December 2011 Moms

post your favorite summer crafts

Looking for ideas to keep my little man busy while I'm off for the summer and he's home with me. He'll only go to daycare 1-2 times a week so he can kind of stay in a routine, so I need fun crafts we can do inside when it's hot. I don't want to wade through pinterest and thousands of pins, so post your favorite kid-friendly craft idea here!

Re: post your favorite summer crafts

  • edited June 2014
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  • Thanks for the link! DS is in a good routine. They do crafts everyday at daycare and he really enjoys it. The teacher sends the stuff home if I pick him up early and he always asks to do it right when we get home! Just need some ideas for indoor fun- he does love play dough and coloring though.
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  • RicolaRicola member
    We paint things like birdhouses or picture frames that I get cheap at Michael's. Bonus that it creates a gift for grandparents :-) We did a big painting where he put paint on a huge sheet of paper first and then I let him drive all of his matchbox cars through it. He loved that! Afterwards we played car wash with soap in the kitchen sink, which he loved just as much. 


    We also play with cars a lot (pretend to drive through Carburetor Canyon from the movie/story "Cars"), build towers and bridges and tunnels with his foam blocks, read tons of books, listen and sing to his favorite songs, bake cookies or banana bread together.

    DS born 12/2011
    DD born 03/2014

  • The cars is a great idea! We have TONS of matchbox cars! I'm going to totally try that. 
  • I have this on my Pinterest board for a quick go to. Haven't tried it yet but there on my list of ideas.
  • I got nothing.. I'm the "I'm tired of cleaning up messes" Mom...  

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