
Pressure from Doctor

In my area there are basically two hospitals that are close by (within 30 minutes). One does not allow VBAC and the other one does. Because I wanted the option to VBAC I picked the one practice that accepts my insurance and uses the VBAC friendly hospital. At first I was really excited because all of the doctors were really pro-VBAC and I liked that they seemed so willing to consider it. However, now I feel like they are anti RCS.

My husband has never felt comfortable with the idea of a VBAC and thought that we should just have a RCS. If I’m honest, I don’t really have a preference beyond the supposed easier recovery from the VBAC. So we decided that if I go into labor before my due date, we’ll try the VBAC. If not, we’d like to have a RCS on my due date (or thereabouts). At our last appointment, I brought this up to my doctor and she basically said she wouldn't schedule the c-section. She said that unless we had some reason to not go past my due date, there was “no big deal” in going to at least 42 weeks. She did finally say that we could schedule it, but when we said we wanted to, she said that it was too soon to schedule and we had to wait.

Does this sound right to anyone else? Not that she has, specifically, but can a practice (or doctor) refuse to do a RCS? I know that anything can happen in the next 10 weeks, but I was really hoping for the peace of mind of scheduling the RCS. What would you do if you were me? Would you look for a new doctor at a hospital that’s further away? Force the issue at your next appointment and “make” them schedule the RCS? Just relax and see what happens? Am I being a crazy hormonal pregnant lady? Give it to me straight, ladies.

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Re: Pressure from Doctor

  • rmbrjryrmbrjry member
    edited August 2014
    econmama - thanks for the info; I'll speak with her again once we're 6 weeks out and see if she'll schedule it then. I'm sorry my post was unclear, we have decided and were very clear when we spoke with her that if I go into labor before my due date, we will try VBAC, if we get to my due date, we want to do a RCS. We were asking to schedule the RCS for my due date and she said not to, just wait to see if I go into labor. I'm guessing now from your response that it was just too early, not her way of saying I had to wait to schedule one for 42 weeks. Anyway, thanks for the time-line info :)

    ETA: Words
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  • jennish11 - thanks for your comments. I was definitely looking for a practice that allowed VBAC, so you're right; I guess I just wasn't expecting it to be so supported. Allowed, yes; supported, no. I mean, the first OB I went to here flat out told me they wouldn't even consider VBAC so I guess the complete opposite still just feels strange. I'll try talking with the doctor again to make sure we're on the same page and get a better idea of what her thoughts are. Thanks for the suggestion :)
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  • I had similar concerns with my doctor. He too seemed to brush off any conversation about RCS as we neared by due date, but I was also bringing it up around the same time (30 weeks). In fact, I lamented the feared lack of support if I chose a RCS in the final hour to family for awhile.

    However, as we got closer to my due date, he would listen as I expressed a desire for a RCS at my due date, especially as other concerns arose. He still encouraged the VBAC and in his eyes, I was still a VBAC patient until the moment I checked in for the c-section, with the intention of having a trial of labor if I went into labor beforehand.

    I did end up with the RCS, but even at the appointment the day before my c-section, he was rooting for the VBAC, yet simultaneously supportive of my decision for a c-section, and the day of, he was all smiles and support.
    DD- 11/17/08, DD- 11/16/09, DS- 3/20/13 
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  • SarahRae85 - THANK YOU! That seriously makes me feel so much better. Of course, my doc could be different, but based on the time-line that others have mentioned, I have a feeling I'm over-reacting about her lack of support in what we've decided to do. I'm just going to relax and wait until closer to bring it up again; after all, anything can happen in the next almost 9 weeks :) Thanks again!
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