High-Risk Pregnancy

Question about Lovenox

I understand what Lovenox does for the mother, but what does Lovenox do for the baby if it doesn't cross the placenta? Since it doesn't think blood but helps prevent clots in the mother's blood and the mother's blood doesn't mix, what is it used for in regards to the pregnancy?

Re: Question about Lovenox

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    DenaMareeDenaMaree member
    edited July 2014
    Per the information my RE gave me blood clots can travel into the placenta and cut off blood flow to the fetus!
        BFP: 2/24/14 | EDD: 10/22/14 (triplets) 
    US (with RE) 3/24/2014 (two healthy HB), US (with OB) 3/31/2014 (three healthy heartbeats)

    US (with RE) 4/7/14 No Heartbeats :(  | D&C 4/8/14
    BFP#2: 10/22/14 | (beta  #1 75, beta # 2 219) | EDD 7/3/15 ~*Please be our RAINBOW*~
    DX: MTHFR hetero C677T

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    megwv3megwv3 member
    DenaMaree said:
    Per the information my RE gave me blood clots can travel into the placenta and cut off blood flow to the fetus!
    You mean blood clots in the mother?
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    Yes/ kinda. My understanding is that in the blood vessels between the mother and the placenta clots can develop and cut off proper blood supply to the baby. This is what my mfm doctor thinks happened with my loss so I will be on lovenox and aspirin for my next pregnancy and all other pregnancies.


    3rd pregnancy -- 1st baby -- praying for a rainbow

    #1 EDD 5/2014 -- MMC 10weeks ~~ #2 EDD 10/2014 -- Our baby girl, born sleeping 17weeks ~~ #3 EDD 8/2015

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    One thing my Dr told me is that Lovenox has no side effects on the baby. Cause last weekend I was in the hospital for my foot turning purple and red and was severely swollen and I had this numbness feeling behind my knee- so I called my OB and they said go straight to the hospital. Mind you, 2 years ago I developed a blood clot in that same leg during my 1st pregnancy with my DS. They discovered it after I had him by CS. So I've been high risk his whole pregnancy. When I was in the hospital last weekend, they did an ultrasound and found a small clot, and all this pregnancy I've been on 40mg Lovenox twice a day. They've now raised it to 100mg twice a day. Which concerned me for mine and my baby's safety. But three different drs reassured me that she's not at any risk with the medication, especially with that huge dosage increase. Its me that's gotta be watched. But so far, no side effects of this new dose. And it seems that between the meds and the compression hose they gave me, its helping. My foot looks so much better. So don't worry about your baby( trust me, I know its hard not to as a mommy) with the Lovenox. He/she isn't at risk. Its you they'll wanna watch and be concerned about if you have any side effects or you seem to get a clot. Take care of yourself so you can take care of your precious baby soon! Good luck and congrats!
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    megwv3megwv3 member
    One thing my Dr told me is that Lovenox has no side effects on the baby. Cause last weekend I was in the hospital for my foot turning purple and red and was severely swollen and I had this numbness feeling behind my knee- so I called my OB and they said go straight to the hospital. Mind you, 2 years ago I developed a blood clot in that same leg during my 1st pregnancy with my DS. They discovered it after I had him by CS. So I've been high risk his whole pregnancy. When I was in the hospital last weekend, they did an ultrasound and found a small clot, and all this pregnancy I've been on 40mg Lovenox twice a day. They've now raised it to 100mg twice a day. Which concerned me for mine and my baby's safety. But three different drs reassured me that she's not at any risk with the medication, especially with that huge dosage increase. Its me that's gotta be watched. But so far, no side effects of this new dose. And it seems that between the meds and the compression hose they gave me, its helping. My foot looks so much better. So don't worry about your baby( trust me, I know its hard not to as a mommy) with the Lovenox. He/she isn't at risk. Its you they'll wanna watch and be concerned about if you have any side effects or you seem to get a clot. Take care of yourself so you can take care of your precious baby soon! Good luck and congrats!
    I just didn't understand what it does if it doesn't cross the placenta.
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    I was told the meds don't effect the baby at all....but I'm confused how they don't get to the baby. Your blood gets to the baby....so how does the blood thinners not? I don't understand that. They say everything you take or eat.....they get. So......? I'm right with you on that.
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    megwv3megwv3 member
    I was told the meds don't effect the baby at all....but I'm confused how they don't get to the baby. Your blood gets to the baby....so how does the blood thinners not? I don't understand that. They say everything you take or eat.....they get. So......? I'm right with you on that.
    From my understanding, since the mother's blood and the baby's blood doesn't mix, that's why they don't get any of it because of how the drug works. I could be wrong but that's what I understood from what I was told. However, that's still weird to me because I still don't get why it's beneficial then.
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    The reason it is beneficial is because it prevents blood clots in the mother, including in the placenta.  Damage to the placenta, possibly from a blood clot, can lead to Pre-e and placental abruption along with many other issues.  The point of Lovenox is not to get to the baby, which it does not, it is to protect the mother's body from having issues that would affect the baby.  If you are still wondering how it does not get to the baby, think of it like this:  Your blood goes into the placenta which has 'filters' between it and the baby.  The blood does not actually cross these 'filters', however, other things do such as nutrients and some medications.  In this case, the Lovenox molecules are too large to fit through these 'filters' and therefore do not go to baby.  This is why you will see/hear a lot of discussions about things that do/do not cross the placenta.  I am not a doctor, but this is how it has been explained to me previously.    Hope that helps!   
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    megwv3megwv3 member
    The reason it is beneficial is because it prevents blood clots in the mother, including in the placenta.  Damage to the placenta, possibly from a blood clot, can lead to Pre-e and placental abruption along with many other issues.  The point of Lovenox is not to get to the baby, which it does not, it is to protect the mother's body from having issues that would affect the baby.  If you are still wondering how it does not get to the baby, think of it like this:  Your blood goes into the placenta which has 'filters' between it and the baby.  The blood does not actually cross these 'filters', however, other things do such as nutrients and some medications.  In this case, the Lovenox molecules are too large to fit through these 'filters' and therefore do not go to baby.  This is why you will see/hear a lot of discussions about things that do/do not cross the placenta.  I am not a doctor, but this is how it has been explained to me previously.    Hope that helps!   
    So baby aspirin would prevent clots in the placenta/umbilical cord as it crosses the placenta whereas Lovenox breaks up clots in the mother so they do not damage the placenta?
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    That's really helpful and gives me piece of mind. I just wanna make sure she's safe in there. That's my biggest concern of course. But taking care of me is taking care of her! Thank you!
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    I'm not as familiar with the effects of baby aspirin (although I am on that too), but what I was told is that in my case it helps with the blood flow in the uterine arteries.  Again, it is all guessing still at this point with Pre-e, but that is why I am on it and I am happy to say that we are 34w5d and going strong.  You are correct, taking care of ourselves is in turn taking care of our babies!  Good luck to you!
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