Pregnant after a Loss

***Sunday Ticker Change Check In***

It's another week!! If your week turns over on Sunday, please join us.

How far along are you? Fruit if you know?

How are you feeling?

Any recent or upcoming appointments/milestones?


Do you have any pets? What kind and anything special you want to share about them? If not now, did you grow up with any?

Re: ***Sunday Ticker Change Check In***

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    How far along are you? Fruit if you know?

    33 weeks and he is the size of a durian fruit ... Whatever that is.

    How are you feeling?

    I've been feeling good this week. Definitely feeling heavy and sleeping can be uncomfortable.

    Any recent or upcoming appointments/milestones?

    I had a bi weekly appointment this week and it went well. My doctor thinks he flipped to head down position but obviously that can change. Will know more at a growth ultrasound in a few weeks.


    I obviously don't want to go into preterm labor but it feels like these last few weeks have been going by sooooo slow. I just want him here already.

    Do you have any pets? What kind and anything special you want to share about them? If not now, did you grow up with any?

    We have a 5 year old terrier mix who is totally our baby. We adopted him a couple years ago. In many ways we feel like he has saved our lives after years of loss. He can be so stubborn but we feel so grateful for him and spoil him rotten :)

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    How far along are you? Fruit if you know? 10 weeks prune

    How are you feeling?
    Ok. Very tired, peeing 3-4 times a night. Gagging/dry heaving a lot

    Any recent or upcoming appointments/milestones?
    Had an intake appointment with the nurse Thursday. She was a moron and didn't look at my file and asked "is this your first pregnancy". When I said no she asked if I breast fed. I told her, rather harshly that my daughter died. She then made the excuse that she didn't know she was doing an interview and didn't get a chance to read my file. My OB will know about this for sure! I see her Thursday.

    Just pissed at the nurse who had no empathy and made excuses. My Mom is starting chemo on Monday, and she is in a lot of pain. I do not like seeing her in pain

    Do you have any pets? What kind and anything special you want to share about them? If not now, did you grow up with any?
    I have an awesome guinea pig. :) I grew up with dogs and would love a pup but we rent right now.

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        My Blog

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
    Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013

    BFP # 2 8/7/14 EDD 4/22/15
    Please be our rainbow!!

    **All AL Welcome**

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    Far along/fruit: 7 weeks today. Blueberry
    Felling: Feeling okay but tired and starting yesterday the nausea has kicked in. I'm happy because I haven't had any in the past.
    Thoughts: I'm still very nervous that I'll mc again but I'm making it a point to choose joy everyday and celebrate this pregnancy.
    Pets: We have a zoo. 3 dogs and 7 cats which means DH now has litter duty. I grew up in the country so we always had a house full of animals so this isn't much different.
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    How far along are you? Fruit if you know? 7 weeks, blueberry?

    How are you feeling? Awful, I have been puking all day long. It's terrible and great. I am nervous bc with my DD I had seldom "night sickness" with my MMC I puked a ton up until my D&C

    Any recent or upcoming appointments/milestones? I have an appointment on Thursday at 7d4w my last baby stopped developing at 7d5w so now I'm so paranoid, I'm just hopeful this week goes by quickly and my appointment on Thursday is a good one.

    Thoughts/vents: My DH has been pestering me for sex and I want to punch him. I'm puking all day long, how is that sexy? Leave me alone ;)

    Do you have any pets? What kind and anything special you want to share about them? If not now, did you grow up with any? 2 dogs- they are teacup Yorkies and although I love them very much they spend 80% of their day driving me crazy! They have become very protective of me again and we have had some strange sister dog fights in the last couple weeks. :-/
    BFP #1-- 8-25-12, DD Born 5-1-13 
    BFP #2-- 5-6-14, MMC 6-13-14, D&C 6-13-14
    BFP #3 -- 8-26-14, EDD 5-10-15 

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    Hey ladies!! Sorry I missed the last few weeks. I got a new phone and have been having trouble figuring it out. Anywho this will likely be my last check in. I'm pretty sure I'm being induced Wednesday. Yay!!

    How far along are you? Fruit if you know?
    39 weeks. Watermelon

    How are you feeling?
    I'm feeling very pregnant but overall pretty good. I just got over feeling like poop from my flu shot. Or at least that's what I'm guessing made me feel a little crappy.

    Any recent or upcoming appointments/milestones?
    I'm going in tomorrow morning to have my membranes stripped to see if that will get the labor ball rolling. At that appt we will determine an induction date for if the stripping goes nowhere. I'm hoping for Wednesday.

