November 2014 Moms


SharSharxSharSharx member
edited September 2014 in November 2014 Moms

Re: ?

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    Gas and Air?

    FTM, but we are planning a water birth at home. I think this might have been discussed before, if you wanna search for more info.


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    I'm planning another homebirth. I decided to plan for a home waterbirth with my last baby, and, well, no waterbirth. He arrived very abruptly on my bed. Making it to the birth tub didn't even cross my mind when I realized he was coming. I wasn't even thinking. I was just in shock.

    As much as I'd like to experience it, it seems highly unlikely due to the time it takes to set and fill up a birth tub. I may give in to the idea later on, but I don't want to get my hopes up.
    G 12.04 | E 11.06 | D 11.08  | H 12.09 | R 11.14 | Expecting #6 2.16.18.

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    I plan on laboring in the tub at least part of the time (at home and once we get to the hospital) for the comfort/pain control. My hospital doesn't allow actual water births, so I haven't thought about it too much, but I don't think I would want to if the option were there. Not really sure why I have that preference, just doesn't seem like my thing.

    Even though dh has taken an active role in my pregnancy and I want the birth to be a good experience for him too, I wouldn't change my birth method for his experience, especially if I had a strong feeling that the way I wanted to do it would be less painful for me.

    I also don't know what you mean by gas and air.

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    Entonox is a common pain management option in the UK.
    G 12.04 | E 11.06 | D 11.08  | H 12.09 | R 11.14 | Expecting #6 2.16.18.

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    A water birth sounds amazing to me...  But my first birth didn't go very well, so I won't be planning a home water birth.  But I might labour in water if the mood strikes me.

    If by gas and air you mean nitrous oxide -- I did have that last time around and really hated it.  It did zero for my pain... it just turned me into an apathetic turnip in between miserable contractions. 
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    Lilypie - (C6hS)

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    Gas and air are fun? Like you want to get buzzed on nitrous for shits and giggles? I can't be reading that right... 

    If that is your intent then I would suggest maybe not getting into a tub. I couldn't imagine trying to get in/out and maneuver my big pregnant self in a tub right now, let alone bigger and while in labor. You will want to have your wits about you so you don't slip or hurt yourself. 
    That's how I read the comment, ha. 

    @SharSharx Were you considering water birth for fun, too? What are your pros?


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    SharSharxSharSharx member
    edited September 2014
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    SharSharxSharSharx member
    edited September 2014
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    I would love to be able to have a water birth, but our hospital doesn't allow them. :( They do, however, all laboring in the tub and I would like to do that as much as possible! I wouldn't think it would take anything away from the Dad, he can be in or around the tub, from what I've understood.
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    Yes we are planning a water birth. I had one with my second and it was amazing and I can't imagine giving birth any other way!
    Mom to Carter, Kendall, Kiersten and Baby O #4

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    Make sure your hospital/birth center allows water births before you get too attached to the idea (moot point if you are having a home birth).  Most hospitals don't allow you to actually deliver in the tub.  My hospital has a tub for laboring, but won't allow you to push in the tub.  I really wish I could have had a water birth because laboring in the tub was awesome for pain management - I never even wanted an epidural.  Having to move out of the tub when I had to urge to push was torture!  Worst part of my labor. 

    That said, for me, pushing wasn't nearly as painful as the labor contractions, so I'm grateful I could labor in the tub even if I couldn't deliver in there.

    In terms of bonding, most tubs are big enough for your DH to get into if you want him too.  Honestly, in labor, bonding with DH was the last thing on my mind!  I just want to deal with the pain, and for me, DH was more useful outside of the tub
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    SharSharxSharSharx member
    edited September 2014
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    SharSharx said:
    They really warm to the idea over here in the UK.. And the suite where the birth pools are have recently been refurbed
    Wouldn't mind giving birth there.  :-bd


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    SharSharx said:
    They really warm to the idea over here in the UK.. And the suite where the birth pools are have recently been refurbed
    Ooh swanky :-)
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    aeonlux said:
    I'm planning another homebirth. I decided to plan for a home waterbirth with my last baby, and, well, no waterbirth. He arrived very abruptly on my bed. Making it to the birth tub didn't even cross my mind when I realized he was coming. I wasn't even thinking. I was just in shock.

    As much as I'd like to experience it, it seems highly unlikely due to the time it takes to set and fill up a birth tub. I may give in to the idea later on, but I don't want to get my hopes up.
    Sounds like me.  I wanted the option with my first birth, but by the time I got to the hospital and was asked if I wanted to get in, it wasn't even on my radar.  My second birth was a home birth and I figured I may not have time to get it set up in time, and I was right!  Glad I didn't bother renting a tub.  My chances are pretty good for going fast again, so I'm not going to plan on a water birth.  I think it sounds like a really nice way to labor if you're in labor for a long time, and it's supposed to really help prevent tearing.  My only goal is to get to a delivery room before the baby comes out :)
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    You lucky fast laborers.


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    Doing a water birth mainly because my husband will be able to be more involved with the birth.
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    My hospital did water births for maybe a year or two. They just abolished the program few months ago due to the APA (?). :( they are talking about setting up research program though but when?

    I was so sad for current and future new mothers that wanted the water births. They at least allow laboring in jacuzzi tubs but not water births. I'm not sure if I could do a water birth, am totally on the fence. The idea sounds lovely. I am in full support of water births regardless because I know it benefits many laboring mothers.

    The reason why I was on the fence because when I was in active labor with DD, they suggested the water to try to reduce the pain. I got in the warm water and not even one minute later, my contractions got a lot worse. I shot out of the water. I just could not tolerate it for some reason. If I had a longer slower labor maybe laboring in water would be ideal? Also I just remembered that I have to be on IV for GBS so I think I'm disqualified that is if the hospital kept the water birth program.
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