March 2014 Moms

Sup guys?

So. I've been gone for a while. I've popped in to lurk once in a while. I barely recognize anyone around here anymore, but I figured I'd check in and let you know I'm alive. I apologize in advance if this is long and incoherent, I'm not really sure what to say. 

I decided to take a bump break (really an internet break altogether) because I was feeling pretty down on myself. I still sort of am. This place wasn't helping (no offense to anyone here, for the most part everyone here is lovely). I suppose it was too much time spent comparing myself to others, in life, on here, on facebook and pinterest. I keep telling myself that everyone puts their best face on in public and especially online, but it is really hard not to see what others put out there and not feel like your life is totally inferior. I graduated with no job, my husband and I are still living with my parents, and I constantly feel like a shitty mother. Seeing other people being successful, with wonderful jobs, houses and vacations and cars, people feeling like they were meant to be mommies, still being able to EBF, it's just too much. 

Like I said, I still have no job so I'm feeling like I've doomed our family with six figure student debt and nothing to show for it. I realize that I'll probably find a job after bar results come out (which, one shining happy moment, I'm pretty sure I killed it on the bar exam), but right now it is tough to think that far ahead. H and I have been talking to a lawyer about filing for bankruptcy, which has been a pretty low point. 

All of that crappiness aside, I'm really struggling with being a mother. I don't really feel cut out for the job, at all. I haven't really developed a bond with J; I tell H all the time that I feel like someone just dropped him off on our doorstep and I'm just in charge of taking care of him. I feel like I take care of him and love him because he's young and helpless and adorable, more out of obligation than because he belongs to me. I think some of this stems from being a little depressed, and some of it stems from still not coming to grips with passing out during my c-section. I fell asleep pregnant and woke up in a different room with a baby- I think, not having seen him come out, my mind is having trouble making the connection between the two. 

On top of not feeling connected, I just don't think I'm the type of person that can parent a baby. I know others feel that way too, but I'm struggling with it. I get frustrated really easily, which I really hate about myself. I know he requires oodles of patience and I wish I could give it to him. I actually ended up throwing my phone at a wall a few weeks ago during a particularly tough morning when J just would not stop screaming, which I'm really not proud of. J is generally a really happy, laid back baby (thank God), but when he starts fussing I can usually only handle it for about ten minutes before I want to scream and I have to put him in his crib or give him to someone else and walk away. H has been really understanding, but I know it hurts him that I'm struggling so much and he can't fix it for me. 

I know this all sounds miserable, and I guess it is. Most days it's not too bad. I wouldn't say I'm happy, but I'm… content? I don't know. J is really a wonderful baby. He's sitting on his own, downing his baby food like a monster, he loves to laugh and babble, and he's desperately trying to figure out crawling. A few pictures: 




Anyway, that's where I'm at now. I saw that a few people wondered where I went; thank you guys for thinking of me! I don't know if I'll still be active, but I will try to pop back in at least once in a while. :)
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Re: Sup guys?

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    Well, J is beautiful!  I am sorry you have had a rough go,  I too have my moments of self doubt, most of us do.  Sounds like you are being awfully hard on yourself. I don't have anything wonderful to offer except I hope you continue to take care of yourself and wish you well.  I've had more financial issues than I care to report so I get that emotional struggle and all that it brings/guilt, etc. As far as I'm concerned anyone that can qualify to even take the bar exam is pretty damn accomplished no matter the current situation.  Best wishes for your outlook and circumstances to improve!
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    I'm so sorry you are feeling depressed. If you haven't talk to your doctor. 

    A friend of mine had a very traumatic birth. She had a very hard time with her feelings and a lot of ppl would say things trying to help but only made it worse. She ended up doing this thing called rebirth. It really helped her and even though her daughter was over a year old at that time she felt she finally connected with her on a much better level. It was a big healing process for her, maybe try and look into it. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Tickerimage


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    I'm so glad you came in with an update-you have been so missed! I'm sorry to hear that you've been having such a difficult time, and I truly hope things get better. I wish I could send you huge hugs!
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    He's adorable! I hope things are on the upswing for you guys. We're here if you need us.

    Emma Rose
    Born 3.11.14
    8lbs 14oz, 21.5 in
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    We've all missed you !! I'm glad you came back around , I've been thinking of you and I know a few others have as well . And I'm so very sorry your dealing with all of this . This new life is defiantly been an adjustment . I've struggled myself . So no perfect little life for me!!! But just know we are here for you if you need us ! J is adorable and your doing a wonderful job !


