Special Needs

Hello, New Eval, Advice?

Hello all-

New here, I've been lurking for a bit. My almost 16 month old is going through a second EI evaluation because I have nagging concerns about his communication, his 6 month review was due this fall but I asked that they please do it sooner since I've been driving myself nuts watching his development. 

I'm not so concerned about the EI process, truthfully I'm actually looking forward to having some outsider input from a professional (aka not my mother who tells me "he is perfectly normal, your uncle didn't __ until __ years old and look at him!")

My question is...any advice on how to stop stressing in the meantime? Words of wisdom? I swear I'm making myself sick thinking about all the what-ifs. 

Re: Hello, New Eval, Advice?

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    No advice really... other than to remember that whatever they tell you, he's the same sweet baby that you have loved all along. That doesn't go away with (or without) a diagnosis. I'd also tell you that they, or Dr Google, might paint a bleak picture. Take that with a grain of salt. Regardless of what you find out, there is no telling what he can accomplish.

    And also, stay away from Dr Google (and potentially YouTube...YouTube sent me into panic attacks)

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    Lilypie - (2llN)

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    Thank you ladies so much. I really appreciate the support. You're so right AA0147 - my mom isn't really supportive because she just tries to make me feel better. I haven't said much to friends about my concerns, any time I've mentioned it, they seem really uncomfortable (don't know what to say?) so I feel like I've been going it alone, in a sense.

    Junebug060609 - DrGoogle is an asshole and YouTube is his dumbass cousin. I am trying very hard to not search around. I've realized how fruitless it is, at this point I could probably find a hundred things to tell me "he is fine!!" and a hundred to say "no he isn't!!".

    I hope that the clinicians we have through this evaluation really hear my concerns. His pediatrician wanted to give it another couple months. "Wait and see" feels impossible. 
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    The worry leading up to an evaluation is the worst, but having some kind of answer will bring some relief. You will, hopefully, know then, what path to take for your child. I think many of us have well meaning parents. My mom did the same thing of trying to make me feel better. I just had to spell it out to her that I didn't need her to do that and to just support us in the process. Your being very proactive and that is great! Good luck to you and little one.
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