February 2015 Moms


Since I haven't posted any personal info on this website I guess this is ok to post. Just found out my DH is most likely deploying very soon. And will be gone for baby. This is our first deployment and first baby. My heart is broken....

Re: Crushed

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    I'm so sorry to hear that. It's going to be tough on both of you but we have other other military wives here who understand your feelings. T&Ps to you and DH during this though time. Do you have family or friends to help build a strong support system around you?
    Lilypie Maternity tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    Im so sorry :( that must be very stressful. I have no way of knowing how hard this has to be but i want to thank both you and your husband for your service and your sacrifice. I know we have a few other military moms on this board that may be able to offer support. Ill be thinking of you.
    Sarah, 35 bumping from NE Ohio
    Married my love 4/22/2006
    DD born 10/12/2009
    DS born sleeping 2/23/2013 full trisomy 18
    Baby 3 due 2/13/2015
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    I'm so sorry. My brother missed the births and first birthdays of his first two babies due to deployment. Maybe he can talk to someone about scheduling leave around your due date? He got to get home right after his second was born so he had two weeks with them. T and P's for you all

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Oh gosh I can't imagine how you must be feeling. I am so sorry. Thank you to you and your family for your sacrifice. 
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    imageImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
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    I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how you feel. I would be heartbroken. :( Maybe he can Skype the l&d room?

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    Thanks everyone. I have tons of family support but it's not quite the same as my hubby. Plus we were getting ready for a big move overseas which we were super excited about which will now most likely be cancelled. I'm trying not to stress too much right now, but it's super difficult. Thanks for the support.
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    Oh I'm so sorry. That has to be so hard. I hope for the best for you.
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    I can't imagine how crushed you must feel. I cried when I read this. I'm so so sorry. Thank you both for your service.
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    Oh I'm so sorry, that's just sucky timing! Hang in there, do you have family you can lean on during that time? Thank you for his service and your sacrifice!!!!
    **All welcome**
     Me: 33 Hypothyroid, HBP, Low Vit D Anemic, Stage 2 Adrenal failure. Unexplained Infertility
    DH: 33 Cancer survivor 
    Married Dec. 2007
    10/2013 Clomid, bfn
    10/2013 HSG, all clear
    11/2013 Clomid, bfn. Cyst burst.
    IUI #1 - 12/31/2013  Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #2 - 1/31/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #3 - 2/22/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #4 - 3/24/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN
    IVF Summer 2014 -Cancelled!
    Natural BFP 5/28! Beta: 545.
    1st ultrasound 6/18 - one bean!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I'm glad that you have a great support system. I know is not him but it's still something. My DH never deployed without me and we didn't have kids until we were out so I can't imagine what the other side is like. PPs all have great advice about leave time and Skype. I've seen both done and I've participated in setting these type events up so I know that there are some situations where it can be possible. GL, and I'm so sorry that you have to go through this.
    Lilypie Maternity tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    I'm so sorry that the deployment's happening now. Hugs for you—remember that we're here if you need to talk.

    Also, another resource is the Red Cross Service to the Armed Forces. They have programs for both service members and their families to navigate deployments. Hugs again.
    Awaiting our bundle of cute chaos.

    BabyFruit Ticker

    F15 January Siggy Challenge: What You're Looking Forward to Most after Baby Arrives
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    HernsyHernsy member
    edited September 2014
    Oh no, that's just upsetting! I know it will be hard. I'm glad you have family, but it's not the same. Hugs!

    ETA: fat finger spelling
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I'm sorry, that has to be hard. We are always here for support.
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    Prayers for his safety and your peace of mind
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    IVF#1 - BFP 6/18/13 - Tommy born sleeping 10/1/13

    IVF#2 - BFN

    IVF#3 - BFP 6/5/14 EDD 2/14/15 TWIN BOYS  - MATTHEW AND TIMOTHY ARRIVE 12/2/14


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    Oh no! That stinks :-( so sorry he won't be there for such a special time :-( praying for strength and peace for yall.

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    Hugs, thoughts and prayers.  That was one of my biggest worries.  I know a friend of mine was allowed to skype with her husband who was deployed during her labor/delivery.  Hopefully that is an option for you both.  

    Me-27 + DH-29 = Married 2008
    DS= 2/4/15

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I'm sorry deployments are really tough. Especially when you are expecting. I'm here if you need me. Feel free to private message, even if it's just to vent. My DH has been in almost 10 years.
    Lilypie Maternity tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers image image image
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    I'm sorry darling ♡ if it makes you feel any better, my husband will be deploying in April. Not too sure how I'm gonna handle it. I hope it goes by fast for you!
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    ugh this makes me feel terrible for complaining about dh being gone three months while I am pregnant, 'I couldnt imagine doing this with a new born. I am sorry, I hope that everything works out and that you have tons of support!
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    I'm so sorry to hear this. We were thinking we were going to be in a similar situation but DH ended up hurting his back so he's getting moved to another squadron. Our plan was for me to move home during deployment so that I wouldn't be on my own during the process. Will you be delivering at a military hospital? I have a friend who delivered at Walter Reid and they were able to set up a web cam for her husband to be able to be as present as possible during the process. Other than that my best advice would be to make sure you talk to his command before they leave to figure out the best way to get word to your DH while he's gone. Hang in there! You can do this!
                                     **DS 12/17/10** **#2 Due 2/14/15**

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I am very sorry! I can't imagine how you must feel, but we are all here for support!

