September 2014 Moms

Update:NCLady89 in L&D *Samuel Luke is here*

NClady89NClady89 member
edited September 2014 in September 2014 Moms
I don't have a labor buddy due to the fact I'm such a sporadic poster. Anyway, yesterday I worked my full 12-13hr shift got home around 9:30pm because I was talking and at 11:30pm my water broke in bed.

I never expected for there to be so much fluid! I was checked at 1am and was still only 1cm I have not been checked again but the on-call OB will be here soon to check again and possibly start pitocin. Thoughts and prayers appreciated ladies, I am so excited!!

Good morning girls!! Samuel 'Luke' was born last night at 11:13pm on 9/5 (his due date!) after 23 hours of labor,about 1hr15mins of pushing,and some pretty nerve racking events. He weighted 8lbs4oz and is 20in long. He is absolutely perfect and I have never been more in love with anyone.

Re: Update:NCLady89 in L&D *Samuel Luke is here*

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