    Married  : ** 09/09/2011  ** BFP : 07-18-13 ** Baby #1 is a GIRL , Born 03/12/14 ** 
    ** BFP 2 :  01- 05-15 ** EDD 09-11-15 **

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    Baby S 2. Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! I've been wondering about you and I'm so glad you checked in! Close your eyes and imagine big creepy hugs from an internet stranger! ;)

    But seriously, I'm so sorry you're dealing with all these hurdles. I think everyone has pretty much covered everything. I really hope things get better for you. I'm sure in time they will. If you want to vent more then come back because we're all ready to listen :)
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    It is great to hear from you, and I'm sorry about all you're going through. It's tough to see, but everyone has stuff they're going through even if they don't post about it on the internet.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


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    Hugs! The ladies have it pretty well covered. Be kind to yourself and know that you have lots of support here if you choose to hang around. Do what's right for you!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I'm glad you gave us an update. We have been wondering/worried about you.
    pp have said it all regarding ppd/ppa and I hope their advice helps!
    Just know that we are always here to listen and support you no matter what!
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Just wanted to say I'm glad to hear from you and very sorry you're going through all that you are.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    *Creepy Internet hugs* glad to hear from you. I'm sorry that you're struggling right now.

    Being able to talk about all you did takes strength. And handle all of that at once and kicking butt at the bar exam at the same time takes even more. I hope you're able to push through these tough times.

    J is adorable and has a wonderful smile!
    Kinley Diane
    Born 2/4/14
    Weighing 6 lbs 10 oz and 20 inches long

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    So glad to see you @legallyginger‌ and I hope things continue to improve and that you get good results from the bar.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Much love to you mama!
    You kick ass!
    Glad to hear from you!
    Pp have says it best. And I guarantee you're doing a great job
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    You've been missed! I'm sorry things aren't going so well. You're not alone. I'll be thinking about you and j. Thank you so much for being so open and candid. Hope to see you around here again soon. Hugs.
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    Btw you may not recognize me since my sn changed, but I'm the one who only recently figured out your avatar is a character from a movie. Every time I watch brave (it's always on tv) I think of you!
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    Congratulations on kicking ass on the bar exam! Be proud of yourself, that's no small feat! 

    I'm sorry that you're struggling with the whole transition to motherhood. Like PP said, you're not alone. Thanks for checking in; we're here if and when you want to come back. We certainly missed you around here!
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    In regards to the comparing thing, my friend told me a quote that reminds me of this... It's like comparing someone else's high light reel to your unedited movie. It's something I think about when find myself comparing my life to others, especially online.
    Kinley Diane
    Born 2/4/14
    Weighing 6 lbs 10 oz and 20 inches long

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    Big hugs. I'm sure you killed that bar exam and I hope you find something soon. I know how tough it is out there.  J is just gorgeous! 


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    It was good to hear from you! And congrats on killing the bar! Like others have said much more eloquently, it sounds like you might be struggling with PPD and/or PPA. Go easy on yourself and know that it will get better.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFetus Ticker

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    Congratulations on passing the bar exam!! Which type of law are you looking to get into? My cousin passes it just year here in NY and got a job doing copyrights for people. She just recently moved to LA and had to do it all over again. After watching her go through all her schooling and exams I wanted to pull my own hair out. I can't imagine doing that preggo and with a newborn! You go girl!
    As for bonding with your little one, I'm sorry you're struggling and hope it gets better for you. Creepy internet stranger hugs for you.
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    so glad you checked in! your LO is adorable! I'm sorry you are feeling down and I totally agree with PP's about talking to your doc and maybe trying some meds to see if it helps at all. I don't have experience with any real PPD but I know it can get serious fast...the sooner you get help the better. know that we are all here for you and love you!

    I /can/ totally relate on the law-market-sucking level. My friends and I graduated in 2012 and passed the bar that summer. the market STILL sucks. I will say, however, that if you try you WILL find a job. It might seem really rough at first but something will always pop up unexpectedly. fate, maybe? I don't know. but it happened for all of us and it will happen for you too. starting salaries do suck, but I would recommend reviewing your repayment options for those student loans. Income Based Repayment is a good option; it will leave you with money to live off of (I would be paying 1200 a month but only pay 380 under my plan) so that helps. Writing out a budget and a plan helps too.

    we <3 you.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Great to hear from you and hoping things turn around for you soon! I remember when my husband first finished school and was clerking while taking the bar, i thought our finances would never recover...i'm either now okay with our extrodinary debt or it's getting more manageable! I'll pray something comes up and its wonderful!
    Take care, thinking happy thoughts for you and your family! ( :
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    I just wandered over here and was SO excited to see you post, @legallyginger! I am so sorry to hear about some of the challenges you're facing. I still struggle a bit with my PPD, but I know time is making it better, even if it's just a little at a time. Oh, and my meds help too :) FX that your kick-ass bar exam leads to amazing things for you!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
    Unplanned pregnancy July 2005; EDD 3/27/06; birthdaughter born 3/15/06 (38w2d) (placed for adoption).
    TTC since December 2012, BFP 6/25/13. EDD 3/2/14. Baby Elias born 2/21/14 (38w5d)!
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