Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Going back to work after 2 weeks off with DS.

I worked 4 day work weeks most of the year after going back from maternity leave.  I took 2 weeks off for the holidays and now going back to 5 - 6 day work weeks during tax season (i'm a cpa).  I am so dreading it and not looking forward to monday.  Tax season does go by quickly since we are so busy but just the thought of not seeing my little man as much is sickening. :-(

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Re: Going back to work after 2 weeks off with DS.

  • I know.  I've been home the past 2 weeks also.  Going back Monday is going to be tough for us all.  I know I am really going to miss DD while I am at work, I've gotten so used to hanging out with her all day!
  • I hear that!  I'm a teacher, and have had the last 2 weeks off. I'm dreading Monday too. Takes awhile to get in the swing of things. :(
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  • me too!!  I am also a teacher and am going back after 2 weeks off.  I was home with DS the first 6 months and loved it, but now that he's almost 10 months and at a such fun age, I have had the best time with him all day long!!!!  I actually feel like I am going to cry dropping him off at the sitter on Monday morning. :(
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