September 2014 Moms

Riley's (laurenwarwick) Birth Story... Long Overdue!

LaurenWarwickLaurenWarwick member
edited September 2014 in September 2014 Moms
Wow, having baby home has been a big adjustment!  I've tried writing this from my phone a few times while doing MOTN feedings, but end up losing track of what I'm writing... so, anyway, here goes!

TL/DR: Riley Cooper was born on September 17th at 6:58 PM, 8 lbs 4 oz 21 inches long! 

Had my 40 week appointment on Monday the 15th (technically 39 weeks 6 days).  Doctor said my cervix was "ready to rock and roll" so he called the hospital to see when they could get me in for an elective induction.  They could get me on the wait list for the next day, my due date, so hubby and I got mentally prepared an went to bed Monday night expecting to have a baby the next day.  Well, woke up early waiting for the call from the hospital.  Didn't hear anything until 9:30AM, when they said that they didn't have any beds available and that we would have to wait until the next day (my doctor was only available for the earlier part of the day, and didn't want me to come in too late that day only for him to have to leave before delivery).  Hubby and I were bummed, but ended up making a really nice day of it since we had already taken the day off of work.  We went to lunch, walked around the mall, went to see a movie, and cuddled on the couch watching Netflix.  It was nice to get that last day in just the two of us, so it worked out well. 

Wednesday morning, I woke up waiting on the call again.  The hospital called around 9:45 AM letting us know to get up there ASAP!  Woke up hubby, we got ready and up to the hospital, and were all settled in and hooked up to the pitocin and had my water broken by the doc by 11AM.  No turning back now!  I was getting so nervous.  My parents and hubby's parents came into the room around 12:15PM and kept us company.  At this point, contractions had definitely started, but weren't too bad.  We all just hung out and chatted and watched Netflix.  Around 3:15PM, the contractions started to get really bad, but I hadn't progressed at all (I was so pissed when they told me that... how the hell could I not have progressed with all the pain I was feeling?!). They did give me some meds to 'take the edge off', but couldn't get the epi yet.  I hung in there for about 2 more hours, then was finally progressed to a 4, so I got my epidural FINALLY!  It is magical. I don't know how women do it without drugs- no way in hell I could have done it!! 

So now it's like 5:15, just got my epidural, got checked, and I'm at 8cm!  Finally!  Around 6:15, I started feeling more pressure and was checked again- 9.5cm.  They said I had like a little rim of cervix on the side, so I had to lie on my side for a few minutes to help it along.  About 6:30PM, it was time to push!  Pushed about 4 times and she was here!  6:58 PM- we had a goal of 7PM because that was nurse's shift change, so we just barely squeaked that in before our goal! 

She looked exactly like her daddy as a newborn.  She was amazing and so perfect and pink and had so much hair!!  I had a little freak out afterward when the doctor said I was still bleeding and he couldn't figure out where it was coming from.  Luckily, it was just a burst vessel on my cervix which was easily stitched up, and not anything to do with my uterus.  I was getting worried about transfusions. 

Anyway, this is sounding very rambly, so I apologize!  Just so much to say for such an awesome,crazy day!

ETA: Photos!  Hope it worked...

Re: Riley's (laurenwarwick) Birth Story... Long Overdue!

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