
Twin growth discordance?

I am 27 weeks along and got a call from my OB about the weight difference of baby a and b. She wants me to see a see a specialist just to have an extra set of eyes on the girls. The percentage is 19.6%. They told me not to lose sleep over it but naturally I've been worrying like crazy.

Can anyone give me advice/feedback/words of wisdom on this issue?
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Re: Twin growth discordance?

  • Are they di/di or mo/di?

    Growth discordance in di/di is less of an issue as long as both are growing along their own curves. A diff in mo/di is more concerning bc of unequal placenta sharing. My boys were di/di, so I don't have and mo/di twin experience but there are plenty of mommas here who've had ID twins.

  • Mo/di
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  • I have mono di twins and I am 24 weeks. My MFM dr didn't seem concerned about weight difference between my twins last visit. She said they care more about blood flow to each twin, and fluid. Unless there is over %25 weight difference.
  • I echo what others' have posted.  My baby b was dx with IUGR recently and they discovered it when their growth discordance changed, drastically.  She'd always been more petite than him but all of a sudden at week 32 or so, the discordance grew a lot.  Testing followed and doctors discovered bloodflow from baby b to her placenta was not as it should be and her growth slowed a lot from there.  I've been in hospital now for a week with her placenta being monitored and they'll be delivered sometime in next few days due to this.  Drs explained in my case, her placenta basically got tired.  If preeclampsia exists, the condition can be more unpredictable but I don't have pre-e (though I do have protein in urine and some high BPs) and without pre-e, it generally follows a predictable course.  If your OB recommends a MFM, which I've seen my whole pregnancy, it sounds like a great idea.  They have knowledge, experience and many times better testing equipment to gain more information.  

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