Pregnant after a Loss

When did you start to show?

I know that everybody is different but I'm just curious, when did you start to show?  (I was plump before pregnancy so I wondering when I'll start to show-on average)


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Re: When did you start to show?

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    I started to show at 14 weeks...blaming it on the twins!

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    To people who knew me around 20 weeks, for those that did not know me, I did not look pregnant till 24, 25 weeks.  I am tall with a long torso so I showed later.
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    My ILs noticed at 8 wks, but no one at work noticed until 13 wks.  I'm pretty slender, so I couldn't really hide the bump very well. (I was 124 lbs and 5'7" when I got pg.)

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    I think that I started to show around 19w, but I didn't really start getting comments until around 22w.
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    I'm not skinny by any means, still I didn't have  a belly really before.

    I started to show where people could notice in my baggy work scrubs around 24 wks.  That's when people started to feel comfortable coming out and asking if I was pregnant.  Some are just asking now. 

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    Ppl who knew could tell at 16w and strangers could tell I was popping by 20w.  I was about a size 6/8 pre-pg.
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    Around 15 weeks to people who know and about 16.5 week to strangers. My first comment was rude too. By 18 weeks at our friends wedding I was huge and everyone knew without a doubt.


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