Trying to Get Pregnant


So the one liner that came up on my blog widget just now was:

Don't drink and drive, you may spill your drink!

Come on ladies, entertain me. DH is watching the History channel. Post a joke, a funny pic, or a great one-liner.

Re: Appropriate

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    hehe  sorry I had to go in stealth for a few minutes there.   Mom was behind me. 
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    well its just wisdom from my Taboo (grandpa).

    My grandma used to tell everyone to hold their farts until they made it to the bathroom it was etiquette.  My grandpa would argue with her that it was bad for you.

    So his saying was always to her.

    Never hold your farts in because then they travel up your spine and into your brain and that is where you get all your shittyy Ideas from.

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