November 2014 Moms

Issues when standing still?

I was shopping the other day and walking around the store just fine. When I went to check out, there was a bit of a line so I had to stand there for maybe 5 minutes. By the time I got to the register I was sweating and starting to feel light headed. Weird thing is as soon as I started walking again (to a chair nearby) I felt a lot better. This was the 2nd time this has happened in the last month or so, although this time was worse than the 1st. Anyone run into this before?

I plan to ask my OB about it at my appt tomorrow, but I thought it was so strange that it was only while I was standing still. I had just eaten, so I doubt it was low blood sugar or dehydration. Totally stumped me.

Married 6/16/01
Eeney 7/24/05
Meeney 3/23/07
Miney 9/15/10
Mo 11/4/14 
Wait, What?!? - EDD 11/1/19
Mothers get 1 day off

Re: Issues when standing still?

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    Heat indexes have been over 105 for nearly a week (Florida sucks in August but it's the price we pay for almost no snow), but I had been in the store for at least 30 minutes by that point.

    Married 6/16/01
    Eeney 7/24/05
    Meeney 3/23/07
    Miney 9/15/10
    Mo 11/4/14 
    Wait, What?!? - EDD 11/1/19
    Mothers get 1 day off

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    Maybe you are locking your knees and that's messing with your circulation??
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    FhSTAR81 said:
    Hmm that's strange BTW-you're lucky to not have snow!

    We get snow about every 10 years. We had an ice storm (the 1st I've seen in 30 years) this past January.


    jj0313 said:
    Maybe you are locking your knees and that's messing with your circulation??

    I may have been, but high school band taught me very very well the perils of locking one's knees. And the line was moving during those 5 minutes, but only a step or so at a time.
    Married 6/16/01
    Eeney 7/24/05
    Meeney 3/23/07
    Miney 9/15/10
    Mo 11/4/14 
    Wait, What?!? - EDD 11/1/19
    Mothers get 1 day off

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    FhSTAR81 said:
    FhSTAR81 said:
    Hmm that's strange BTW-you're lucky to not have snow!

    We get snow about every 10 years. We had an ice storm (the 1st I've seen in 30 years) this past January.


    Living in Maine gives me winter all year long...not really but still lol
    I lived in Mass. over a winter when I was 8. Even at 8 years old I never wanted to see snow again (and my mom said it was a fairly mild winter that year).
    Married 6/16/01
    Eeney 7/24/05
    Meeney 3/23/07
    Miney 9/15/10
    Mo 11/4/14 
    Wait, What?!? - EDD 11/1/19
    Mothers get 1 day off

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    I've had this my entire pregnancy.  I'm fine walking and sitting, but standing still is almost impossible.  My blood pressure is still pretty low, so I've attributed it to that.  I was going to bring it up to my NP at my appointment on Wednesday just to make sure it's nothing to worry about.  Low BP is common in early pregnancy, but most things I read say it usually ends around 24 weeks.  It is better now (in my first tri I would find myself sitting on the floor of the kitchen after trying to do the dishes), but still a major annoyance.
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    Oh, to help raise BP, I've been eating more salt.  Of course, this means I've been retaining more water, too...
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    I've had this my entire pregnancy.  I'm fine walking and sitting, but standing still is almost impossible.  My blood pressure is still pretty low, so I've attributed it to that.  I was going to bring it up to my NP at my appointment on Wednesday just to make sure it's nothing to worry about.  Low BP is common in early pregnancy, but most things I read say it usually ends around 24 weeks.  It is better now (in my first tri I would find myself sitting on the floor of the kitchen after trying to do the dishes), but still a major annoyance.

    @phdprocrastinator - this sounds like it could be the culprit. My "normal" BP would be considered low for most people (genetic I guess, my mom's the same way) so maybe it just dipped a bit more? I'll bring that up at the appt tomorrow.

    Either that or I was unconsciously locking my knees, even though I know better.

    Married 6/16/01
    Eeney 7/24/05
    Meeney 3/23/07
    Miney 9/15/10
    Mo 11/4/14 
    Wait, What?!? - EDD 11/1/19
    Mothers get 1 day off

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    Yeah, even when not pregnant my BP's on the lower side - I think it's genetic here, too.  I remember my mom sitting with her head between her knees because she was dizzy as a normal occurrence growing up.

    The good news is that I pay no attention to recommendations to limit salt intake - I find that when I do I get dizzy more often.
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    Could have been the beginning of a panic attack or maybe low iron.
    BABY GIRL, 11-11-14 

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    Maybe there's a nerve/vein being pinched when you stand upright, restricting oxygen? Never hurts to visit the chiro with all this extra weight we're pullin these days.


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