      ~~~Big brother 11.29.05 & Little Brother 6.18.09~~~  
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    Can't imagine what you are going through... Lots of hugs and support coming your way.

                                     Married 12.14.12 TTC 01.01.14 BFP 02.26.14 MC 03.07.14 TTC again 05.01.14               
    BFP 05.27.14  Beyond excited and giddy with anticipation! EDD 2.2.15

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    :( ((hugs))
    PitaPata Dog tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #2 11/6/13 - EDD 7/14/14 - blighted ovum discovered @ 7w - natural m/c @ 10w3d

    BFP #3 5/25/14 - EDD 2/1/15 - Hoping this is our 2nd little owl Lilypie Maternity tickers

    A/S findings: Baby is a girl! EIF found on heart :( but maternit21 came back neg for chromosome disorders!!

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    Deployments are so tough! My thoughts are with you.. We are a navy family, feel free to pm me if you want to talk or vent.
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    I'm so sorry for this crushing news. I know your heart is broken right now, and I wish things could be different for you. You. Can. Do. This. Prayers for peace and hugs to you!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Sorry to hear this news.. Just think how special it will be when he sees his son or daughter for the first time!! Xoxo
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    I'm so sorry! Deployments are hard especially when expecting. But you're strong and can get through it. It seems like you have a wonderful support system. I know it's not anywhere near the same as your husband. It's just a temporary thing. Try to keep yourself as busy as you can when he's gone. It will help the time go by a little faster. I'll be keeping you and your husband in my thoughts!
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    Oooh I am so sorry! I'm crying on my way into work just reading this! Thank you both for your service and sacrifice! I have no words of wisdom for you, but please reach out to us if it helps during this. I just can't imagine what you're going through. Hugs!
    image         image
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I'm sorry- I know it will be hard and it's definitely something you want to share with him, but we're all here for moral support. I hope you have family and friends nearby for physical support.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    My SIL is going through the same thing and she decided that when he lives she's going to move back to North Carolina (they live in Colorado) into my in-laws house with the baby so that she won't be alone. She's a FTM as mom. I thought that was a wise idea, plus she can save money on living expenses while he's gone. I wish I could that!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

    F15 January Siggy Challenge: What I'm Looking Forward to After the Babies Arrive
    Bringing them both home...UPDATE...The girls are home!!! 1/7/15 after 20 days in the NICU!

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    I'm so sorry to hear this.  I also hope the time passes quickly for you and that everyone is safe.  Thoughts, prayers, and hugs to you!

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I am so sorry to hear that.  I have no idea what it feels like to be in this position, but it sounds like you have the family support to get you through it. T&P's and hugs.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker


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    It's always a tough situation, but you'll get through it. Glad you have family to lean on. Any chance his R&R would coincide with the birth or shortly after? 
      It's a girl!! EDD 2/28/15
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Yikes. So sorry to hear that. We may not be your DH, but we are all here for you!! We are all in for the same ride! <3


    TTC 10+ | Stage 4 Endometriosis

    3 Laparscopy's

    BFP - 06.15.2014

    EDD - 02.16.2015

     BabyFruit Ticker



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    SO glad you have family to support you!!

    I can't even imagine what that would be like. But at least you will have the little one (a little piece of him) to make the time go by faster until he is back with the two of you.
    Baby #2 - BFP 6/13/2014 - EDD 2/17/2015 BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I'm in the same boat girl. Marine wife here. We were devastated just thinking about him being gone. His deployment will have no phones, no computers, no communication for almost a year. Stay strong! There are military wives on here like myself who are more than willing to help talk you through deployment. Hopefully your DH will be in a be able to at least Skype to see your beautiful baby :)
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    Our Rainbow Baby H arrived at 37 weeks on 12/20/16!
    Baby E arrived at 37 weeks on 01/31/15!
    Married my Marine 05.23.14

    TWIN LOSS 7.2.15
    BFP 9.7.15 CP 
    BFP 12.31.15 MC 2.28.16
    BFP 10.14.17 CP
    BFP 3.10.18 D&C 4.13.18
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    I'm so sorry. :( I know you can't say when he is deploying, but do you know more or less if he might be able to get R&R around the due date? My husband recently found out he will be going to a unit that is deploying about 5 or 6 months after the baby is due. It's our first as well and I'm having a hard time with it myself. I can't imagine him not being there for the birth, I am so sorry. I just keep thinking about the logistics and trying to tell myself that "this is the best age if it has to happen" or little things to make myself feel better, but it still feels the same. :( Thoughts are with you!
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    So sorry to hear that, I'm tearing up for you :(

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I'm so sorry :(
    F15 December Siggy Challenge: Holiday Decoration Fails

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    Natalie Ann is on her way!
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