October 2014 Moms

MRSA clearance

Does anyone know what a 3 step MRSA clearance is?

Between baby 1 and baby 2 I got MRSA 3x. I had all 3 places lanced, drained and packed. All 3x they sent off to a lab for confirmation so it's in my file. The last time I got it was Dec 2011, I got pregnant with baby 2 in Feb 2012.

At that time the hospital made me test to see if I was a carrier which we did at 36 weeks and was a nose swab. I wasn't a carrier thank goodness.

Ok so fast forward to now. I am at another hospital and went into L&d for preterm at 29 weeks which was stopped but she told me I would have to get a 3 step clearance. I told the OB and he said he would investigate and get back to me.

I am sure he will but I just wondered if anyone knows what this is?

Re: MRSA clearance

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    @justabean3 I'm sorry I honestly have not a clue but hopefully you get some answers soon. Will be thinking about you!
    DD born 8/12/11
    DD born 10/3/14
    DD born 10/10/16
    Twin boys due Nov '19
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    The clearance test is 3 consecutive negative nasal swabs. At the hospital where I work, the accepted interval for the tests is every 7 days.
    BabyFruit Ticker 
    Married 8/09 to my love
    Our little shamrocks:
    M~4/11   W~12/12   E~due 10/14


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    I was under the impression that once you developed MRSA, you have it forever. Maybe I'm completely wrong! My Dad has it and most of the time it stays dormant but it's always there.
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    Justabean3Justabean3 member
    edited August 2014
    Everyone has it to some extent but you are not always considered a carrier
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    3 nasal swabs, once every seven days must be negative to be cleared.. good luck! Im sure I have it working in health care, thus far ive been lucky enough to not have any issues from it.. :)
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    Justabean3Justabean3 member
    edited August 2014

    I work in a hospital, and we really only check for MRSA when active infection is present, when a patient is having a major orthopedic surgery, or when they have had recurrent infections within the past year.  I've never heard of the 3 step clearance for MRSA, only for other infections like C. Diff.  I'm not sure how it would affect your labor and delivery as long as you don't have an active infection at the time of delivery, in which case you might need a different set of antibiotics.

    Also, about 1% of the general population is a MRSA carrier and in health care providers, the number is almost 5%. 

    The problem is I am a c/s and usually they just push Vanco before well I am allergic to Vanco.

    She said if they don't clear me than I am automatic quarantine because I have had 3 active cases. It makes no sense to me since I haven't had a case since 2011 and I was clear last c/s.
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    Lots of medical terminology in this one--I have some googling to do! Hope it's nothing crazy serious.
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    MRSA- nasty crap that is a bad staph
    Vanco- Heavy duty IV drug called Vancomycin

    Nasal swab- qtip up the nose :)

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    Ouch! Sorry, bean.

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    What a B of a bacterium...at least it's pretty under a microscope? :-B
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    We isolate patients with any history of MRSA until they had three negative swabs.. every hospital policy is different though.. I was asked when I had my d&c last year if I have ever tested positive for MRSA at a hospital within the health care system for which I work.. :)
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    I work in a hospital, and we really only check for MRSA when active infection is present, when a patient is having a major orthopedic surgery, or when they have had recurrent infections within the past year.  I've never heard of the 3 step clearance for MRSA, only for other infections like C. Diff.  I'm not sure how it would affect your labor and delivery as long as you don't have an active infection at the time of delivery, in which case you might need a different set of antibiotics.

    Also, about 1% of the general population is a MRSA carrier and in health care providers, the number is almost 5%. 

    The problem is I am a c/s and usually they just push Vanco before well I am allergic to Vanco.

    She said if they don't clear me than I am automatic quarantine because I have had 3 active cases. It makes no sense to me since I haven't had a case since 2011 and I was clear last c/s.
    This is because they claim the stress of labor and delivery can *possibly* reactivate the infection. At least that's what our infection control department told us! Not that I've ever seen it happen. I also don't think most people go through the clearance because they're just not aware. And PPs are right, 3 swabs, a week in between each. Good luck!
    ~Miss K born 1/8/2011~Miss I born 1/3/2013~2 angels~
    Baby #3 is on the way!  EDD 10/29/14

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I'm curious to see what they tell the Ob he has to do to clear me.

    If I had a previous infection in the last year I I would understand but ya I just don't get it.

    They gave me Vanco at the last birth and it was promptly followed by Benedryl. I thought I was on fire!
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    Although I wonder if it is bc my last infection was in my lower stomach?
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    andrieya said:
    What a B of a bacterium...at least it's pretty under a microscope? :-B
    Color is added via stains or retrospectively via technology. ;) 

    But, IMO many viruses and bacteria are absolutely gorgeous, and at some point I plan to have photos of many hanging in our home.  Thankfully DH is dorky and agrees with me.
    Loss Blog (finally updated)


    5 cycles of "TTC" - 3 intentional, 2 not so intentional.  5 BFPs.  My rainbow arrived 10/15/14.
    TFMC 08.02.13 at 19+ weeks. Everyday I grieve for my little Olive.

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    andrieyaandrieya member
    edited August 2014
    @golfingdarwinfish‌ I was never good at chemistry/biology!
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    Speaking of that stuff, have you seen the periodic table nursery or little boys rooms... So cute but I'm kinda nerdy
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    @Justabean3‌ yes! A friend of mine who just had a girl is an O-chem professor. She was gifted reeeeaaallly cute periodic table artwork.
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    Speaking of that stuff, have you seen the periodic table nursery or little boys rooms... So cute but I'm kinda nerdy
    YES!  We may or may not be having a periodic table quilt made...   :-B

    I'm actually most excited about the gel electrophoresis photo we plan to hang in LO's nursery or playroom.  I will be ordering it immediately after we have access to his DNA. ;)
    Loss Blog (finally updated)


    5 cycles of "TTC" - 3 intentional, 2 not so intentional.  5 BFPs.  My rainbow arrived 10/15/14.
    TFMC 08.02.13 at 19+ weeks. Everyday I grieve for my little Olive.

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