October 2012 Moms


Rachelilly23Rachelilly23 member
edited September 2014 in October 2012 Moms
Guess what I'm doing right now? Absolutely nothing. This never happens!

Took the boys to school and went to the dentist. Now I'm laying on the couch with some earl gray and trashy TV :)
Logan Jack- 6.1.10 and Emmett Weston- 9.29.12 




Re: Thursday

  • @Rachelilly23 enjoy your trashy TV! You definitely deserve the break! :)

    I am so tired today as Wesley decided that he needed to be up for about 2 1/2 hours in the middle of the night! Lots of coffee and Dr Pepper for me today!!!


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  • LO/DD (still don't know what to call her exactly) has been waking up at 7:30 every morning for almost a week. I know I'm spoiled but she usually wakes up between 8:30 and 9. Usually closer to 9. And when she wakes up at 7:30 she just whines like crazy. Yesterday she stopped whining so I fell back asleep until she really woke up at 9. Today my husband was still home so he brought her in bed with me and had her watch a movie. I dozed in and out until 9. That extra hr and a half is definitely missed! So tired. And I think I have a cold which sucks during pregnancy and not being able to take anything.
  • We haven't put the monitor back in her room since Labor Day weekend. But her room is right next to ours. Shares a wall. So it makes it a little difficult to sleep through it. She is definitely needing more sleep though. Right now she is having a melt down asking for "bee, bees" and I have no clue what she is talking about. Super cranky. Nap time is early today. For both of us.
  • DD2 low grade fever and no sleep and super cranky. So I stayed home today. DD1 begged to stay with me so I didn't send her to pre school either. We have been laying around watching movies. Pretty relaxing!
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  • So I kidnapped my niece and made her run errands with me then was gonna drop both niece and A back at niece's house so I didnt have to take A to my other niece's appt. Except niece ended up having a stomach ache so I didnt leave A with her. Now A is asleep in the truck and I have no idea what im going to do with her during the appt. If I take her out of her seat she will wake up and be piiisssseeeeedddd. And hungry since lunch was supposed to be at niece's house. So she's gonna get whatever crackers/aplesauce/apricots/whatever is in the diaper bag. I wish niece who has an appt was old enough to to in alone. LOL

    Also, all I've had to eat today is a pumpkin spice latte. Oops.


    After 7 years of no ovulation...
    BFP#1 10/24/11 ~ EDD 6/29/12 ~ Natural m/c 11/2/11
    BFP#2 2/3/12 ~ Alice born 9/26/12

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Oct Angel Babies
  • Happy anni!!!
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  • I haven't even begun to start planning Wesley's party yet.  We are still deciding if we are going to have a party or if we will just have family over for dinner.


  • @StephanieM522, I hadn't planned anything and had an "Oh shit, I need to order the cake!" moment lol. All I know is it's going to be Toy Story themed because E can't get enough. And Rex is his favorite of course so the cake has to have Rex on top.
    Logan Jack- 6.1.10 and Emmett Weston- 9.29.12 



  • I haven't planned anything either, and her bday is on the first. Blah.

    @NeedUtonite‌ thanks for that buzzfeed link :) hehehe


  • We just got back yesterday afternoon.  Thanks everyone for your kind words.  

    DD is tantruming right now because we won't let her watch MMCH. 
  • I'm in bed and it's not even 9:00 yet. It was just that kind of day.
    Logan Jack- 6.1.10 and Emmett Weston- 9.29.12 



  • I was suppose to get my hair done last Thursday and that was already a month over due. I had to cancel bc DH was helping a friend move and I didn't have anyone to watch kids. Fast Forward to today. I had an appt at 3:30 and kids would just be at daycare. Well DD2 being sick and both kids staying home I had to cancel again. Now she can't get me in until the 18th. I want to cry. My hair is a mess.
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  • We are watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates. Jake says to say the pirate password "Yo ho ho!" A says "No oh oh!!" and cheered like she hit a home run. So much cute!


    After 7 years of no ovulation...
    BFP#1 10/24/11 ~ EDD 6/29/12 ~ Natural m/c 11/2/11
    BFP#2 2/3/12 ~ Alice born 9/26/12

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Oct Angel Babies
  • DS2 is doing much better at daycare.  He seems to be going down easier for naps and bedtime in his new big boy bed.  I think he may be getting sick :( - first daycare cold already.


    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • In bed an hour late. Poor baby was almost delirious she was so sleepy. She usually tosses and turns and chats with her baby or bear, rearranges her blankets, looks out the window, settles in, stands up, ponders life before she sleeps. Tonight this kid didn't move after I tucked her in. Baby in one arm, bear in the other. Kid is OUT.


    After 7 years of no ovulation...
    BFP#1 10/24/11 ~ EDD 6/29/12 ~ Natural m/c 11/2/11
    BFP#2 2/3/12 ~ Alice born 9/26/12

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Oct Angel Babies
  • Decided I am ready to start pumping. Sterilized all my bottles and pump parts while James was napping. Then decided to be rockstar mom and color with Rebekah. She wandered away, **crash, boom, bang** in the kitchen. She pulled down the bottle rack, which of course woke up James. Grr.
    DD 11/1/12
    DS 7/16/14
    DD Free from FPIES triggers as of 18 months! 
    Sweet potato, avocado, banana, mango, oats, wheat & rice outgrown.
    Dairy, soy, and peanut allergies outgrown! Allergic to eggs.
    DS MSPI, egg allergy
  • mbm1983 said:
    ladies, get a humidifier and put it in your room at night when you sleep! i had a sore throat the other day and was feeling crummy. it really helped me sleep at night and my sore throat was gone the next day.

    but then again mine is likely allergy related. the air is so fucking dry here.
    Yes, my allergies have totally been crazy this past week. Fall allergies are on the loose! I take Zyrtec daily but missed a few days. Big mistake.
    Logan Jack- 6.1.10 and Emmett Weston- 9.29.12 



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