.
    I did get a 3D sneak peek out of it!

    Edited....cus words are hard!
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    My midwife has mentioned to count kicks but she does ask if I fee him moving regularly. I don't really count them. I know when he is most active and just make sure that schedule doesn't change too much. I have a appointment next week and I will just ask my MW what she thinks.
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    My doctor has me keep a log. But baby is high risk. She said if during his normally active time I haven't felt 10 movements in 2 hours, go straight to L&D so they can start closely monitoring right away. Might be my particular circumstance. (baby has an omphalocele)

    However, he is usually reaching 10 kicks within 3 minutes or less during his active time. So if he suddenly takes 1 hour to reach 10 movement's during his usual active time, I'd probably still go in since that would be unusual for this guy. I'd be too worried about it.
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    amedberyamedbery member
    edited October 2014
    I think monitoring overall movement and making sure baby makes an appearance during normally active times is probably a better indicator of whether baby is healthy anyway. If you went by nothing but kick counts, a baby that kicks 10 times is magically healthier than one who only kicks 9, which doesn't make sense. I think vigilance and common sense wins out.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    invisbleworkinvisblework member
    edited October 2014
    Results here show most aren't doing kick counts and odds are things will be totally fine. But as a mom who's daughter was stillborn (I did not do lots of kick counts with her b/c my midwife said it wasn't neccessary) I urge you to consider the overwhelming body of research that supports why it is important. Basically if your kid isn't kicking it is a sign they are not getting oxygen (and thier body is preserving the brain instead). Check out google scholar for peer-reviewed could have saved my daughter's life had I know better.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    I didnt do formal kick counts with my first but I was aware of his normal habits. His movements decreased drastically at 37 weeks and he didnt pass a nst. I told the doctor I was concerned but she ignored it. She said to come back in three days for an ultrasound to make sure the baby was ok. All I could think was my baby could be dead by then! Luckily my body knew what to do and I went into labor the next day. Turns out the cord was between his head and my cervix and he was restricting his oxygen supply. I agree that being aware a your baby's movements is important but OBs also have to listen to their patients' concerns!

    DS 06/2013

    DD 12/2014

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    I'm supposed to start doing them tomorrow. 10 kicks in an hour, but not every hour- that would make me crazy.
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    JRod13 said:
    I'm supposed to start doing them tomorrow. 10 kicks in an hour, but not every hour- that would make me crazy.
    That got me too when I read it in a pregnancy book. Some hours he is completely asleep or not moving in a way I can feel but then other hours he moves 10 times in a few seconds. It's just not specific enough (because they can't be, every kid is different) and would drive me insane if I kept a chart of it or something.
    In memory of the baby Hufflepuff and all the angel babies of D14 <3

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    My OB gave me a chart/log and we discussed it at my last appointment. I definitely don't remember having to do the count with DD. But oh well I guess. I usually do it 20 min after dinner and I get to ten rather quickly. Last night took less then 5 min.
    I'm just going to follow my OB's recommendation. If anything it gives me something baby related to do.

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    No baby is going to be kicking three times an hour 24 hours a day. That would be crazy. When would they be sleeping?
    Lilypie - (vGZN)

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    BFP2: 10/27/13(edd 7/10/14) "Speck" ~ M/C 12/5/13
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    I should add, too, that my perinatologist advises just doing kick counts once a day, such as in the morning when the baby is active. Once an hour would be super extreme! I agree--they sleep so much I think it would be too stressful. This baby has a regular cycle of sleeping during the day but moving around right when I wake up and before bed. If you can pick up on a cycle and track kicks when they are awake (how long it takes to feel 10 rolls kicks or jabs) I think that's all that is needed. So I do it every morning and then just listen for her at night. But even with the loss of my first daughter I don't want to get too stressed about it. And I don't want to scare you all, either. Once a day is all you need.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    megbmegmegbmeg member
    edited October 2014
    Thanks, all. The best summary of the research I've found is this pros and cons list by the International Society for the Prevention of Perinatal and Infant Death (ISPID): Happily, the gist seems to be what most of you said above: that when women pay attention to their baby's movements and patterns, they are more likely to notice a change or decrease, which means they are more likely to get help when it is needed. Taking kick counts once a day is just one way to pay more attention. So I'm going to follow up with my regular OB about it, hopefully not have to see the more alarmist overly vague OB again, and in the meantime I'll keep paying attention to LO's movements. She gave me a very busy day yesterday, which was nice :)
    Baby GIRL born 12/11/14!!
    MC @ 8 wks 7/6/13 - ectopic @ 6 wks 12/28/13

     In loving memory of sweet baby HP, and all our angel babies. Forever in our hearts.image 

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    Results here show most aren't doing kick counts and odds are things will be totally fine. But as a mom who's daughter was stillborn (I did not do lots of kick counts with her b/c my midwife said it wasn't neccessary) I urge you to consider the overwhelming body of research that supports why it is important. Basically if your kid isn't kicking it is a sign they are not getting oxygen (and thier body is preserving the brain instead). Check out google scholar for peer-reviewed could have saved my daughter's life had I know better

    ------------Quote box trouble!----------------

    I'm very sorry for the loss of your daughter. Thank you for your advice, too. 
    Baby GIRL born 12/11/14!!
    MC @ 8 wks 7/6/13 - ectopic @ 6 wks 12/28/13

     In loving memory of sweet baby HP, and all our angel babies. Forever in our hearts.image 

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