January 2015 Moms

Awkward Situation

I'm a pediatric nurse and my administration decided to sign me up for an Infant Bereavement course.

I'm sitting here taking the at home modules in preparation for the class the next two days. I just keep thinking how awkward it's going to be when the 23.5 week pregnant lady strolls into class about babies dying.

Hoping I can make it through the next two days without sobbing my eyes out.

Re: Awkward Situation

  • That class sounds stressful. I hope you dont cry too much!
  • This seems like the worst idea ever on both sides-- for you and the grieving parents. What are they thinking??
    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

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  • I agree with trying to get a switch. I was recently assigned an intake with a client who had a late loss at 19 weeks (and I was 19 weeks at the time). I had her reassigned to a different counselor. Not only would it not be therapeutic for her (I imagine) to have a pregnant counselor. Just reading her file game me anxiety! I know nursing and counseling are different but I think it's healthy, professional, and ethical to know our own limits!
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  • The modules weren't too bad. They're obviously structured to deal with coping/therapeutic communication/stages of grief, etc. I'm thinking the class is going to be oriented more towards that than you know things that could go wrong.

    Fortunately, I do not deal with this very often at my work (like rarely). So there's a very large chance I take the class and then don't use it at my current command (navy nurse). I'm just going to tough it out.
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