March 2014 Moms

UK moms I need a translation!

What is considered a "cot"? Traveling and hotel offered one but I am slightly confused because in the us a cot would be just a fold up twin bed...

Re: UK moms I need a translation!

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    Oh great thanks. When I go ogled I think my Internet got confused. I got a little of everything
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    Thanks guys. This will work great. I will just bring a sheet! Life just got way easier
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    I grew up in Europe, that's what we called cribs.
    TTC #1 since 2007. Dx: Unexplained infertility. 4 IUIs in 2008 = BFN. IVF #1 07/09. DD #1 born April 2010 (40w5d).
    TTC #2 since 2011. Dx: Endometriosis and hypothyroidism. 2 FETs in 2012, BFP 6/12 but m/c @ 7 weeks. IVF #2 06/13. DD #2  born March 2014 (40w1d).
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Yey!! Where abouts are you visiting?! And legitimately just laughed so loud I woke my baby at the troll comment!
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    i have a conference in London in september and since we are still BF, MH and DD are coming with!

    *also I MAY have attachment issues and not be ready to leave LO with anyone else for a week.
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    jtizzay said:
    i have a conference in London in september and since we are still BF, MH and DD are coming with!

    *also I MAY have attachment issues and not be ready to leave LO with anyone else for a week.
    I have one in November and I'm not ready I don't think. It's la so far from NYC
    I have another one in Novemeber in Chicago. DH and I work together starting this month, so we will both have to go to that one to work, so I will have to leave her I think. Already freaking out about this.... I work from home, so I am rarely away from her (even though we have a nanny). I am hoping it gets easier.
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    twaffle5 said:
    @twaffle5 Is that train loaded with Belgium chocolate?? Cause if so I am in.

    Unfortunately I am working everyday I am there, but DH will have LO mostly by himself. Should be interesting. He mentioned the Ergo and Pub Crawl in the same sentence... should I be worried?

    Also, LO just woke up from a nap and winked at me, then went right back to sleep....she is such a flirt, we are in so much trouble.
    Absolutely not! That's how it's done over here! I have actually been to a pub in the uk where thy have a playroom in the back of the pub, so parents can put the kids there and drink.
    Please don't tell MH that, he will take full advantage all 7 days.

    @jtizzay that is such a great perspective! I am trying really hard to be super mom and take over a company. Its not easy, and I just signed up for a mentor program in my industry with other women, so I am hoping they are able to give me some confidence that can help strike a balance. I sense you might struggle with some of this too?
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    @jtizzay well I am in the same boat. If I come across any great tips I will pass along, but until then please know that you are getting internet hugs from a mom in the same boat. I am glad you found a nanny that you like, ours is amazing and I am just so mad that we are moving and I have to find a new one!
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    I bought this one in Kuwait :)

    imageLilypie First Birthday tickersimage

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    When you're there pick up some muslin squares from mothercare. They are amazing. I have a pack of 12 and wish I got more. M loves them. They are the perfect size. Not as big as the blankets but way bigger than wash/burp clothes.
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    Kalpa521 Thanks for the tip. I will write this down. Anything else I have to have that they don't have in the states?
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