High-Risk Pregnancy

GD and growth ultrasound

Anyone have one yet?  what did your baby measure?
Mine was measuring today at 6 lbs. 7 oz.   My 2nd child I had GD as well and he measured 6 lbs. 12 oz at this appt and was born at 7 lbs. 12 oz.  So we will see. just curious on others.

Re: GD and growth ultrasound

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    I can't see your siggy because I'm mobile so I don't know how far along you are. I had a growth ultrasound a week ago at 35.5 weeks. The tech estimated 6lbs 14oz and the doctor said 89th percentile. My sugars have 95% of the time been where they're supposed to be so I'm hoping either their measurements are off or Im having a big baby because I have a big and tall husband.

    Me:35 DH:37
    Married 09/2013

    *TW* TTC #2 since June 2016 *END TW*


    March 2017- IUI#1- Clomid - BFN
    April 2017 - IUI #2 - Clomid, Ovidrel - BFN
    May 2017 - IUI #3 - Clomid- cancelled cycle

    July 2017- IVF #1-Microdose Lupron protocol, Gonal-F, Menopur, HCG trigger- 12 mature eggs, 9 fertilized, 4 frozen- 2 PGS normal!!

    August 2017- FET #1

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    I am 36 weeks
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    I had one yesterday at 37+4 weeks.  The baby was measuring 6 lbs 8 oz (which the doctor told me is actually a week smaller than "average").  Sounds like your baby is doing great!
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    edited July 2014
    Hey I just posted a new thread about my growth u/s! I had mine at 32 weeks and he was measuring at 5 lbs 10 oz. No one told me what percentile that put him at... But his femur was 32 weeks, abdominal circumference 35 weeks, and head circumference was 37 weeks. Edit: I just found a chart that said mine would be in the 69th percentile for weight and 94th percentile for head size.
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    I am 33 weeks and my boy was measuring 4lb 15oz. They said that he is 55th percentile. My amniotic fluid measured low, 5.9. Going back today for another ultrasound with a high risk doctor.
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