June 2014 Moms


We are on our way down to mystic seaport in CT to meet up with my dad and long lost uncle. I'm so excited, I haven't been in ages, DH has never been, and I can't wait to watch C explore. After we are spending the night in RI at my mom's and having a family dinner.

DH also just told me that as soon as Charlie is fully bottle fed, I should go and get a nice long massage. Love.

Married DH 7/30/11

CSC arrived 5/7/12 

CHC arrived 6/2/14

Re: sunshine

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    We finally have a break in the 90 degree weather tomorrow so we are going to the zoo tomorrow with my friend who just moved here and her two kiddos, they are 4 and 2 so I am super excited to see how much fun they have looking at all the animals!
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    DTD last night!! (4wks pp on the dot!) That is all :)
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    DD slept 930pm-600 AM had two Oz and is back to sleep. She turns four weeks today :) also now I'm getting in the shower! What a glorious Sunday AM! Later going wedding decoration shopping with mom:)
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    Joining the good sleep club...DD slept from 10pm to 4am, ate and went right back to sleep until 8am. She was awake and happy and we played with some baby apps I put on my phone for about an hour and is now sleeping again.

    FX this schedule continues...
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    jaybee11jaybee11 member
    edited July 2014

    We're going to our friends' house to hang out for the afternoon. They have a pool, and I found a swimsuit that actually fits so I get to jump in!  They have 5-year-old twin girls who are so excited to meet our girls, and I'm looking forward to having someone to talk to who's been through all this craziness already.  There will also be alcohol...need I say more?  :D

    Edit because mobile typing is blegh.

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    Going to my parents and going to swim, veg, eat and do pretty much nothing but relax. I may even sneak in a nap.

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    Gripe Water FTW! This stuff is Ah-Mazing!

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    If this doesn't add sunshine to your day idk what will. **dying**
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