September 2014 Moms

Look Out! Here Comes Kaylee! (tromboner)

Ok, so I'm finally home with my computer so I can more comfortably type this out. Kaylee is currently napping in her grandpa's arms while big brother John plays and DH makes dinner. Life couldn't be more perfect this very moment.

On Wednesday I was feeling general pain, nothing as bad as the week before when DD was sitting on a nerve, but I was having pretty noticeable back pain and the occasional contraction. That night I woke up occasionally with more definite lower contractions.... felt like severe pressure along my whole lower uterus. Weren't really timetable until 7am Thursday morning. By then they were 8-9 minutes apart. I had an OB appointment that day for 11:30... we made sure our hospital bag was packed just in case. At 11:30 my contractions were 6-7 minutes apart. My OB checked me and I was 3cm. As soon as she started the check I had a contraction and she left her finger in there to feel the contraction.... THAT hurt. She sent me home with the regular party line that I could go that night or next week.

We went home to wait for the contractions to get closer... not a long wait. At 2pm I was on the couch timing them... still at 6 minutes. At a quarter to 3 I got up to go to the bathroom and had my bloody show. I called to DH, "We're going to the hospital now!" We called our MIL to take DS but she was out of town shopping and FIL was stranded without a car. We had no time so decided to just take DS with us. We got to the hospital at 3:30pm with me screaming. They checked me and I was 6cm with a bulging bag of waters. The nursing director took DS to her office to play so DH could hold my hand through the contractions.

I did NOT plan on an unmedicated birth so I was not prepared whatsoever. It was way too late and going too fast for an epi or IV drugs of any kind. I could barely follow the breathing directions and was in near hysterics with every contraction. My water exploded somewhere between 6 and 8cm. DD was very low giving me rectal pressure from the very beginning while I was still at home, so by 7cm I was filled with an overwhelming need to push, but could not without hurting us both. DH looked very very worried, but he held my hand and assured me through it all. I got to 10cm in less than an hour and was FINALLY told that I would be able to push. I couldn't get myself organized for it though like I could when I had an epi with DS. I was still happy to push though.

Unfortunately halfway through the first push the doctor told me I had to stop. DD was coming out head down, but face first.... her neck was hyper extended and her lips and chin were sticking out of my cervix. That's when they called for the emergency c/s. Without meds I could NOT stop pushing though. A nurse had to keep her hand in me to prevent me from hurting her further. :(

They got me into the OR and the last thing I remember as I was fighting to not push was screaming, "Knock me out NOW!" and being gassed. I woke up 2 hours later in recovery and cried from the overwhelming emotions after hearing DD was with DH and doing great. They wheeled me into a post partum room where I waited another 20 minutes for DH and DD to come in. I have never been so happy to see another person in my life.

Kaylee Elizabeth is absolutely perfect. Born 9/4/2014 at 4:40pm, 8lbs 5ozs, 19inches and sassy as hell. Looks like she's going to be another blonde haired/blue eyed beauty like her big brother. She's bruised on her face and her shoulders from her intense entrance into the world, but the bruises don't dampen her spirit at all. She's active, vocal, and a great nurser. She's my little bruiser. :x

Picture time!







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