3rd Trimester

hormones driving me crazy anyone elese feel this way??

does anyone else feel like their goin nuts because of their hormones??

Re: hormones driving me crazy anyone elese feel this way??

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    Lord... Dont even get me started lol! I've started getting hot flashes and night sweats. I'm like wait and I pregnant or going through premature menopause, haha!
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    lol I start crying when someone says something very little and not mean or something or when me and my guy get in the littlest fights haha
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    Me too! Lol. I'll be like stop yelling at me! When hes just talking and he'll say I'm not even yelling and I just cry haha !! Not even on purpose
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    im so glad im not the only one with this problem lol

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    no just everyone is different i talk to my friends bout it this and they have kids they just looked at me like i was crazy.
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    Yes. I spoke with my doctor about it and he said pretty much every woman goes through this, even if they claim they haven't. So your friends who look at you like you're crazy probably did go through it, but have selective memory. Even going back to 1st trimester, I tell people my morning sickness wasn't terrible, yet it's still fresh in my mind that if I think about it enough I can remember how miserable it felt at the time. I think it's same with being hormonal in your 3rd trimester, you'll remember very little about the exorcist style mood swings and waterfalls.
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    ap0werap0wer member
    edited August 2014
    I think any pregnant woman has felt hormonal (maybe even crazy) at some point in their pregnancy.

    Mixing a big belly with summer heat is enough to drive someone who isn't pregnant crazy, but if you mix summer heat, a big belly and hormones all together? Not so wonderful.

    ETA- I even cried when my SO said I didn't need to do the dishes, that we would both do them after breakfast instead.



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    I care more what other people think...that is the exact opposite of who I am...i feel a bit crazier with this pregnancy than others...everything is pissing me off
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    I feel like I'm losing my mind. The past week I've been getting pissed off at every little thing someone says or does. Mad anger issues...
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    I almost cried after a full day of traveling, arriving at the hotel where we will spend the last few weeks awaiting the little ones arrival.
    I almost cried because my feet hurt, I almost broke a nail. And I just wanted my water bottle and couldn't find it!
    Hormones much? I think so.. ;)
    Turns out the bottle was put on the counter by my DH, right next to a muffin.
    The hormones are gonna make us crazy, I've accepted that way back in the beginning of this pregnancy! lol
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    I care more what other people think...that is the exact opposite of who I am...i feel a bit crazier with this pregnancy than others...everything is pissing me off

    That is probably because you ARE crazy.
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    I have been crying at tv shows way more than normal. Actually have to avoid shows like Army Wives because it always results in tears now. I even cried because DH had to go to work on two occasions. It's making me crazy because I normally never cry and am the levelheaded one in the relationship.
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    I didn't think I've been that bad, my husband apparently really disagrees. I just hope it's not permanent
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    yes I feel like it's been worse this pregnancy than last, but we've had a lot of major changes (pet, financial, job issues) that have popped up during this pregnancy. but yea I have to watch it cause I feel like sometimes I am being a B! my hubby usually says something and I haul it into check. Unless I disagree with him than it gets really bad. =P
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    I have been feeling really hormonal in the last few weeks. Not crying, but I am very irritable and bitchy. I find myself loosing patience with my son a lot easier and I am extremely grouchy to my H. Also my face has started to break out with acne like I am a teenager again. I had already chalked it up to hormones and am hoping it passes soon because at this rate I can't even stand myself.
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