August 2014 Moms

Baby's head too high?

I am 37 +1 weeks and saw OB today. He said that baby is head-down, but that head is very high (I guess he hasn't dropped at all yet). He seemed kinda surprised at how high up it was, and said if I went into labor today, he wouldn't be able to deliver me vaginally. He also asked if husband had a big head (haha), which he totally does, as do the men on my side of the family. So it seems like he's implying head might be too big to fit down into pelvis? Anyway, he said all I can do to help is walk a lot (I already walk about 4 miles per day), so I guess I'll just keep it up and hope he works his way down over the next couple weeks. Has anyone else been told this? Any STMs have a baby that dropped really late? Thanks!

Re: Baby's head too high?

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    I'm 37 weeks today and had my appointment yesterday and my doctor told me the same thing. This is my 3rd pregnancy & my second daughter who is now 3 didn't drop until I was in active labor! I was induced at 39 weeks with her and it was pretty speedy and I had no issues. However, I saw a midwife while my doctor was out of town and she told me it is pretty easy to get baby down where it needs to be if necessary. We still have a few weeks so don't lose hope!
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    nyagocnyagoc member
    If you have access to a pool, I've heard that swimming can help put the baby into place.

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    This is me exactly, but I'm 38+4. I was checked yesterday and had not progressed past what I was at my first check (at 37+3) which was a centimeter, 0%, and baby not even remotely engaged. I had a mini freak-out sesh on my own earlier this morning trying to figure out how to get her to drop, but have since regained my composure.

    My impression is that although it's common for babes to drop around 38 weeks, it's certainly not necessary. Their heads can engage during labor- even right up to when you begin to push. It just helps, because the head pushing on your cervix will help it to thin.

    I also walk 30 minutes, 6 days out of the week (gawd I wish I could do 4 miles), drink RRLT and eat 6 dates a day. I sit on a birth ball and sit upright and forward literally ALL the time. I squat. I chill on my hands and knees a lot. I am very mindful of optimal fetal positioning (essentially spinningbabies) and my girl has been in the ideal position (LOA) for weeks.

    Apparently a posterior baby can make it difficult for the head to engage, but this frustrates me because my baby is anterior and head down.

    Honestly, I think it's just how we're built and the fact that we're FTMs, and maybe that baby doesn't want to come down yet because they're scomfy. My OB isn't concerned at all, so I'm just gonna chill out and assume she'll drop when she's ready. She said I can try sex just for kicks, too. No need for alarm.

    Just stay active and perhaps check out for some tips on how to ensure your baby's in an ideal position to drop.

    tl;dr: You're not 38 weeks yet, so there's that, but babies drop pretty much whenever. Hang in there, stay healthy and help your baby to get into the right position when he/she is ready. Good luck, and I'm right there with ya!

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    Seems odd to me that your doctor brought that up. Seems too early to me to be worried about it. At my 36 week appointment my doctor only checked to see: Where my placenta was (RCS) and where her head was. No mention of how high up or low she was.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers


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    Seems odd to me that your doctor brought that up. Seems too early to me to be worried about it. At my 36 week appointment my doctor only checked to see: Where my placenta was (RCS) and where her head was. No mention of how high up or low she was.
    I agree, I thought it was kind of strange to even mention not being able to deliver vaginally when I'm still 3 weeks out. I see the midwife in his office next week, and wonder if she'll have a different take on things... she usually does. :)

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    cdsenocdseno member
    My first never dropped until he was born. He has always had a huge head and he was born vaginally. At my first check for this baby my doctor made a comment about how high he is sitting but was not worried about anything. I am almost 39 weeks and feel like I am going to give birth through my mouth becayse he is still sitting really high. I wouldn't get worked up about not dropping.
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    MC03MC03 member
    My experience is a little different than what PPs have said.  With my DD, she never dropped.  At my 38 week appointment my MW first mentioned the possibility that a vaginal birth may not be possible if she didn't drop.  Typically 1st time moms drop by 37 or 38 weeks (2nd time moms are different and often drop the day of or while in labor).  My DD was also posterior, which was the big problem that my MW was worried about.  Because she was posterior, it made it very difficult for her to drop down and engage, also made more difficult because my DD was on the bigger side (ended up being 8lb 5 oz).  I know that is not a huge baby, but size does make it more difficult for a posterior baby to turn or to drop down. 

    By 40 weeks DD still hadn't dropped and my MW just wanted me to be prepared that I may end up needing a C-section.  In hindsight I actually appreciate that she gave me a heads-up because I was able to start mentally and emotionally processing it.  She didn't pressure me into a C-Section, just gave me the warning.  I went into labor on my own at 40 +4, and DD still hadn't dropped and was still posterior.  My MW allowed me to labor and tried everything she could to help my position myself to get DD to turn anterior and drop.  She never did.  Eventually I made it to 7 cm., but then the pressure of DD's head on my cervix (trying to drop, but she just couldn't because of size and position)started to actually make my cervix swell and I went back down to a 5cm.  At that point DD's heartbeat was lost and I ended up with an emergency c-section, but a healthy happy baby in the end. 
    I don't say any of this to scare you, and PPs are right, there is still a very good possibility your baby will drop.  But I just wanted to share my experience that yes, there are certain situations where this problem could end up in a c-section, particularly if your baby is posterior.  Good luck and I hope you drop soon!
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    DD didn't drop until I was in active labor and my water broke. DS seems to be following in the same footsteps.
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    I don't think DD dropped any until 39 weeks.  This baby has been sitting much lower this time around, but according to my OB, he is still at a -3 station.  You have plenty of time.

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    Re: spinning babies

    Does anyone else feel stressed out by this website? My baby was breech up until a few days ago and I read about all the ways to help her flip. That was stressful enough - like if I didn't commit to acupuncture and chiropractor visits it was my fault if she stayed that way.

    Now she's head down, but have to worry about if she's on the left or right, is anterior or posterior,  and whether her chin is tucked. I think I just have to give up/relax and hope she knows what to do!

    first son stillborn 7/20/13 at 39 weeks due to Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy
    It's a girl! Baby Anna was born August 3, 2014!

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    I felt the same way! I'm just glad my little one wasn't breech or I would stress out even more. I was already stressed enough hearing that he wasn't engaged yet but like you said, after looking at Spinningbabies, I was clueless to almost everything! I was happy that some things came with pictures! (Haha). I've decided the less I worry, the easier it'll be for my body to do what it's supposed to do and that's what I would tell all mommies. The only thing I've heard that does (somewhat) work is walking, exercises like squats and lunges and swimming.
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    Ditto. My boy has been in position for over a month but is higher up-all up in my lungs and ribs. the pictures on the spinning babies website scared me. I'm a klutz and will break my neck if I attempt that. Instead I complained to DH that he's given LO his huge noggin and have guilted him into walking with me every day.
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers Teacher 2007 * Wife 2011 * Proud A14 Momma * Seattle, WA
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