October 2014 Moms

AWing/Weird Belly Button Bruising

Firstly, third trimester finally! And my husband took the best photo of my he belly and my favorite girl (our pup Stella)! So I'm AWing! :)

Secondly, today I noticed a weird light colored bruise around my belly button. It's very light purple/bruise colored and seems to only appear when I'm standing. Anyone else have this going on? I am extremely fair complected so I'm thinking it's just my skin stretching/skin discoloring.

Re: AWing/Weird Belly Button Bruising

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    That pic is adorable! I don't think I'll be able to get my pup to sit still for that.

    I'm also fair skinned and have a circle around my belly button. Not sure if it's what you are talking about, but it is darker in color. No clue what it's caused by. Is yours the same as your linea negra (if you have one)?
    Mine is about that color.
    ~First time mama, strikingly handsome husband, comedic pooch, krumpin' baby girl on her way~


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    My stretch marks first appear purple-ish before I realize they are stretch marks. Maybe thats what it is.
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    Hmm thanks for the info ladies! Glad I'm not the only one! I've started to get a couple stretch marks on my hips but they are very very dark red.

    @DaniGrace89‌ I have a very very hardly noticeable linea negra that is currently below my belly button so it could be related to that but it's a little different colored.

    I'm sure it's no big deal it just caught me off guard when I saw it today haha.

    And thanks for the love! I've been feeling pretty insecure in my changing body but this photo makes me feel awesome!
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    Sweet picture, mama! That "bruising" isn't actually bruising, it's extra pigment from all the circulating estrogen in your body. As PP mentioned, it's the same process that causes the linea nigra to form.

    After I had my first, my linea nigra and my belly button looked SO SO dark, because the stretched skin shrunk up and concentrated that darker pigment. Weird, but normal!
    Me: 31  ~  Copilot: 37  ~  Our son: 3/25/11 ~ Our daughter: 10/5/14
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    It could be a stretch mark or vein close to the skin

    I get a sunburst around my belly button everytime and I think it's both
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    I just googled this recently because I have the same thing. There are other bump posts about it. Mine is decidedly bruised-looking, like a halo an inch around my belly button. I read it can be from your belly stretching and all the veins being close to the surface. For some, that area even gets sore to the touch, like a bruise. All normal from what I could find out!
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I have some slight discoloration IN my belly button. It's still an innie, but when the light hits it, it's this angry reddish-purple color on the inside. It also hurts to stand up because when I do, it feels like I'm being stabbed in that spot. OB said it's because the ligament that makes my belly button an innie is being pressed against, so that's why it hurts. Idk if it's the discoloration too, but seems legit.
    Married since *7/13/2012* to my soulmate!

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    BFP 12/10/2013, Natural MC @ 5w1d

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