May 2015 Moms

Due Date May 6

Hi, I am 4 weeks, 3 days with my first. I'm 36 years old. My first ultrasound is September 22nd and I will be 7 weeks. Definitely feeling nervous and it's hard to be happy when I'm so scared something could happen. Haven't felt many symptoms at all.

Re: Due Date May 6

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    Congrats and welcome!
    Mom to three girls and pregnant with #4!
    L: 7/12/13
    C: 5/11/15
    E: 3/7/17
    Due 11/10/18
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    Welcome and congrats!  My EDD is also May 6th. 

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    Congrats and welcome!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers   
     Lilypie Third Birthday tickers  Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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    Congrats and welcome!!
    *bumping under a new name since July 2014*
    Married 9/4/11
    BFP 4/5/09, EDD 12/4/09, m/c
    BFP 5/27/11, EDD 1/17/12, DS born 1/16/12
    BFP 8/16/14, EED 4/29/15, We are having another BOY!

    Lilypie Maternity tickers    image 

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersimage
    Yup. DS is Tommy Pickles! Nothing like living with an escape artist.
    Just another cloth diapering, baby wearing mama.

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    Congrats! We share a due date.




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    Congrats and welcome!  I am a May 6er as well!

    Monster #1- Hunter Fillmore! 10.1.11
     MC 3.20.14 -- 8w3d
    MC 7.11.14-- 5w4d
    Monsterette #2- EDD  5.9.15


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    Congrats and its totally normal to feel a little anxious and nervous with ANY pregnancy especially your first! Id be worried if you weren't worried! But know that this is normal and you and your LO will be fine. Pick out a good OB if you dont already have one. They will take good care of you! So try and sit back and enjoy these first exciting weeks if you can because it goes by SO fast! Congratulations to you again!
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    #2 BFP 8/23/14, EDD 5/1/15, M/C 9/17/14 - Forever in our hearts <3

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    Thank you everyone!
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    Hey guys- are any of you having abdominal pressure. Almost like bladder is full or someone is sitting on it? I'm only 4 weeks 4 days but this was bothering me all night last night. Also, I was up coughing a lot in the middle of the night with heavy mucus but I'm not sick. Anyone else having symptoms?
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