    While I never considered induction, I'm pretty ok with it. We are inducing a little early because of GD. I'm just hoping Evie tolerates the induction and I'm able to deliver vaginally. I'm currently enjoying my last pedi for awhile. It's heavenly. :)

    Do you have any pets? What kind and anything special you want to share about them? If not now, did you grow up with any?
    I have two beautiful big dogs that have been my babies. I'm kind of sad that the new baby will take away some of my attention from them. I hope they love her and her them.

    I wish all of you lovely ladies very happy and healthy pregnancies. I'll still be stalking this board to check on you all. :x

    BFP#1 4/17/2013 EDD 12/25/2013, MC 5/17/2013 8 weeks 3 days D&C 5/18/2013

    BFP#2 1/20/2014 EDD 9/28/2014, Baby Evie born on 9/23/2014 at 8:50pm.  6 lbs 15 oz!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

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    How far along are you? Fruit if you know?   12 weeks ,  plum!

    How are you feeling?   I think...maybe...possibly... I'm feeling better....I hope :)

    Any recent or upcoming appointments/milestones?  Tuesday is my first MFM appointment, they're doing the 1st trimester screen/NT scan but a more in depth scan of the brain as well.

    Thoughts/vents:  Oh not much , just anxious for that appointment on Tuesday. Hoping for an all clear. I cant really handle any bad news at this point.

    Do you have any pets? What kind and anything special you want to share about them? If not now, did you grow up with any?   Yes! My 10 year old Cocker Spaniel and her name is Chesney named after Kenny Chesney! I've had her since she was 3 months old and she's my best little friend :)   I grew up with dogs my whole life but shes the first dog I've had on my own as an adult. I got her when I was 23 and just out of college in my first apartment. Here is a picture of what Chesney does on most days... sleep, lol
    Me: 33, Endocrine issues & FVL       DH: 32, Nothing 
    NTNP 2009-2012         TTC since 2012:
    • Clomid, 2 IUI cycles, and 5 IVF cycles = BFN
    • FET #1   August 2013 = BFP!     EDD 5/11/14
    • Jack dx at 19w1d with Dandy Walker on 12/16/13
    • Severe Pre-e /HELLP set in Jack born sleeping at 20w1d on 12/23/13
    • FET #2 --July 2014  BFP!  ---  EDD  4/5/15

    Jack has handpicked his sibling up there :)

    My blog about IF and loss ... Kate's IF Blog

            Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 


                                                                              Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


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    How far along are you? Fruit if you know? 

    22 weeks - papaya

    How are you feeling?

    I'm exhausted... going to bed late + getting up early = blegh...

    But I am very happy that baby's kicks can be felt from the outside.  DH,  his mom and his little sister (she's 11) have all felt him moving around in there. 

     Any recent or upcoming appointments/milestones? 

    I go for my check up tomorrow afternoon. I don't know if she'll review the results of the anatomy scan or not. 

    Thoughts/vents: About a year ago, our tv crapped out, so we bought a new one. We didn't know at the time that Best Buy would recycle our tv for us, so we stored it in our bedroom temporarily. Then we found out about best buy, and I've been telling DH he needs to get his guy friends together to grt this old tv into my car so I coukd drive it over there. It's very heavy, so I understand him not wanting to do it, but at the same time, it's taking up space and blocking access to a dresser in our room, so it needs to go. So finally, I texted his best friend and asked if he could come by this afternoon to help get it to my car. He said yes. Then this morning, dh asks if we can do the tv thing another weekend because he has lots of homework to do and when his best friend comes over he tends to stay, and therefore dh wont get any homework done. (BTW, I feel it's necessary to note that dh has been slacking on his homework which is why he has so much of it to do).  I sighed and said that was fine, but I wasn't happy about it, and he could tell. So now we're home from church waiting on his best friend to arrive, and he's annoyed with me, but instead of spending this time on homework, he's on Facebook and surfing the net.... ugh

    tl; dr - dh has been slacking and is upset at me for doing something I've been asking him to do for a year, and isn't utilizing his time properly - playing on Facebook when he has lots of homework to catch up on...

    Do you have any pets? What kind and anything special you want to share about them? If not now, did you grow up with any?

