June 2014 Moms


We have nowhere that we have to be this weekend. :). Today we are catching up on house crap and tomorrow the brother I like and his fiance care coming to visit for lunch. They are bringing their dog which will make C sooooo happy. I can't wait

Married DH 7/30/11

CSC arrived 5/7/12 

CHC arrived 6/2/14

Re: sunshine!!

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    DH had been caring for LO this afternoon. She even took a bottle! I'm so excited. I relaxed and watched tv. It was great!!!

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    Special prayers for angels that we never met!
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    astalyons said:
    My mom is watching LO tomorrow so we can go on a mommy,daddy,son date to see the new Disney Planes movie and take DS #1 out to eat. He is so excited and so am I. I sure have missed having alone time with him.
    I did the exact same thing today with DS1!  It was wonderful.  I can't believe how much I "missed" him.  I'm with him every day, all day, but it's just not the same.  Hope you guys have a great time!

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    my mom is taking B so I can take DS for mommy/son time at monkey joes
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    Lunch with my family today! W isn't always the biggest fan of the car, so hopefully she sleeps on the way there. I'm so excited to see them.
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    DS slept from 9:30 to 5:15 and then again from 6 to 10. I really hope it wasn't a fluke!
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    I'm so jealous of all your sleeping babies. 

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    @nickelnichol‌ - that is awesome, glad you are home!
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    Late, but on Saturday we bought a van!!! Love it!!!
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    October Siggy challenge, costume fail
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