July 2013 Moms

$5.99 Pacifiers

Ok.... So Amanda 's lovey is her Wubbanub. I'm not thinking of taking away any suckies any time soon... But thinking of being prepared. Marnie's teeth got really deformed by her suckies, so we had to take them away at 2.5 (the suckie fairy came and gave her a bunch of Kinder Eggs, which she loved). The dentist had recommended we get rid of them because of how bad her teeth were getting (I know it doesn't affect all kids like this).

Soooo.... I'm thinking of just getting some of the plain Soothie pacifiers, and then cutting the teat off of the Wubbanub. So she still has the little animal and the 'disc' from the pacifier that she likes, but the Wub is a separate entity from the soother.  So when the time comes to say goodbye to the soother, it's not a terribly traumatic parting because she still has her Wub animal. 

So what says J13?  Good idea?  Any suggestions?  Help?

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Re: $5.99 Pacifiers

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    @missymr‌ she likes to hold the suckie part of the Wub and rub the animal on her face and head. I think the silicone part is just as much part of the tactile appeal of the thing. :)

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    Monster Truck (It's a GIRL!) is due 19/02/2015!

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    I think it's a good idea!
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    It's worth a try!
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    Cooper loooooves his wubs too. He has a giraffe at daycare and a dragon and elephant in his crib at home. He only gets them at nap time and night time though. (And at church...)

    What kind of wub does Amanda have?

    I don't want to think about him having to put himself to sleep without his wub. It's comforting to him and I am so not ready to take it away. If I do, I'll be gutting the paci part off...he loves to rub the tags between his fingers so I wouldn't get rid of the actual animal part. 
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    There are three reasons for breast-feeding: the milk is always at the right temperature; it comes in attractive containers; and the cat can't get it.  ~Irena Chalmers
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    Sounds like a good plan!

    image image

    BFP: 12/01/2012      EDD: 07/26/2013    Birthday: 07/25/2013 

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