    We have an Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix dog with short hair. He's almost 3. He's very energetic and loves to be around people. When we sit on the couch, he curls up on the floor by our feet.  He follows us around the house and loves to play with the laser light. 
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
    BabyFruit Ticker
      DS #1 born 8/3/06, DS #2 born 10/2/08
    TTC since 8/13 BFP 11/27/13, EDD: 8/3/14
    US 12/9 found 2 Gestational Sacs, MC 12/10/13 6w3d
    BFP #4 5/15/14, EDD: 1/25/14, HB 6/4/14 Movement 8/13/14
    All Welcome

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    @Linden25‌ thanks doll!! Congrats on third tri!

    BFP#1 4/17/2013 EDD 12/25/2013, MC 5/17/2013 8 weeks 3 days D&C 5/18/2013

    BFP#2 1/20/2014 EDD 9/28/2014, Baby Evie born on 9/23/2014 at 8:50pm.  6 lbs 15 oz!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

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    Hi, I just moved over from Wednesday ticker change.
    Weeks/fruit? 8 weeks raspberry.

    Feeling? Tired. And eating every 2 hours to ward off nausea. After seeing the difference between 5 wk u/s and the 7 wk one, I'm not surprised. There's a lot that been growing in there!

    Next appt: Oct 3 for next f/u. Hope to hear heart on Doppler though we had a great heart rate at u/s (163). That week is the EDD of my loss.

    Thoughts: so happy my DH has made a 180 since my u/s. Its real to him now and going from a yolk sac to a living growing baby with heart beat was amazing. He's been more understanding of how tired I am and making sure I eat when I need to. We told my dad(mom knew) and his parents this weekend. He was so excited to tell them.
    I'm trying to decide if we should wait til the next appointment to go public, but I'm not sure with our social calendar let us wait- a friends 10 yr anniversary party is saturday with a fun drink loving group.
    Not sure what to do there.

    Vent: my dads response to my due date was that it was 'in the way' of his vacation, its not even scheduled! I'm really annoyed but I sadly expected some negative comment. Its why we waited to tell him in the first place.

    Pets- we don't have any but I had hamsters until I was 10. Then we got a 5 yr old golden retriever when I was 15. She was precious. I miss her still.
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    @shandorflml2 So sorry to hear that you had to deal with the nurse's comment. That is just plain hurtful. I have also had to deal with that and I am shocked at how often it has happened in my doctor's office with medical assistants and nurses. You would think they would either look at our files before or just keep their mouth's shut and know better. Maybe empathy can't be taught. Thinking of your mom too.


    @thatchmamaTotally get how nausea can be a blessing when PGAL. Those early weeks are really hard. Thinking positive thoughts for you as your pregnancy progresses. Hugs to you and wow you definitely have a zoo at home!


    @lalalady54 Thinking positive thoughts for your upcoming appointment. Will someone be coming with you to the appointment? I hope this week goes by super fast for you.

    @racegurl87 Yay for the nausea letting up. Mine let up around then too. Such a relief for sure. Your bump will be there before you know it but I totally get what you mean about it being kind of an awkward stage. Are you taking weekly bump photos? I started mine at 15 weeks and it has been fun to document each week to see the growth. I just keep the photos for us and share with family.

    @gingerkid9989 Welcome back and yay for 39 weeks!!! So exciting! Keep us posted on your induction date. Can't wait to hear your birth story! Very happy for you.

    @kflynn81 Thinking of you for your upcoming NT scan. I know that can be really scary. We received a terminal diagnosis for our daughter a couple of years ago. With this pregnancy getting past the NT scan and then the anatomy scan was a huge milestone. We made sure that the sonographer knew about our history and we must have asked if things still looked ok about a hundred times that day. Sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts your way. Your dog is absolutely adorable!!! Looks like your dog and mine share the same sleeping habits :)  Busy lives haha.


    @morethansparrows08 Yay for feeling kicks on the outside. So awesome! So sorry about your husband. They can be so frustrating sometimes, right?


    @linden25 Congrats on third trimester! Huge milestone! Sending positive thoughts for your appointment. Please update us. That's awesome that your mom is coming for so long. That will be a huge help!


    @asrdh That's awesome about your DH. It is very different for my husband too and I don't think it felt real to him until our ultrasounds. Sorry to hear about your dad's negative comment.








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    @linden25 Congrats on a great scan!! She still has plenty of time to flip. Thanks so much for the update!
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    @ASRDH  Welcome to Sunday check in. I had a golden growing up too, such sweet dogs!!

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        My Blog

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
    Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013

    BFP # 2 8/7/14 EDD 4/22/15
    Please be our rainbow!!

    **All AL Welcome**

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